Chapter FOURTEEN ~ Beautiful Day

The weekend comes onrather quickly, with Hope keeping me on my toes throughout the week. Caring for her turns into my full-time job with Mindy taking over. I only helped wherever I could. Not turning down the offer because I need this job and know how much Hope needs me. After spending that first day with her, I know exactly where I’m needed. Right by that little girl’s side. She’s already been through so much and I couldn’t be the one to do more harm. Her sweet little face comes to my mind and makes me smile each time.

“What’s making my daughter so happy on this fine day?” Annie asked, and she pulled up by my side in her wheelchair. “Rarely anymore do I see you smile and it’s nice to see.”

Mom woke up this morning feeling great out of the blue after multiple days of feeling like death was looming. Since her last hospital visit, it had been rough, but today was different and she wanted to visit the park. So, I’m preparing everything for this beautiful day and excited to make a memory of my mother.

“Oh, it’s just work and unexpected things happening.” I responded as I smiled brightly at my mom and prepared everything we needed. “Like today you woke up feeling amazing, and that news is fabulous.”

“I couldn’t agree more and I’m excited to get out of the house.” Annie said, and she wheeled up towards the window to peer outside. “It’s been far too long since I felt like doing anything.”

“Well, today’s the day and we’re going to enjoy every moment.” I announced happily as I walked over and kissed the back of her head. “Now, let’s get out of here and start our day.”

Smiling, I wheel my mom to the front door, help her with her shoes, place a light jacket over her frail body, and get my own belongings. Pushing her out the front door as the sunshine glistens down upon our skin and my mother smiles. I’m so happy to see her joy and it made my heart swell. This is exactly what we needed and I’m so excited about it. Making another memory with my mother that would last a lifetime for me.

And it’s one I’ll always cherish.

I got my mom carefully into the car, holding her while she stands and seating her gently in the passenger seat. Buckling her seat belt securely and placing the wheelchair in the trunk. Thankful for the equipment folding up neatly to place perfectly in the back. My mom is far too weak to stand on her own and I appreciate her wheelchair. Unsure what I’d do without it and knowing she wouldn’t be able to experience this freedom without it. I got into the driver’s seat, buckled my seat belt securely and gazed over at my mom. Her grey hair glistened in the morning sunlight and her brown eyes peered into mine.

A smile broke out over her beautiful face. She took my hand in hers and squeezed it tight. “Let’s get the hell out of here, sweetie.”

I grinned happily and giggled at her words. Stepping on the gas, away we go, heading straight for the busy city streets. Watching vehicles rush past and remaining at the speed limit. Excited to get to our destination, but knew to use safety first. Especially with my mother around because she couldn’t afford any unexpected accidents. Taking her out like this was always a risk, but one I’m willing to take for her to experience what she wants before her life ends. We made our way towards the park where Hope and I played. Hope’s favorite place in the entire city and I’m not expecting to see her there, but life’s full of surprises.


WE ARRIVED AT THE PARKand I found a parking spot close to the path. Giving my mom all the access she needs to wheel herself onto the path with my help. Pulling the wheelchair from the trunk and bringing it around to the passenger side door. My mom already has the door open and ready to go.

Smiling at her strength and will to still try on her own, but knowing she needs my help. “Mom, slow down and let me help.”

“Nonsense, dear, let your mom try it.” Annie huffed as she swatted my hand away and grabbed onto the handle of the wheelchair.

Fumbling and reaching for her before the situation becomes worse. She made a face and sat down slowly. Her frail arm shook as she went and my heart went out to her. She’s trying so hard to keep things normal, but there’s nothing normal about my mom dying. I’m proud of her for trying so hard and thankful that we get this beautiful day to spend together. This was exactly what we both needed, and I intended to make the most of it.

“Let’s walk the path for a bit and I will push you.” I announced as I pointed towards the park’s trail with people walking by.

“I can wheel myself, sweetie.” Annie said as she looked up at me and her face glistened with determination.

“You just sit back and enjoy the ride.” I smiled and kissed her forehead.

“Okay, if you insist.” Annie sighed as she looked ahead and I pushed the wheelchair forward.

We fell behind a young girl riding her bike with training wheels and pushing her little legs as fast as they could pedal. Her blonde hair blowing with the breeze and the sound of the bike’s chimes filling the air. Her mother rode her own bike beside her and smiled down at her daughter. Pride shone upon her face as she rode, but didn’t have to pump her legs as fast.

“I remember when you were that little, but it feels like yesterday.” Annie breathed as she pointed ahead and smiled. “You were always so eager to do everything on your own, but it made me so nervous.”

I giggled as I remembered the memories and touched my mom’s shoulder. “And you were always right there by my side.”

