Page 43 of Brutal Kiss

“I don’t know why anyone cares I’m back.”

“You know how it is. Everyone in everyone’s business.”

She makes a face and tosses her cup into a nearby trash can. “Have you spotted her yet?”

I nod toward the fire. Fiona’s there sitting on a bench with her boyfriend’s brother and several other clan guys I recognize but can’t name. She’s got a drink, which I guess means she’s off heroin but not sober, which isn’t a good sign for her future.

“You should be the one to approach her,” I say, squinting at the group. I doubt I’d be welcome over there.

“Does it bother you?” she asks, frowning and not looking at me. She’s talking quietly, her arms wrapped around herself. “Everyone here thinks you killed Megan. A few of them asked what the hell I’m doing with you, and I keep having to tell people you’re my bodyguard.”

I nod once. “It bothers me some days more than others.”

“We’ll figure it out.” Without warning, she grabs my hand and squeezes. It catches me off guard, and I’m left staring after her as she walks away, hurrying over to join the group near the fire.

What the hell was that? I frown to myself, watching her greet Fiona and exchange some small talk. Daley fits in with these people so effortlessly, even though she acts like it’s such a chore. And why did she touch my hand? And why is she acting like she gives a damn how I feel?

If she were smart, she’d stay as far from me as she can.

After a few minutes, Daley manages to lure Fiona away from the fire and over toward where I’m standing beneath the canopy of a giant maple tree. Fiona glares at me and turns to Daley. “All right, I’m here, so what’s this about?”

“We’ve been looking into Megan a little bit more,” Daley says, glancing at me for support. I nod for her to keep going. “And something came up. Something sort of weird.”

“I don’t know why the fuck you’re doing this,” Fiona says, moving foot to foot. She sips her beer unhappily. Her eyes are slightly bleary, but she’s not hammered. Not yet anyway.

“I think Megan was mixed up in something, and I’m trying to figure out what it was,” Daley says, inching closer to me.

“I can tell you, it was this asshole.” Fiona flips me off. “He’s the reason she’s dead.”

“It’s more than that. Can you just listen for a second?”

Fiona shrugs. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter. What do you want to know?”

“Was Megan hanging around with clan guys with the initials Q and S?”

“Q and S? Those are their first names?” Fiona tugs at her hair, frowning.

“We think so.”

Fiona strokes her face, clearly racking her brain. “Dunno. I mean, lots of guys in the family with those names.”

“Q, though?” I look between the two of them, and Fiona acts like she isn’t hearing me. “That’s unusual.”

“Could be Quinn and Sean.” Fiona squints into the crowd. “You know, Uncle Michael’s kids? They’re like, your age, I think.” She tilts her head toward Daley and shrugs. “Those are the only two I can think of. Megan was sort of friendly with them, although I think Quinn hated her for some reason. I never really asked why. You know how clan shit can be. Want me to go find them?”

“No, that’s okay,” Daley says quickly. “We’ll handle it. Thanks, Fiona, and can you keep this just between us?”

She gives Daley a long look, then turns to me. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to or what bullshit you’re telling this poor girl, but if you hurt her more than you already have, I swear to fucking Christ I’ll cut off your balls and choke you with them. Do you understand me, you murdering fuck?”

I can’t stop the grin that spreads across my face. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Fucking prick.” Fiona turns and storms off.

Daley and I stand in silence for a few seconds before Daley whistles. “Holy shit. She hates you.”

“That she does.”

Daley moves a bit closer to me, touching her lips with one hand, thoughtful. “Quinn and Sean. I haven’t heard from them in a long time, but they could make sense. I remember Megan used to hang around with them sometimes. And that bit about Quinn hating Megan? That’s news to me. I had no clue.”

“They’re still in the clan. Quinn’s a nothing, just a low-level street enforcer, but Sean’s been running a book and taking bets. He’s been moving up in the ranks. They’re not all that important, but they’re deeply connected because of their father.”

“Can we talk to them?”

“Not sure, honestly.” I shake my head. “We’ll have to go about it sideways. Go to Uncle Michael first, I’m thinking. See what he remembers from back then. Fortunately for you, me and old Michael are friendly.” The uncles hate me a lot less than everyone else. They’ve been around long enough to see some shit and since I’m a good worker, I get a pass for my indiscretions, especially stupid shit from a long time ago.