Page 37 of Brutal Kiss

I kiss her mouth and fuck her fast with my fingers. She gasps, throws her head back as I lower my lips to her neck, licking her above my hand, and her entire body spasms as her legs shake and an orgasm rips through her. I’m so hard I think I might pass out as all the blood in my body rushes to my cock at the incredible, beautiful, perfect vision of Daley coming under my fingers with my hand wrapped around her throat.

I can’t help myself. As she finishes her orgasm, I shove her down to the floor, down onto her knees, and pull my cock from my jeans. She stares at me with a gasp, and I pull her hair to get her mouth open. I bury my cock between her lips, and she groans as I fuck her mouth. Her blood and spit mix on my shaft, and she starts to stroke me, moaning.

I come on her tongue in a violent explosion. I moan as I do it, filling her mouth, unable to stop myself. Pleasure and pain and hell and heaven all mingle into one glorious, perfect instant as I come in a massive explosion.

Slowly, she gets back up to her feet. She’s breathing hard, disheveled, pink from her orgasm. We’re both sweating in the heat. I bury my mouth against hers and taste my cum on her tongue, and I couldn’t care less. My fingers grab her hair and hold it tight as I pin her against the wall again.

“Mine,” I whisper. “For right now, until this is over, you’re mine, Daley.”

“Fuck you,” she says, staring into my eyes. “You might not have killed my best friend, but you changed, Rian. You’re different.”

“You’re goddamn right I’m different.” I move forward to whisper in her ear. “If I were the same soft boy I was when you knew me, we’d both be dead right now. You’d better thank me when this is all over, Daley. Thank me for becoming the man that I am today. The man that can protect you. That can make you come like this. Without me, you’d never know the truth.”

She glares death into my eyes and I glare right back.

Because as much as she thinks she hates me, I hate her even worse.

I hate how much I want her. I hate how easily she tossed me aside all those years ago. And I hate that she’s back in my life now, and I need her as much as I did back then.

I squeeze her face and kiss her slowly and stay there, pinning her tight, waiting until it’s safe to go home.

Chapter 15


I lay back on sun-warmed boards and stare up at the dappled tree branches above. The light breaks through the leaves and makes shifting, shimmering patterns on my skin, and I take a deep, calming breath. The weight of Megan’s diary on my chest is a comfort, like a favorite blanket. I feel good and calm for the first time in a few days.

I’m in a short skirt and a tank top. The breeze feels incredible on my legs. I close my eyes and I’m back in that tiny underground closet with Rian again, his mouth on mine, his fingers between my legs, his hand on my throat. His anger, his hate, was so intoxicating, so delicious. I’ve never been sucked into a vicious desire like that before.

I blush all over again at the thought of him fucking me deep with his fingers, of him making me come so hard I nearly passed out, and of him sliding his cock between my lips and into my mouth and coming after only a few strokes like he couldn’t hold back for one more instant.

I know it’s sick. I know wanting him and hating him is messed up. I know letting him take me like that was a mistake.

And yet the memory makes me smile. How close we were to death. How good it felt for him to have me.

How I felt alive for the first time since the accident.

That’s the problem with wanting normalcy more than anything in the world. Normal is good, and it’s comfortable, but it’s also boring.

It’s routine. It’s the same thing, day after day.

That’s not life, not really.

Which is why when he grabbed my hair and brushed his lips across mine, I didn’t try to stop him.

I’ve never been touched like that before. After Megan died, it’s like my appetite for sex basically disappeared. Guys hit on me in college, and I even drunkenly made out with a few, but it never went anywhere. Nothing interested me. It’s like I’ve been asleep for years. My libido put on pause.

Until Rian kissed me the other day, and now it’s like my entire body’s so awake it’s painful.

I keep thinking about him, dreaming about him. Picturing all the filthy, delicious things I want him to do to my body. Imagining how good it might feel to slide down his shaft and ride him until I scream.