Chapter TWELVE ~ Unexpected Guest

“Oh, go away!” I yelledout with a grumbled tone as my head throbbed and I awakened from a sex filled slumber. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at the bedroom door. My hangover from the night before took its toll on me and I want nothing more than to roll up in a ball, falling back into sleep.

The door opened, and Lexi’s face appeared. “I believe there’s someone at the door for you, Cassie.”

I groaned out loud and stumbled out of bed. Looking at myself quickly in the oversized mirror and didn’t give a shit that my hair’s a complete disaster. I wore a black robe, and the tie hung loose, with the messy clothing visible underneath. Whoever was greeting me with their presence would simply have to put up with it. My persistent visitor would have to deal with my hungover self.

The knocking continued and grew louder as I headed towards the front door. “I’m coming, I’m coming! Would you relax already?”

My hand grabbed the door handle with frustrated irritation as I blew the hair from my face and pulled the door open. Deep chocolate brown eyes greeted mine, and the world froze. The breath I blew out sucked back in and I couldn’t let it go. Holding it as I stand there and he leans against the doorframe. Looking just as good as ever with his brown hair much longer than I last remember as I gawk and can’t let go.

“I can’t relax after you ran off on me after all these years.” Dante answered as he half grinned and looked at me from head to toe.

I stood there, bewildered and confused by his unexpected appearance. “H-how the hell did you know where to find me? Are you stalking me or something?”

I gave him the cold shoulder and threw my robe closed tightly. Not wanting him to notice the effect he had on me after all these years. His eyes keep lurking upon my body and the feeling I get with it has me lost in memory. I remembered a time years ago where his gaze burned over my naked body and I loved every bit of it. But things have changed and life is different now.

“No, your friend gave me your address.” Dante replied as his eyes left me and looked over my shoulder for an instant.

“Oh, she did, did she?” I asked suspiciously, as I turned around and saw Lexi lurk in the shadows. I raised an eyebrow, and she quickly scurried away. I turned back towards my unwanted but extremely ruggedly handsome guest.

“I couldn’t believe it when she told me the name of the place. This place is all yours?” Dante smiled impressively and pointed towards the sign that read, Cassie’s Blossoms.

I raised my eyebrows, along with my hands, and grinned proudly. “Yep, it’s all mine.”

“Well, it’s amazing what you’ve done for yourself here.” Dante said as he smiled and it took my breath away.

His words caught me by surprise and there’s something about him that appeared much different from the man I once met. He seemed more relaxed and no longer distant. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

Time will tell.

“Where are my manners? Would you like to come in?” I asked as I stepped aside and made room for him to enter.

“I thought you’d never ask.” Dante chuckled as he came inside, and the room felt much smaller in his presence.

From his broad shoulders and his tattooed, toned arms. His strong long legs and enormous feet. His smell was intoxicating. The masculine aroma filled the air and made me want to sniff him. Not giving a flying fuck what he thought about it and wanting to drink him in.

God, it’s been so long.

“Um, would you like some coffee?” I asked and pushed my hungry thoughts aside. “I’m going to put on a fresh pot for my raging headache.”

His low husky laugh surrounded me, and I loved the way it sounded. “I bet you could use some because of last night.”

“Yes, this hangover could be the death of me.” I giggled slightly, squinted my eyes, and touched my forehead.

“Well, we can’t have that.” Dante admitted as he followed me towards my kitchen, and I could feel his eyes burn into my behind. “I would love a cup of whatever you’re making.”

I hurried towards the kitchen and opened the cabinet on the way in. Grabbing two coffee mugs and getting to work. Filling the coffee machine with water and pushing the button for it to start. Hearing a low whistle as it brews and the smell fills the air. Closing my eyes, leaning against the counter and sniffing the smell.

There’s just something about a fresh pot of coffee that sets the mood in the morning. Making me want to start my day no matter what may be happening in my life. And today there was a whole hell of a lot. A man from my past showed up on my doorstep and was invited here by my best friend.

I glanced over at him and watched him stalk around my kitchen. Taking everything in as his brown gaze wanders and I wonder what could go on inside that handsome head of his. My eyes fell lower to his jawline. Noticing the days' worth of stubble that makes an appearance. Falling lower still as my gaze wanders over his neck and I can see his pulse beat against it. I could see him swallow as I followed it to his crisp white t-shirt that’s much too tight and I love it. Pressing against his solid chest that pushes out with each breath he takes. My eyes landed upon his tattoos that were littered along his arms. But not every woman would like it and I sure as hell love it. Making my mouth water as I follow them down to his powerful hands, and I know exactly what they could do to a woman like me. A woman who is extremely attracted to a buff, but broken man. A man whose chiseled abs begged to be touched underneath that crisp shirt and have it pulled from his tightly bound blue jeans that hugged his firm ass just right. Pleading with me to reach out and squeeze it in between my firm hands. Remembering his firm cock that presses against his jeans and begs to be free.

“You have a nice place here, Cassie.” Dante said as his voice filled my sensual thoughts and he sat down at the kitchen table.