“Only because you scared me half to death.” Annie chuckled as she touched my hand and squeezed. “You’ve always been like that and wanted your independence, but I was never ready. I still wasn’t ready when you left home, but I had nothing to worry about.”

“Well, I learnt from the best and had an outstanding role model.” I said with pride and bent down to peck her cheek.

“Well, I wouldn’t say that because I’ve made mistakes, but every parent does. I did the best with what I had and that was you, Gemma.” Annie breathed as she looked up at me and tugged on my arm to stop. “You turned out better than I could’ve ever imagined, and some of it wasn’t even from me. It came from inside you and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

I held her hand as she spoke and knelt down in front of her. Listening to her words and taking everything in. My mom loved me more than her own self and it glistened in her eyes. Her beautiful brown ones that twinkled back at me and all I could see was the reflection of myself. Her pride and joy.

“Thank you, mom.” I whispered as I smiled at her and softly stroked her hand.

“I want you to promise me something, Gemma. Promise me you will live your life to the fullest.” Annie breathed as she pulled me close and held me with tears in my eyes.

“But I’m not ready to lose you, mom. I’m not ready to let you go and I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” I sobbed as I held her tightly and didn’t want to let go.

“I’ll tell you exactly what you’ll do without me, Gemma.” Annie said firmly as she stroked my hair sweetly and rocked me from side to side. “You’ll get married and have children. Experience life and everything it offers. Travel and have fun wherever you end up. You’ll have children and be the mother that I know you can be because you have so much love to give. You’ll grow old with your loved ones and love with all of your heart. Life’s too short to not live it, Gemma.”

“I love you so much, mom.” I cried as my emotions took hold and I couldn’t hold them back.

Knowing this is what I need, this time with my mom to express how I was feeling. Holding back my emotions and trying to hide them from her because I thought she couldn’t handle it. It’s the complete opposite and again, I’m amazed by this woman. Her strength and love could always pull me through.

My mom pulled back and wiped my tears from my face. Pressing her forehead against mine with her thumb caressing my cheek and calming me. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart and never forget how much I love you.”

“Gemma!” An excited little voice cried out through the air and caused me to look up.

To my surprise, a little body ran towards me, with her brunette locks blowing in the breeze behind her. Running full force towards me with her arms spread wide open all for me as I gaze on with surprise and open my arms. Hope’s little body crashed into mine and I squeezed her tight. Gazing up to see Drake smiling as he walks towards us, and my heart swells. I’m surprised by how full my heart felt with this little girl tightly tucked in my embrace. It’s a feeling that scares me, but I want to last all my life.

“Funny meeting you here, Gemma.” Drake said as he peered down at us and patted his daughter on the head. “Hope’s been talking nonstop about you.”

“I can’t believe we’re both here on the same day!” Hope squealed with excitement as she pulled back and bounced on the ground. “Daddy saw you first, but I almost didn’t believe him.”

“She was pretty surprised, that’s for sure.” Drake chuckled as Hope hugged his leg and took her daddy’s hand.

“Who’s this fine young lady?” Annie asked as she smiled brightly and gazed at Hope.

“Oh, mom, this is Hope. She’s my boss’s daughter.” I announced as I introduced everyone and smiled. “Mom, this is Drake Lawson, my boss from Lawson’s Legal.”

Drake leaned forward and extended his hand towards Annie. “Very nice to meet you, mom.”

“Oh, you can just call me Annie, young man.” Annie announced as she giggled and shook Drake’s hand firmly. “How does my beautiful daughter know this sweet little girl?”

“She takes care of me while daddy works all day. It’s her new job and we have so much fun together, Ms. Annie.” Hope responded with joy and smiled brightly.

“Oh, is that right?” Annie said as she looked at me and half smiled. “This is the first time I’m hearing about this.”

My face burned bright red as I blushed and my eyes pleaded with my mom to let it go. “W-well, we’ve had so much going on, mom, I just didn’t think to mention it.”

Annie huffed, but turned her full attention towards Hope and smiled. The brightest I’ve seen in a long time. “Tell me all about your glorious adventures with my beautiful, but stubborn daughter.”

“My pleasure, Ms. Annie.” Hope said brightly as she got behind Annie’s wheelchair and, to everyone’s surprise, pushed her forward.

“Well, I guess they’re getting along better than anyone expected.” Drake chuckled as that bright smile that I hoped to see again returned, and my heart swooned.

My god, he’s insanely gorgeous.

“Y-yes, it would appear that way.” I stammered and felt flustered as we fell into step behind them. Realizing I need to change the subject and distract myself from his gorgeous ways. “So, what brings you two to the park?”

Drake gazed ahead at his daughter and watched her skip as she pushed Annie along. Chatting away like they’d known one another all along and laughing at something Hope spoke. Annie throws her head back with laughter and her eyes sparkle up towards Hope’s.

