Chapter NINE ~ Unexpected

Bustling footstepsand voices wake me from my deep sleep. Jolting upright as I gaze around and remember where I am. My mom slept soundly in front of me as I fixed her bed sheet and looked at the door slightly ajar. Not remembering leaving it like that last night and knowing someone must’ve come into the room throughout the night. The sounds of the busy hospital came into the room as the morning began and I gazed at my watch.

“Shit...” I mumbled, and realized I’d be late for work if I didn’t hurry. I had no time to go home and change. Raising my armpit, smelling the aftermath of my deodorant and shrugging my shoulders. “Hm, it will have to do.”

I kissed my mother’s forehead gently because I didn’t want to wake her, and I needed to get going. She needed all the rest she could get in order to come home and I’d check in throughout the day with Grace to see how she’s doing. Grace should be here any minute, and the doctors appeared to be making their morning rounds of assessing patients. My mom would be on that list, and hopefully Grace had some good news for me. I picked up my purse, along with my car keys, and headed towards the door. Holding it in my grasp as I peer back over my shoulder at my mother and hold back tears. I hated seeing her like this. So fragile, weak and unlike herself. Her grey hair was thinning more and more each day. Her skin sagging as she became skinner and skinner. Eyes sunken in, like there’s almost nothing left.

“I’ll be seeing you soon, mommy.” I whispered as I blinked back my tears and headed out the door.

I left the hospital in a hurry as I fled and knew I couldn’t be late or else Mr. Lawson would have my ass. Even though I had a lot going on, I doubted he’d care and could understand. Hurrying as I weave past staff and patients, making my way out of the busy hospital. Moving faster, my footsteps bring me that much closer towards my parked car. My hair blew in my face with the strong breeze once I made it outside and gazed around for my car. Pressing the key fob until I heard it beep and found it close by. Unlocking the car and tossing my purse onto the passenger seat beside me. Starting my car as the engine roars to life and I back up. Squealing the tires as I step on the gas and make my way out of there in a hurry. I fumbled to find my parking ticket and dropped it on the floor. Reaching down to grab it and taking my eyes away from the parking lot for just one second. Grabbing the parking ticket and focusing back, only for a sound to blaze my eardrums.


Slamming on the brakes as my body jerks forward and the car stops before hitting a car coming towards me. The driver’s pissed off as he gave me the middle finger and my body trembled. Realizing I could’ve caused an accident from my foggy mind and distraction. Stepping on the gas again to move out of the way and continue on. Pressing forward because I couldn’t be late, but this serves as a good wake up call to pay attention. I turned on the radio to help calm my body and ease my mind. Still trembling from everything happening in my life. Pressing the button as I pay for parking, and hit the busy streets of the city. Making my way towards Lawson’s Legal and praying, I make it in time. Gazing at the time and seeing, I’m cutting it close. Having no time to stop for breakfast before I start my busy day and hitting as many green lights as possible. Feeling thankful for the easy traffic flow as I pull into Lawson’s Legal and find my usual parking spot for the week. Grabbing my purse, pulling down the mirror, touching up my makeup, and combing my hair. Collecting my belongings and heading straight for the entrance. Dashing inside as the clock ticks down and it’s almost time. My hair flowed wildly behind me as I ran in a hurry and Mindy frowned at me from behind her desk.

“Where have you been?” Mindy asked and her eyebrows knitted together with worry.

“No time to explain because the boss will be here any minute.” I panted as I grabbed the schedule from her hands and peeked it over.

Not stopping as I fix Mr. Lawson his usual black coffee, placing it neatly on his desk and opening the blinds for the early morning sunrise. Rushing back down the hallway as I toss my purse into my office and make my way towards Drake’s arrival. Seeing the elevator come into view just as the doors open and I know it’s time. Speed walking towards Mr. Lawson’s side as he frowns down at me and his hazel eyes peer into mine.

