Page 56 of Brutal Kiss

In this moment, I feel closer to my brother than I ever have. I don’t think he’s a good person, and I don’t forgive him for everything he’s done, and I absolutely don’t plan on playing along with his insane marriage thing—but at least now some of his personality makes sense.

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” I say quietly.

He shrugs. “You asked. Now you know.”

“Dad should’ve let you go to school.”

“I needed to be with the clan. He made the right call.”

“Are you sure about that?”

He shrugs. “Can’t change it now.”

“I wish you would’ve told me sooner.”

“What would you have done with that information?”

“I don’t know. Hate you less?”

He laughs and holds up his drink. “I doubt that very much.” He takes a swig and wipes his lips with his wrist.

“Can I ask you something? I’m trying to find someone and maybe you know her.”

He shrugs, glancing at his laptop, clearly losing interest in this conversation. “Sure, who is it?”

“It’s a girl named Queenie. Do you know anyone named Queenie? I know, it’s a weird name.”

It’s subtle, but I notice the change in his face. His reaction is almost perfectly schooled, except for the twitch at his jaw. I only spot it because I know him so well. He stares at me and slowly shakes his head. “Very weird name. Never heard of a Queenie before.”

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely don’t know anyone with that name. Sorry, Dale.” He types something into his laptop. “Google turns up nothing either, just the usual spam stuff. I’ll keep looking around for you if you want, though. You should get some sleep. And go through that list so we can discuss it tomorrow.” He starts typing and I’m forgotten.

I get up and carry my wine inside. When I shut the door, I nearly start to hyperventilate. Aiden recognized that name. I’m absolutely sure about it, and he just lied to my face. He admitted to something personal, then lied to my face. Why the hell would he do that?

Unless he knows more than he’s letting on.

I move away from the doors and go halfway up the stairs. I sit in the middle, in the shadows across from Dad’s office, and I wait.

He comes in five minutes later. I nearly scream when he steps into the hallway. He knocks on Dad’s door, waits a second, and goes inside. “You’re still up,” Dad says.

“We got to talk. Daley mentioned—” But he’s cut off when he shuts the door.

I throw myself down the steps, trying hard to be as quiet as I can. I reach the door and press my ear against it, covering my other ear with one hand to block out any ambient distractions. I listen so hard it’s like my head might break.

I hear them, but distorted, like they’re talking underwater. At first, it’s only vague voices. Then Dad, more loudly. “How the fuck does she know?”

My heart’s racing wildly.

Aiden: “I have no idea, but nobody is supposed to know about Queenie.”

“And she asked you, just tonight?” Dad sounds closer. I nearly pull away until I hear him pouring a drink. He’s standing at the cart a few feet away from where I’m crouching.

“A few minutes ago. She was out late doing something. She was still wearing her work clothes.”

“That’s not good.” The sound of glass clinking against glass and the glug of alcohol. “We need to move up our plan. Can you make contact tonight?”

“I’ll send them a message.”

“Good. Set a meeting for tomorrow or the day after. How the fuck does she know about Queenie?”

“I really have no idea, but I’d bet it’s Rian. He’s been getting his nose in this shit for years.”

“Goddamn that kid. He’s a good worker but—” His voice fades as he moves away from the door.

I yank myself away and stumble back. I’m blinking rapidly, and there are black spots in my vision. I haven’t taken a breath this whole time and finally gasp for air.

They fucking know who Queenie is!

They know, and they don’t want me to find out.

Which means my father and brother are aware of what happened to Megan. What really happened.

I’m so sure of it, my limbs start to tingle.

That’s why they brought Rian back into the family. That’s why the leadership doesn’t hate him—they all know he wasn’t really the one driving.

Rian was set up.

But why? Who is Queenie and what the hell is my father hiding?

I rush up the steps. I can’t stay in here, not right now, not with Dad and Aiden plotting something downstairs. I’m terrified they’ll handcuff me and throw me in a closet somewhere. I call Rian in a blind panic as I pace around my room.

“Daley? Are you okay?”

“They know, Rian. They fucking know, and they’re planning on doing something to me. They’re moving up some plan, and I don’t think it’s good. I think they’re going to force me to marry someone, and oh God, Rian, they know Queenie. They know everything. I don’t know what to do.”