Page 51 of Brutal Kiss

I used to wonder why the clan kept the police off my back. I assumed they wanted to own me, and in some ways, it worked.

But now I’m not sure about anything.

A car rolls down Market and slows to a stop. Aiden peers out from the windshield and nods at me. I head toward him, walking slowly as he rolls down the passenger side window.

“How’s my sister?”

“Still alive.”

“Good. Better stay that way.” He frowns at me, head tilted. “When was the last time you took a break?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m good.”

“Are you sure about that? Your blowup at the barn says otherwise.”

“I thought we cleared that shit up.”

“We did, but I still need you on top of your game. We’re working on a way to solve all our problems, but for now, shit’s still dangerous.”

I clench my jaw, and my fingers dig into the side of the car. I think about ripping the door from its hinges and throwing it across the damn street.

“Does your solution involve marrying Daley off?”

Aiden’s eye narrow dangerously. “You two been talking?”

“She mentioned something about it. You know she’s not happy.”

“Fuck her happiness and fuck you too, Rian. This isn’t your business.”

“She’s my charge.”

“She’s Halloran blood and you’re just a clan lackey. You’re a good soldier and my father values your skills and loyalty, but don’t start thinking you can give me your opinion about what we do with our own damn sister.”

I stare at him for several long seconds, and he glares right back. Aiden’s practically the second in command of the clan and the heir to the top job. It’s stupid to antagonize him like this. I should drop my chin and mumble an apology and take it just like I always do when someone mentions Megan.

But I’m sick to death of taking it, and Daley deserves better.

“I know it’s not my place, but if you don’t want to lose your sister as a sister, you shouldn’t keep pushing this.”

“Like I said, fuck your opinion. Go make sure Daley’s safe, you fucking prick.” He rolls up the window, and I’m forced to step back.

The bastard. He’s like all the other clan guys. He thinks he’s invincible, that with the weight of the clan behind him he can do whatever he damn well pleases, even forcing his own sister into a marriage she doesn’t want. That’s the world we live in. The world I willingly joined.

I want out of this hell. I want away from these people. But I’m here for a reason, and I won’t abandon Daley.

Not when she needs me the most.

Aiden drives off, and I return to my position, watching the front door of her building. When five-thirty rolls along, I spot her coming down the steps, walking fast. I push off from my spot and catch up with her at the next corner. She looks over her shoulder, and a smile breaks across her face, a smile that threatens to shatter my fucking heart, to break all the ice I’ve grown up around my emotions.

For so long, I’ve learned how to harden myself. I have armor, layers and layers of steel and iron. I keep the world at bay to keep myself from going crazy. All so I can stay on mission. But Daley’s cutting through my defenses like they’re nothing, and I wonder if they were ever effective against her to begin with. She’s the only person in this world who can slip into my heart and mind and make me feel like this.

“How was work?” I ask.

She shrugs. “Not bad. How was sitting around waiting for me?”

“Boring.” The light changes and we cross in the mass of people. “Your brother stopped by.”

“Which one?”

“Aiden. He sends his regards.”

She scowls. “Fuck him.”

“Yeah, I’m feeling the same.” On impulse, without thinking, I reach out and grab her hand. She looks startled, but I wrap my fingers into hers and hold it tight, squeezing. She frowns a little like she’s not sure what’s happening, but when I don’t let go, it’s like she accepts it.

And like that, we’re holding hands.

“I was thinking,” I say quietly. “We should do something.”

“Do something?” She arches an eyebrow. “I let you hold my hand, and now you’re trying to rush things along already?”

I snort and laugh. “I think we’ve blown past a few bases already.”

She blushes. “Rian.”

“No, I mean something else. I think we should go talk to Quinn.”

“We tried that already. He’s not interested in talking.”

“I think that I can be a little more persuasive if we go and have a chat with him somewhere other than his home. You know, somewhere I can be myself.”

Her eyebrows rise and I’m trying to suppress a smile. “Okay,” she says slowly. “We can do that.”

“Tonight. When we get back, instead of driving back home, we’ll go track down Quinn. How’s that sound?”