“I told you it’s the best in town.” John grinned as he bit into his bread and raised it up in the air. “To my beautiful wife and her delicious meals.”

We all cheered and gave a cheerful laugh. Eating and enjoying each other’s company. Feeling Dante’s eyes linger my way now and then. Glancing his way when he wasn’t looking and enjoying seeing him in his element. Being here with his family and the love he has for his grandparents.

“So, tell us about Cassie’s Blossoms.” John said as he pointed his fork at Dante, but looked at me. “We’ve heard bits and pieces from this young man, but want to hear about it from you.”

“Well, you probably know it’s the only florist shop in town and that’s why I made it. Dawson needed it, and I needed the business just as much. It was a dream I had since I was young to own something that was mine and what better way than owning my business. So, I made it happen and started it from the ground up. Everything you see at my shop, I created all by myself.” I smiled proudly and loved how it made me feel.

“That’s amazing, but what about your family?” John asked as he smiled and pointed his fork at me. “I bet they are so proud of you! Hell, I know I am!”

Suddenly, sadness creeps its way in. Lingering through every inch of me and I look down at my empty plate. I bit my top lip nervously and hated having to answer this question. The dreaded question of where I came from and who created me. My family that doesn’t even exist to me and I wanted no part of. The only family I ever had was my mother. And she’s too high or drunk to give a fuck.

“We, uh, can save that for another time if...” Dante said sweetly, and his eyes burned into mine with apology.

“No, Dante, it’s okay.” I breathed as I took a deep breath and began. “I’m going to be quite honest with you. I never knew my father because my mom was too high to know which man got her pregnant. I grew up in a rough neighborhood and my mother was abusive. I feel like she never even liked me and just tolerated me because she had no choice. My childhood was terrible, and that’s what pushed me to be who sits in front of you today.”

John and Mary Dixon looked at me with disbelief that soon turned into sadness. Listening to me tell a story that I hate telling, but needs to be done. I want them to understand because his family seems so amazing, but I fear they may not.

What normal family could?

Mary leaned forward, covered her hand over mine, and smiled. “Well, no matter where you came from, you have shined right through.”

I turned my hand over and squeezed hers with gratitude. “Thank you so much.”

“Want to help me clean up in the kitchen?” Mary asked as she quickly changed the subject and grabbed some plates. “Leave these men to catch up a bit?”

“Yes, I would love to.” I replied as I cleared off as much as I could and followed her into the kitchen.

The sadness I once felt vanished and replaced by joy. Happiness to see kind people accepting me even though my past is full of darkness. Dante’s family is caring and I’m learning more about him just from being here.

Mary started the dishes, and I grabbed a towel to help dry. I want to help this kind family who’ve brought me into their home with warmth and tenderness.

“My grandson has had nothing but good things to say about you and I can see why.” Mary said as she looked my way and down at our task. “I wish he would settle down and find a pleasant woman like you, Cassie.”

The change of subject has thrown me for a curveball, and I wasn’t expecting it. Trying to picture a man like Dante with another woman, stable and happy. Living in a white picket fence house with his perfect housewife. Children running around with his same beautiful eyes and confidence he has.

I couldn’t see it and it made my stomach turn. Thinking about him with another woman didn’t sit right with me. It makes me want to throw this dish I’m drying across the room.

“I just want him to be home and safe. We’re so proud of him, but he’s done his country justice, and it’s his time to live out the rest of his life. It’s his time to be happy.” Mary breathed as she frowned and handed me the next plate to dry. “You can understand, can’t you?”

Her eyes peered into mine with question and determination. She just wants her grandson to be okay. She probably feared for his life every time he left their front door. Every time he hugged them goodbye, and left for duty. She probably feared that might be the last time she ever saw him again.

I can remember that fear and I can see it reflected right back at me in her eyes. It’s the same fear I felt every time Matthew left for duty. Until one day he never came back.

I took her hand in mine. It was soapy and wet, but I didn’t care. She needed to see what I felt deep inside. She needed to know that someone was there.

I squeezed her hand and smiled slightly. “I understand more than you know.”

Her eyes shone with relief, and she returned my smile. “Good, I’m glad. While my grandson is here, please help him see that. I know him and he trusts you. He’s never like this with anyone and it’s special the way he is with you. I just hope he can see it.”

She lets go of my hand and continues washing the dishes. She changes the conversation rather quickly, but I can’t stop thinking about it. It lingered with me through the entire cleanup until it was time to go. Time for me to return home and back to my life. Back to Cassie’s Blossoms and a brand-new day tomorrow. Back to my reality of the life I’ve built for myself with no family helping me. Doing everything on my own and achieving what I want. But being here has made me see I want a family.

It makes me see what a family could actually be like, and it’s something I never even had with Matthew’s parents. I only met them briefly and just assumed it would get better overtime after we got married. But that never happened and now here I am. I’m with Dante and his family. His loving grandparents, who hug me close and we give our goodbyes.

“Don’t be a stranger and please come visit whenever you want to.” Mary said as she pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes.

“You heard the woman and you can come around even when Dante’s off on duty.” John teased as he smiled and squeezed my hand. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

“You as well.” I beamed brightly and they let me go. Waving our goodbyes from the inside of the truck and Dante drove me back home.