Page 63 of Brutal Kiss

Except for one setting all the way in the back. Several men sit around a large circular table, smoke curling up into the air. Our driver heads toward it, and I go after him, trembling like I’m walking to my death.

The men stare. They have dark beards and dark eyes. I think I recognize one, but I can’t be sure. He glares at me, not speaking, and there’s something so familiar about his face.

Aiden stands next to me, hands spread. “Gentlemen,” he says, giving them his friendliest smile. Coming from Aiden, it’s like the grin of a snake before it strikes.

The man sitting at the front of the table, a guy with a square jaw and a crooked nose, stands up. He’s in a purple shirt and dark pants, and grins widely.

“Aiden, thank you for coming. We are very pleased and honored that you brought your sister.”

“Of course, Emin. The Halloran clan honors its agreements.”

My heart rate doubles. That must be him, the Butcher of Budapest. He doesn’t look anything like what I imagined, and he seems much too charming, but that’s got to be him.

“Come, come, sit. These are my associates.” He gestures to each man in turn. “This is Mahzun, Taavi, Packer, and Maceo.” The man called Maceo stares at me the whole time, and I swear I’ve seen him before, but I can’t pull him into memory. It’s like he’s hazy and unfocused, right on the edge of the picture. “Sit, please.”

We take our seats. The driver remains standing a few feet back, and the Turkish men don’t comment. Emin pours drinks for us, weak tea in porcelain cups, and pushes food in our direction, all appetizers. Aiden ignores everything, and I’m too busy trembling to do anything but stare into my lap. I should eat, but I can’t. My hunger turns to a sour sickness, eating me from the inside. I keep feeling the eyes of the men brush over me and the piercing stare of the one called Maceo.

“I’ll admit, I was skeptical when your father reached out,” Emin is saying as he sips his tea. “After things having been so difficult lately, I thought, there is no way we can have peace. But the offer is very interesting.”

“The Halloran clan believes in rewarding strength with strength. We grow together and we grow stronger.” Aiden’s laying it on thick right now. The Halloran clan believes in killing anyone that gets in its way first and foremost above all else and only resorts to diplomacy when guns have failed. This must be a desperation play. The war must’ve been worse than I realized.

“Yes, well, I’ve asked around about your father’s reputation, and it remains untarnished. I have heard he ended several conflicts in this manner, by marrying the families together. I will say, I am very intrigued.” Emin leans forward. “And the girl is beautiful. Very beautiful. What do you think, Maceo? Since you will be the one marrying her?”

I look up sharply. Maceo’s face is twisted into a sneer. “She’ll do,” he says, and his tone is utterly spiteful and dripping with hate.

But Aiden doesn’t notice. “Very good. We’re pleased with the match. This will heal some wounds and bring our families together. Soon the city can go back to business, and we’ll all get rich.”

“Only, there is a small problem.” Emin sits back, shaking his head. Aiden stiffens like he expected this to be simple. “Maceo tells me he is unhappy with the dowry. The girl comes with nothing? No money, no land?”

Aiden laughs sharply and I can feel his displeasure. “She’s the chief’s daughter. She comes with promises. Everything I told you already. An end to the violence and lucrative business arrangements.”

“Still, we are thinking, she’s very pretty and all, but she doesn’t look like she’s interested in this match. Are you interested in marrying Maceo, girl?” Emin stares at me, and Aiden looks over like he wants to strangle me dead.

I say nothing and stare at my empty plate.

“See, as I said.” Emin sighs and waves a hand at me. “We need more. Money would be nice. Guns and drugs are good as well.”

“I came here expecting a contract,” Aiden says quietly, leaning forward. “If there is no deal, then I can leave.”

“No deal? What are you talking about, no deal? If you’re trying to get out of this, I am going to be very insulted.”

Aiden’s eyes narrow. “Emin, what are you trying to do here?”

“I want money, guns, or drugs. Then I will have my second in command marry your sister, and our war can be over. Our families will be closer allies. They will have many babies, and we’ll work together in perfect harmony. First, money, guns, and drugs. If you please.”

Aiden shoves his chair back. “This meeting is over.”

Emin sighs. “Typical fucking Irishman. Backing out on a deal.”