“O-oh, thank you...” I muttered as I twisted my back to him and drew a deep breath.

“Could I be of any help?” Dante asked politely from behind me and I could hear the chair scrap on the floor.

“Oh, no, I’m fine. Just this stupid hangover getting the best of me.” I lied as I half smiled and shook my head.

Smooth, Cassie, real smooth...

I grabbed the fresh coffee pot and filled two cups full. Grabbing the sugar and milk, placing it on the table. Trying not to look at him, but feeling his eyes burn into my every move. Sitting his cup of coffee in front of him and taking a seat across from him. Remaining at a distance because my body reacts to him in ways that seem out of my control.

I look down at my hot coffee and blow at the steam. Deciding not to add any ingredients to it because I could use the bitter taste to snap me out of it. Bring me back to reality and the fact that I’m still grieving for my dead fiancé. I took a quick sip of my coffee and saw his gaze look past me. Gazing behind me at something that makes his eyes narrow. Seeing a look in them, but I wasn’t too sure what it was. If I had to guess, it was the look of sadness. I didn’t have to turn around to know that he saw the picture of me with Matthew that hangs from the wall. The only picture I have of us together because it’s the one I loved the most.

“You have a boyfriend?” Dante asked as his eyes met mine and were full of regret.

“Fiancé actually.” I responded as I reached into the pocket of my robe and showed him the engagement ring, full of promise. “Matthew was until he passed away a few weeks ago and nothing has been the same since.”

I looked down at the ring that was supposed to mean so much, but now meant nothing. Just an empty promise to be together for the rest of our lives. One that his death broke and I miss him so damn much.

“You know, it still hurts sometimes, but I’ve almost grown numb to it.” I whispered as a single tear ran down my cheek and I brushed it away. Stuffing the ring back where it was and trying to forget.

“Jesus, Cassie, I’m so sorry...” Dante breathed as I saw him reach across the table, but retreated his hand.

“It’s okay, really, I just need to learn to move forward and stop dwelling on the past. But it’s so damn hard. I have my business to run and I can’t even manage that.” I mumbled with sadness.

“What do you mean? Your business looks like it’s thriving from what I can see.” Dante said reassuringly.

“Ya, only because my best friend, Lexi, has been helping me. If it wasn’t for her, this all would’ve been for nothing.” I breathed a sigh of defeat and cupped my head between my hands. “I’m supposed to get married and start the rest of my life. But now that’s all over and my business is falling apart because I’ve been letting it go.”

“So, that’s why your best friend took you out and you have a massive hangover?” Dante asked as he pieced the puzzle together and took a gulp of his coffee.

“Yes, she’s trying to help me pull myself together and dig me out of this dump I’ve created.” I admitted as I looked down at myself and frowned.

“Well, Cassie, I wouldn’t describe you as a dump. You’re ambitious and created this business from the ground up. You just need some help to see that again.” Dante said as he lowered his mug down to the table and reached out for my hand.

I stared down at it and wondered if I should take it. Holding his large masculine hand within my own and feeling its warmth. The tender squeeze he would give it and the tingles that would travel up my body.

But my hand had a mind of its own and latched on. Holding his grasp firmly within mine and his thumb gently caressing my skin. Sending those very tingles that I know would erupt throughout my being.

“I’m going to be in town for a while to see my grandparents and I can help with your business. Just until you get back on your feet and then I will go.” Dante offered as his eyes lit up with something I couldn’t quite place.

“Well, I just simply couldn’t ask you to do that. You should spend time with your family.” I admitted as I shook my head and didn’t want to interfere with his personal life.

I knew all too well just how precious that time was. Especially the time of a man in the military, and any day could be his last. He should spend it with the ones that love him the most. Not helping some poor woman who needs to figure her own shit out.

“It really isn’t a problem because they will understand. I can help with whatever you need around here. You name it and I’ll do it.” Dante smiled as his eyes shone brightly towards me with a hint of laughter within them and made me smile.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked as his last way out of this and secretly hoped he took it. Only because I’m afraid of what might happen if he agrees to stay.

“Yes, absolutely positive.” Dante breathed as he inched closer and a grin stretched across his gorgeous face.

“Well, okay then, but I’m only agreeing to this because I know my business could use the help.” I answered as I smiled slightly back and felt my cheeks blush red. “Don’t make me regret it, Mr. Dixon.”

He let go of my hand, and I clasped them together. Holding them tightly as I miss the warmth he gave me and want it back. Dante stood and nodded his head. “You won’t regret a thing, beautiful.”

I blushed harder as he turned his back to leave, and my eyes caught his behind. Swaying from left to right. Getting caught up in the way he moves and feeling my mouth water. But I shook my head and pondered a thought. “Dante? Why are you doing this for me?”

He halted, turned his head to look over his shoulder, and his eyes pierced into mine. “Because I owe you that much, Cassie.”

And with that, he continued on his journey as my eyes followed him and I couldn’t wait to see him again.