Chapter TWENTY~SEVEN ~ Stay with Me

I drove to work withmy radio blasting and tried to forget about my shattered thoughts. Listening to the pulsating beat as it roars through my ears and vibrates against the steering wheel. Drumming my hands to the beat and trying my hardest to get lost in it. I’d taken the day off yesterday because Drake had insisted on taking care of me, but today I needed things to go back to normal. I needed to work and keep my mind busy while I waited for news on Brant Bradley. The sick bastard who turned my life upside down all within minutes.

“Would you get the fuck moving!” I shouted at the driver ahead of me, halted at a green light and laid on the horn.

I’m feeling agitated and uncertain. All this waiting made me on edge and I just wanted my life to go back to normal. The worry I felt inside of me consumed my mind to no end and I couldn’t just sit around letting it. I needed to do something while I waited, and work was the only thing I knew how to do. Needing a distraction from everything and falling into work seems like the best option. I stepped on the gas as my car launched forward and my mind wandered towards my mom. Pondering what she would think of this whole situation and how much I miss her support. Her warm embrace held me close through the hard times, and her love was always there. I miss her so damn much some days it hurts, but I know she’d want me to move forward. Life had thrown me a hideous curveball, but it had also brought me towards love. Without her here, love had finally found me at the strangest time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Drake and his beautiful daughter consume my heart. I wish she could’ve been here to see it, but I know she’s guiding me through it. The same way she will guide me through this. I pulled into Lawson’s Legal and knew I needed to hurry. Drake will arrive soon and I need to prepare like any normal morning. I parked, looked at my reflection in the mirror, applied some lip gloss, and reached for the door handle. Grabbing everything I need and quickly rushing inside to start my busy work day. I needed the steady bustle of the job to keep my mind preoccupied longer. Long enough until this was all over, and Brant Bradley received justice. I needed to know he wouldn’t be a problem any longer. Drake’s words had been reassuring, but I need that further reassurance.

“Morning, Mindy.” I chimed as I raced past her desk quickly and headed straight for the coffeemaker.

Drake needs his early morning coffee as per usual with it on his desk and blinds drawn open. Not understanding the strange demands in the beginning, but now seeing exactly why he has them. He’d lost too much and it would be devastating. If he would only open up to others more, they could see the truth, but I felt lucky. Lucky to be the one that he trusted with the truth, he kept hidden and lucky to be in love.

I hurried towards Mindy, who stared at me with concern, and her eyebrows narrowed. “Why are you here? Drake told me you’d be taking the day off.”

“I need to be here.” I muttered as I ignored her question and grabbed Mr. Lawson’s schedule for the day.

I glanced over it and saw the busy day ahead. Feeling relief spreading throughout my body at the thought and knowing I made the right decision for myself. I needed this, and I needed to be here. My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I took off toward where I needed to be, and Mindy followed in tow. Hearing her shoes beat against the floor and she tries her best to maintain speed.

“Well, Drake insisted you not be here and I...” Mindy announced in a matter-of-fact tone, and it sent me over the edge.

“I don’t care what he insists because I’m here to work.” I snapped and wouldn’t look back.

Suddenly, Mindy clenched my arm and stopped me in my tracks. “I know what that bastard tried to do to you. I’m so sorry, Gemma.”

Causing me to stare deeply into her eyes, full of pity that I couldn’t bear to see. Then anger that flashed in them and caused her greying eyebrows to knit together. Knowing Mindy means well, but she didn’t understand what I needed, and neither did Drake. I couldn’t sit around because if I did, the nightmare just replayed in my mind like it did now. His disgusting lips covered mine as he thrust his tongue inside, and all I could taste was booze. All I could smell was sweat mixed with cigarettes. Feel his dirty cock pressing against me and knowing exactly what he’d do.

“It’s over now and I just want my life to get back to normal.” I said as I shook my head, softened, and pressed my lips together.

Hoping she would understand and just leave it be. Knowing she means well, but that wasn’t what I needed right now. Mindy loosened her grip and half smiled. Releasing my arm as I continue forward and towards the elevator to greet Drake for his busy workday. I heard Mindy follow behind me, grateful for her understanding as we stood there in silence and waited for the sound. The familiar ding of the elevator signaling his arrival and greeting us with his powerful presence.

Suddenly, the familiar sound happened, the light shone, and the doors opened. Revealing Drake in his usual business attire, fixing his suit cuffs and his eyes slowly rising to meet mine. Glowing with happiness at the sight of me for a second, but soon turning into concern and finally flashing anger.

Oh, no...

“I thought I was more than clear that Gemma is not working today, Mindy.” Drake glared as his eyes flashed towards Mindy and burned a hole with his stare.

“I-I tried to tell her that, but she insisted...” Mindy stammered and tried to get the words out.

“Gemma, I thought I was clear?” Drake interrupted and blazed his gaze towards me.

“You were, Drake, but I need to be...” I breathed as I tried to stand up for myself and crossed my arms in front of me.

“You need to be anywhere other than here! This is where that bastard attacked you!” Drake interrupted with his face beat red.

His shout echoed through the hallway and caused me to jump. He stalked towards me and I held my place. His overbearing attitude caused me to feel enraged with his need to control this situation and me.

“You don’t own me, Drake, and if I want to come to work to keep my mind off of what happened, then I’m damn well allowed to.” I beamed with anger and held my head high. Flashing the same frustration he had towards me right back at him. Trying to show him I wouldn’t stand for this kind of behavior.

He halted and narrowed his eyes on me. “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Gemma, because I...”

It’s at that moment something changed in his eyes. His face turned pale, his breathing escalated and his entire body shook with his hand clenching his shirt over top of his heart. “G-Gemma, I...”

Suddenly, Drake collapsed on the floor right before my eyes and my scream filled the air. “Drake!”

The paperwork and anger I’d been holding onto falls to the floor. My cries echoed throughout the hallway, and I ran to his side. Falling to my knees as tears stream down my cheeks. “Mindy, call an ambulance right now!”

Tears fell faster as I shook his body, but he remained limp. His body was still warm to the touch, but he didn’t move. Wouldn’t speak as I cry out for him and beg him not to leave me. Telling him help is on the way and hearing Mindy’s frantic voice giving our location. I pleaded with him to hang on because I needed him and his beautiful daughter needed him, too. We need him to wake up, to be here and live our lives out together.

“Please don’t go, please stay with me.” I begged as my head fell against his chest and couldn’t hear his beautiful heartbeat.