Chapter EIGHTEEN ~ Rocky Start

Getting to sleep lastnight was next to impossible. My body still hummed from everything that happened with Dante, and my mind couldn’t rest. Thoughts swirling through it and uncertainties. Mixed with lots of emotions that stirred to the surface and wouldn’t let go. He consumed everything last night, and this morning has been no different. From the longing glances to the awkwardness between us. Lexi was late, and I figured she would be. After seeing how into that guy she was, she probably ended up in his bed and with a massive hangover.

“Good morning.” I chimed brightly at our first customer of the day as he grumbled back at me and appeared to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

I continued with the order I worked on and ignored the rude attitude. Glancing at him every so often to ensure he wasn’t up to no good. Dante was in the back preparing more flowers and I felt safer with him here. I will not admit it because that will go straight to his head.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” I asked as I watched him fumble between two arrangements and seemed to be unimpressed.

“No.” He grumbled firmly and pointed at the one arrangement. “I want this one, but with purple flowers instead.”

“Okay, I can have that ready for you in five minutes, but there will be an extra fee.” I replied politely as I came out from behind the counter and placed my hands together in front of me.

“Extra fee? I just want this, but with purple flowers?” The man snapped rudely as he raised his eyebrow and stepped closer. “Why the hell do I need to pay extra when you just make them all, anyway?”

“Because it takes extra time and I have other orders to prepare, sir.” I responded with a calm manner, but knew he was out of hand. “Would you still like me to go ahead with your order?”

“I’m not paying extra for your time. I want purple flowers and I want them now!” He shouted a demand and loomed over me.

My back pressed into the counter and my eyes went wide at his attitude. “Excuse me, but if you don’t calm down, I’m going to have to...”

“Calm down? Lady, I am calm! But you are really trying my patience.” He snapped angrily with his big stocky shoulders moving up and down with each breath. “Now, get my order ready.”

His face turned red and his tall body loomed over mine. I felt uneasy, but this wasn’t something new for me. I reached towards the phone and his eyes darted in that direction. Glaring widely at me as if to heed a warning not to do it. But I grabbed it anyway, and he grabbed my wrist.

“Get your hand off of her this instant.” Dante said sternly and stood behind the angry customer.

I could see him glare at the back of his head with his hands clenched together at his sides. His navy-blue muscle shirt showing off his flexed muscles and the strength he holds within them. Veins popped out of his arms with each flex, and it made my heart stop. The sight turned me on immensely, but I knew now wasn’t the time for it. Everything about Dante Dixon screamed power and not to mess with him. And he had his sights set on this jerk.

“Oh, hey man, take it easy...” The man said as he backed off and released my wrist. He peered over his shoulder at an unimpressed Dante and held his hands up in the air. The flower arrangement he held raised right along with them. “I was just discussing an issue with the lady here.”

“This lady has a name and you aren’t treating her with the respect she deserves.” Dante huffed as his chest puffed with each angered breath and he looked over at the man.

“I got this Dante...” I breathed as I took the flowers from the customer’s grasp and looked him in the eyes. “Do you still want me to go through with the order, sir?”

“N-no, I think I’m just going to go.” He replied nervously as he looked back at Dante and stepped aside.

The man didn’t look away from Dante and he exited the shop. And Dante didn’t back down as he glared at him the entire way and didn’t waver. Giving him a stern warning with his body language not to mess with him or else there would be consequences to pay. His power looming throughout the entire store and radiating off of him. Feeling it even after the man left.

And it pisses me off.

“What the hell was that?” I snapped as I tossed the flower arrangements on the counter and crossed my arms. Making a mess as the flower petals fall from the roses and the leaves fall from the green stems. Glaring at him and not understanding him one bit. “I could’ve handled it myself. This is my business and I will run it how I see fit.”

I moved closer towards him until I stood directly in front of him. The power he held inside radiated off of him and bounced against me. Feeling the tense moment burn between us and not just the sexual tension, but the power struggle. His need to keep me safe and my need to be in control. Burning brightly between us and lighting a spark that’s ready to ignite.