“Good morning, Gemma. I hope you’re ready for the day?” He asked with his eyes roaming over me. “Didn’t you wear that yesterday?”

“Oh, never mind that, Drake.” I breathed with a pleasant smile. “Let’s talk about your schedule for the day, shall we?”


THE DAY DRAGGED ON, with Drake leaving the office to attend court. I’m swamped with phone calls and getting everything in order. It’s a much busier day than I’d hoped and could’ve used some downtime, but duty called. I received news from Mindy that my mom was on her way home, but I wanted nothing more than to be with her. I’m relieved that Grace would be with her. It helped me not get up from this desk and head straight home. Hating having to work and not being with her. Knowing she only has so much time left, but this is one way she needs me, and I had to do everything I could.

“Shit...” I grumbled as I misspelled the latest note, pressed the delete button, and corrected my error.

My mind reeled with too much today, and I needed a break. Exhaling, I push my office chair back and stand. Gazing down at the time and knowing I shouldn’t. But I just need one moment to breathe. One moment to pour all my thoughts out before returning to work and pressing forward until the end of the day. I grabbed my purse and exited my office. Walking as my heels click on the floor and I let my long hair down. Feeling more at ease with each step and running my fingers through my long locks. Gazing up and seeing Mindy’s head come into view as she types away at her computer. Her desk neatly organized, and her composure brought a smile to my face.

My heels continued to click as she gazed up and looked at me, puzzled. “Did I miss something? Is it lunchtime already?”

“No, Mindy, I just needed to get some air.” I chuckled at her response and laid my hand on her desk, letting them slide across the smooth top. “I’ll just be out for a moment; I had a long night.”

“I know, but if you ever need to talk, I’m here.” Mindy smiled as I returned it and continued on my way.

Walking slowly as I pull my cell phone from my purse and gaze down at the screen. A picture of my mom and I capture my thoughts once again. Her smile shone brightly back at me, and I remembered the beautiful day at the park. Before she had cancer and before all of this. I packed the lunch and mom drove us wherever she wanted to go. She ended up picking our favorite park, and we got everything set up. The white and red checkered blanket laid out on the green grass just right. The lunch cooler unpacked as I placed out sandwiches, vegetables, and fruit. Grabbing a nice fine wine just for the special occasion and pouring us each a cup. Clicking them together as we laugh and enjoy. The sun beamed down on us as we talked, laughed, and shared a memory. Feeding the birds our leftovers because the meal was too much for both of us. Watching the sun fade as the birds ate and basked in the water. The day was perfect and a memory I wouldn’t soon forget.

“Oh, my gosh...” I breathed with surprise as I almost collided with a tiny body and gazed down at a brunette head. “Are you alright?”

The young girl peered up at me with bright hazel eyes and eyed me curiously. “I’m fine, but I’m looking for my daddy.”

Her voice was so innocent as her gaze peered around, and I did the same. Looking around me, but not seeing an adult in sight. I hadn’t even left the building and she must’ve been walking towards me. I’m so lost in thought that I hadn’t even noticed her until the last second. I peered down at her and wondered why she’s here.

Shouldn’t she be in school?

Where were her parents?

Why on earth would she be at a lawyer’s office?

“Okay, well, what’s your daddy’s name?” I asked as I bent down to her level and saw her backpack slung over her shoulder. “I work here, but I could help you find him?”

“My daddy owns this place.” She responded as her eyes twinkled and she smiled proudly. “His name’s Drake Lawson, but I call him daddy.”

My mouth almost fell open at her words as I stared at her and blinked repeatedly. I couldn’t believe that Mr. Drake Lawson’s daughter stood before me. Her gorgeous hazel eyes, just like her father’s, and silky brunette hair all pulled back with a cute flowered headband. She’s absolutely sweet and pure perfection. Gazing around once again with so many thoughts swirling through my mind.

Who’s supposed to be watching her, and how the hell did she get here?