Chapter SEVEN ~ Crashing Down

I hummed to myselfas I fixed my hair in a tight ponytail and headed towards the front of the shop. Humming an upbeat tune to match my cheerful mood. The floral arrangements were all ready to be delivered to a beautiful couple on their wedding day. A day that will bring much joy, a new start and love. Knowing the arrangements we make will help with the day and make it magical. There’s something about flowers that can make any occasion special. Bringing color, smell, and happiness.

The delivery was just on the outskirts of town, and I knew I had to get started. I grabbed many arrangements and packed them carefully into the van. I took the roses that smelled fresh and filled my senses. These beautiful creations were precious cargo, and I had to treat them with care. They were special and part of a day where a couple would promise to spend the rest of their lives together. It makes me happy knowing that I’m part of a magnificent day and it gives my life meaning. Every delivery did and was special in its own way. This dream I created means something to others and not just to me anymore.

Starting my floral business was a way for me to get my life going, but now it means so much more than that. Every day I give someone something special. A gift or decoration that symbolizes a precious moment in time and makes memories.

I gazed up at the sky with a bright smile on my face. Watching the sun shining brightly, with clouds looming in the sky. I checked the weather, and it's not supposed to rain. Hoping it stays that way for the happy couple and their special day.

I head back inside to gather the last of the delivery and find Lexi at the counter. Her brown hair pulled back just like mine and ready to get down to business. She would hold up the store while I’m gone and greet customers in my absence. Having my best friend helping me out with my business is a godsend and I’m always grateful for all that she does. Her paychecks definitely show her how thankful I am, even though she insisted against it. Lexi would do anything for me, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“Well, this is the last of them.” Lexi sighed as she passed the glass vases full of roses towards me and raised an eyebrow. “You got this?”

“Oh, ya, I was born for this.” I teased confidently and held the arrangements in my grasp. “Take care of business while I’m gone.”

“I’ve always got your back.” Lexi grinned, and I returned the gesture. “I’ll see you soon.”

Throwing her a tiny wave with my arms full and heading outside with the sun glaring into my gaze. Loading the last bit of flowers into the back of the van and securing them as the doors close. Getting into the driver’s seat and reaching into the glove compartment. Grabbing my sunglasses and placing them over my eyes. My vision darkened with the tint and the sunshine no longer a nasty glare.

I reached to turn the key, and the engine roared to life. Taking one last look at the shop that makes me so proud and stepping on the gas pedal. Turning the wheel to make a U-turn in the direction that will take me out of town and straight towards the wonderful wedding.

A day that I impatiently wait for, but will come soon enough.

I would marry Matthew once he returned from duty and we would spend the rest of our lives together. I purchased my wedding dress. A gorgeous white lace with a short veil that would flow with my hair. Matthew’s tux was ready and would match mine. Trying to picture his magnificent body within it, but knowing it will look much better in person. The locations reserved, they would make the flowers already on order and the wedding cake. Our honeymoon would be one to remember. Taking flight in the skies as we travel somewhere warm with sandy bright beaches and getting away to celebrate. Leaving this place for just over a week with Lexi holding down the shop and knowing it will be in expert hands.

I waved at a local woman I recognized, and she crossed the street. Waving her thanks as she smiles and hurries along. Smiling at her in return as I watch her pass and the way is clear once again.

I press down on the gas and make my way to where I need to go. Inching closer as my fingertips play with the radio and music blasts through the speakers. Listening to the beat as my hands drum on the steering wheel and I get lost in the tune. Feeling the beat as I bob my head to it and hum to the song. Recognizing it and drifting away to a time that I wish I could forget.

But I can’t.

Remembering that time so clearly as the days pass by and his face always lingers in my mind. His brown hair that I long to run my fingers through and milk chocolate eyes that I could get lost in. Lips so luscious and rough when he took mine, but tender. His tattoos gave him that edginess that drew me to him and never wanted to let go.

Even to this day, I can’t shake him and I don’t understand why. He took off and didn’t come back, but Matthew did. He wants me and he’s going to marry me. He’s the man who should consume my every thought. Matthew is everything I’ve been looking for and every woman’s dream. He was solid, true, and all that I needed.

So, why can’t I stop thinking about Dante?

“Pull your shit together, Cassie.” I grumbled as I shook myself from my memories and focused on the task at hand.

No matter how I felt, right now was all that mattered. The past was just that and had to stay there. Matthew is my future and Dante is my past. And that’s all he’ll ever be. These flowers have to arrive on time and I have a job to do. A wedding that needs the touch of my delicate creations and the time was ticking by. Time is precious, just like these arrangements, and I need to maintain my focus.

I cut through a yellow light and picked up speed. Never usually speeding, but now was the time to start. This delivery was important and I’m cutting it too close. I must’ve underestimated the time to get there or I let Dante distract my thoughts. I stepped down harder on the gas as the van flew faster and I rolled down my window. Feeling the fresh air blowing against my face and whipping my ponytail with it. Loving the cool breeze as it calms my jitteriness and I’m in the zone. Going faster with determination taking over. Still jamming to the beat, but feeling myself fly. Feeling focus and control as I push past local traffic. Entering the countryside as cornfields come into view and darker clouds roll in.

The venue comes into sight and the adrenaline subsides. I made it on time like intended and my eyes met the clock. Arriving five minutes before the time they give me and my goal is achieved. I have another successful delivery to add to the books right after these creations are where they needed to be. Then I could finally breathe again.

“I finally made it...” I breathed to myself as I pulled in and found a parking spot close to the venue’s entrance.

Placing the van in park and exiting. Opening the doors to the back of the van and grabbing some arrangements. There’s no time to waste and I must put this order in place. Heading towards the door to greet the lovely wedding planner who I’ve already met. Feeling relieved, she was there and ready to take charge. Passing each beautiful creation her way and her team heads towards the van to unload the rest.

I smiled at the accomplishment I’ve made, but knew my job wasn’t over until I placed the last ones. Making my way towards the back of the van as the sun disappears and thunder roars in the distance. Frowning as I grab an arrangement and my cell phone chimes. Narrowing my eyebrows as I ponder who it could be and it reads unknown caller.

I held the glass vase tightly in my grasp and answered the call. “Hello, this is Cassie.”

“I’m so sorry to call you like this, but his parents insisted.” A deep voice answered and gave no introduction.

“Whose parents? Who the hell is this and what are you talking about?” I replied as I grew irritated, but my insides turned.

The man on the other line sighed. “Matthew’s parents. They wanted me to inform you about his current situation.”

“M-Matthew? My fiancé? What’s going on?” I stammered as the pit of my stomach screamed, and I knew something was terribly wrong. “Tell me what the hell is going on with Matthew?”

“I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but he passed away while serving his country. He was...” The man’s voice faded, and the raindrops fell upon my skin.

I couldn’t feel them and everything went numb. The only thing I heard was the glass vase breaking as the flower arrangement crashed to the ground and my gut-wrenching cries filled the stormy skies.