“Could you?” Dante argued as his eyes burned into mine and he stepped forward. “That guy was half your size and a complete asshole.”

“Well, I’ve been doing fine on my own for all this time.” I said sternly as I held my place and didn’t back down.

But he backed me into a corner and the wall connected with my back. I pressed firmly up against it and still held his intense gaze. The sexual tension is on fire by this point, and a knife could cut it. Slicing through the air, but never breaking it.

“I beg to differ...” He huffed as his breath fanned my face and I held my own. Unable to speak any longer, as his hands rested on either side of my face against the wall. His deep brown stare no longer angry, but full of lust. This was the man I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on him. His intensity was alive and his edginess undeniable. My eyes broke from his as they ran over his toned tattooed muscles and my body burned with desire. He followed my lead and devoured my body, which stood pinned in place before him. Unable to move, breathe or think. Trapped in this moment with him and he never once touched me. But it sure as hell felt like it. “You don’t know what you do to a broken man like me, Cassie.”

His note.

How could I ever forget it?

The one that I still had in my possession and I still clung to after all these years. Keeping it safe and a secret that only we could keep. Remembering that night where we were together, and I was so wild and free. Unlike myself, and he brought out a side of me I didn’t even know I had until him. He’s the only one that could bring out that side of me and it begged to come to life this very second.

Suddenly, the shrill of the telephone broke the tension, and he released me from his trapped hold. I could breathe again and wandered over towards the sound. Grabbing it and answering it in a shaky tone. “Hello, Cassie’s Blossoms, how can I help you?”

“Hello, is Dante there?” A sweet voice answered.

“Um, yes, one moment please.” I replied as I pointed the phone towards Dante and looked at him with confusion. “It’s for you, Dante.”

He peered at me with the same uncertainty I felt and narrowed his eyebrows together. “Hello?”

I listened intently to his conversation, but remained on the sideline at a distance. Not wanting to appear nosey, but very much curious. He appeared rather concerned and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. “Oh, damn I didn’t realize it was off.”

He listens to the sweet-sounding voice on the other line and glances towards me. I looked away quickly and acted like I was busy cleaning up the mess I made earlier. Picking up the flower petals and placing them in the trash. Hoping he didn’t realize I was eavesdropping, because I definitely didn’t want to get on Mr. Dixon’s bad side. I could still feel his gaze burn into me with questions as I remain busy and wonder what’s going on. He mumbles a quick goodbye and hangs up the phone.

“Who was that? It sounded pretty important.” I asked as I continued to appear focused on my task at hand and didn’t look up at him.

“Oh, that was just my grandmother checking in on me. She couldn’t get a hold of me because I had my cell phone turned off.” He responded shyly, and I found it rather sweet.

“Well, your grandma sounds very sweet and you can tell she cares a lot about you.” I said as I gathered the green leaves and tossed them into the trash.

“She definitely does.” Dante chuckled softly, and it dropped away. “Ever since we lost my parents, my grandparents have always been there for me.”

“Well, that’s the way family should be.” I smiled brightly at the thought and wished I could have that. “You’re very lucky to have them in your life.”

Dante moved closer, and I heard his feet tap across the floor with ease. He cleared his throat, and I gazed up. His nervous stare held my own and his chocolate brown eyes peered down into mine. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and I tilted my head to the side. Preparing myself for whatever he had to say within this moment that has him on edge.

“Hey, um, so, my grandparents know I’ve been spending a lot of my time here and they invited you to dinner this evening after work.” Dante explained nervously and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Would you care to join us?”

I stared at him in disbelief and blinked my eyes several times. Unable to believe they would even want to meet me, let alone have me over for a family dinner. I let it sink in for a moment and smiled brightly with honor. “I would absolutely not miss it for the world.”

Dante’s nerves left his body as he gave a thrilled chuckle and grinned brightly. The smile lit up his gorgeous face, and it’s contagious. It makes my heart melt at the sight and I can’t stop smiling. After the rocky start to our morning, it had ended on a wonderful note. Everything ran smoothly after that and I couldn’t wait to meet his family.