“We’re here because of you, actually.” Drake admitted as he gazed over at me and my heart stopped.

“What? How could you possibly know I was here?” I asked, curiously.

“No, I didn’t state that right. What I meant to say is we’re here because of the amazing week my daughter had with you and she wanted to come back to the place she had the most fun.” Drake chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair with embarrassment and smiled shyly. “I’m a professional lawyer, but my personal life is a bit of a mess.”

“Oh, I didn’t know I’ve had such an effect on your daughter.” I admitted with wide eyes as I gazed ahead at Hope and her brunette hair shone in the sunlight.

“Well, you most definitely have.” Drake nodded his head as he smiled, and I loved seeing it. “So, what brings you and Annie here?”

His question caught me by surprise, and I halted in my tracks. Gazing straight ahead towards my mother being wheeled forward by a beautiful child that I’ve grown to care for. Realizing life works in mysterious ways and that Drake was about to find out the real reason I’m working for him. Putting up with his every demand and bending to his every word.

Drake’s about to find out the truth, but was I ready to admit it?

Worst of all, would the great Mr. Drake Lawson understand?

Could his cold behavior take over and make me regret speaking a word?

“What’s wrong, Gemma?” Drake asked and looked at me with questions in his deep eyes.

“I’m here because my mother’s having a good day and wanted to enjoy it at the park.” I responded with an uneasy feeling and wasn’t sure how he’d react. “My mother is dying, Drake, and that’s why I’ve been working for you. To help pay for her treatments, medical bills, nurses to care for her and everyday bills that pile up. She needs me right now for that, but she also just needs me and I can’t be there the way I want to be.”

Gazing down at the ground as I fumble with my hands and wait for his response. Unsure of what it would be and fearing the worst. Knowing just how uncaring a man like Mr. Lawson could be and praying, I didn’t have to see it. At least not today, because this was a good day. A day spent with my dying mother, who may not have much time left, and I didn’t want to be doing it with the ruthless side of Drake. If he wanted to be like that, I’d have no problem telling him where to shove it like I’ve been dying to all along.

“I wasn’t expecting you to say that, Gemma.” Drake admitted with a stern voice, and I feared the worst.

“Well, don’t worry about it and let’s just...” I said and moved forward quickly.

“I’m sorry, Gemma.” Drake interrupted as he caught my arm by surprise and I gazed down at his firm grip. “I’m sorry this is happening to you, but I think it’s extremely incredible what you’re doing for your mother.”

My eyes wander up his rigid body, following his veiny arm, over his broad shoulders, up his neck and landing on his masculine facial features. All softened with tenderness towards me and what I’d been doing for my mother. Leaving me in shock by his change of behavior and unsure how to react. Never seeing this kind of tenderness towards anyone other than his beautiful daughter who means the world to him. My body shivered as a deep thought entered my mind and I couldn’t shake it.

What did that mean I meant to him?

“T-thank you, Drake.” I breathed as I felt his grip soften on my arm and his hand trail up it. My breath caught as his hand ran over my neck and my eyes never left his. His fingertips sweetly caressing my lower lip as I remain frozen and lost in his trance. Not thinking about everything around me and it floats away. It’s just him and I lost in this tender moment in time, with my body melting for him.

“Daddy, are you and Gemma going to come feed the ducks?” Hope shouted and interrupted the tenderness.

Drake cleared his throat and dropped his hand. The moment broke as I jumped and blinked my eyes repeatedly. Peering ahead towards my mother who was smiling right towards us and feeling an explanation may be in order. Hope bouncing up and down as she ran toward her daddy.

Grabbing his hand and he glances over his shoulder at me. “Are you coming to feed the ducks, Gemma?”

I nodded my head and brushed the moment into the past. Smiling straight ahead and running to catch up with everyone gathering by the stream of water. Trickling as the sun’s rays beat down upon it and ducks swam about. Quacking for a treat as their hunger took over and their little legs swim towards us. Gathering around as my mom prepares the bread, breaking it off into little pieces for Hope and she takes it with a bright smile. Taking my end slice and breaking it into small pieces, tossing it into the stream. Laughing as I gaze towards Drake and see his handsome smile lighting up his once ruthless face. Warming my heart as it swells and I wish to see it more often. He peered down towards Hope, who giggled as she caught pieces of bread that my mom tossed to her and she fed the ducks. Her innocent eyes shine with happiness as she admires the ducks and enjoys being a kid. My mom’s laughter caught my eye next as she threw back her head and smiled down at Hope like she’s her own child. Taking in this precious moment in time with my mother and everyone unexpectedly together. Not knowing that the happiness we feel could soon change in a heartbeat.