Chapter EIGHT ~ Emergency

I carried the smallerstack of paperwork, making my long journey down the hallway towards Mr. Lawson’s office. I became too familiar with the surroundings quicker than expected. Opening his office door that always opens swiftly, and it makes my job easier every time. Walking into the room and placing the neat stack of papers on top of his desk for their evening look over. Adjusting them slightly so they’re just right and smiling at myself for a job well done.

“What the hell?” I mumbled out loud as my gaze drifted towards a drawer left slightly ajar at his desk and found it unusual. I hadn’t known Mr. Lawson long, but everything was always so neatly organized, and this struck me as odd. The opened drawer caught my suspicion and drew me to have a closer look. Frowning because I know I shouldn’t snoop, but feeling too curious to pass up the opportunity. “Oh, screw it.”

I sat down in his big leather office chair and pulled it closer as I looked inside the opened drawer. Pulling it open more to view multiple medication bottles, each with Mr. Lawson’s name written all over them. None of this seemed to add up, because Drake appeared to be in excellent health. No one has expressed otherwise, but something in the pit of my stomach screamed at me that there’s something going on here.

“What the hell are you doing?” Drake retorted, and his voice filled the room. Knocking the pill bottles together and dropping the one I was holding back into the drawer. The sound of pills jingled together inside the plastic.

“You startled me, Drake...” I jolted as I jumped from the sound of his tense voice and knew I was in shit. “I-I...”

Drake stepped forward quicker than I’d ever saw him move, slammed the drawer shut and huffed towards me. “You shouldn’t be going through my personal belongings.”

“Well, you shouldn’t leave it open for curious people to look through.” I snapped back as he glared at me, and his eyes shone with anger. “What the hell is all that for, Drake?”

The room became much smaller as he leaned in close, and I could smell his minty breath fill the air. Breathing heavily down upon my face as I lean back against the soft, padded leather seat and brace myself for impact. His eyes glare into mine, trying to frighten me away from the truth that he appears to be hiding, but his demeanor couldn’t scare me.

“That’s my personal business and you should stay the fuck out of it, Gemma.” He huffed as his warm breath fanned my face and my body shivered. But I wouldn’t back down. Peering right back at him with the same light in his eyes, accepting his challenge. Licking my lips with anticipation at the moment as I remember what happened last time we were this close and how my body reacts towards him. Full of lust and longing. Red feverish need that consumed me until I couldn’t take it anymore, confused by my feelings towards him and thinking he felt it too. Just like he does right now as his eyes travelled down towards my wet lips and he pushed off the chair. Backing away from me as the wheels on the bottom of the chair move me away from him. Turning his back towards me as he remains silent and peers out his enormous office window. Watching his shoulders rise and fall as he took deep breaths, trying to calm whatever reaction was pumping through his body. Exhaling as I take this opportunity to flee and leave his room immediately before something else erupts. Leaving his room with unanswered questions that fill my mind, along with the burning need for him that fuels inside.

Why did Mr. Drake Lawson have multiple pill bottles with his name plastered all over them?


THE DRIVE TOWARDS HOMEseemed to stretch on as my mind wandered with questions that I couldn’t find the answers to. Drake took medication, but why? Why did I feel this undeniable attraction towards this man, even though I should hate his ungrateful guts?

What the hell is happening to me?

The car remains silent except for my blaring thoughts that consume me, and the traffic moves outside. No music could drown it all out, and I didn’t bother trying. Nearing my house in the distance as my cell phone rings and knowing it could be important.

Pulling the car over to the side of the road as I bring the phone to my ear and answer it. “Hello?”

“Gemma, oh thank goodness you answered...” Grace said as her tense voice filled the phone and I pondered what’s going on. “Your mother’s at the hospital. She had a fall and...”

“I’m on my way right now.” I answered as I didn’t let her finish and hung up the call.

Turning the car around and away from home. The tires squealed and my mind reeled. My mother’s in the hospital again and I wondered what could happen next. Each visit appears to be getting worse, and I wasn’t sure how much more her weak body could take. Wondering how much this medical visit would cost this time and feeling thankful for the money given by Lawson’s Legal. Without it, I didn’t know what I’d do, and this was exactly why I put up with whatever I had to. My mother needed me just as much as I needed her. Stepping on the gas as I speed towards the hospital as quickly as this car will take me. Passing by each green light and cursing at each red. Just wanting to get there and be by my mother’s side to see for myself how bad the situation was this time. Fearing the worst and hoping for the best as my car brings me closer. Seeing the big hospital in the near distance and recognizing the parking lot coming up. Not thinking about it as I got a parking ticket and found a convenient spot. Grabbing my purse and racing towards the entrance. Not remembering asking the nurse where my mother’s location is and ending up just outside her room before I know it.

“There you are...” Grace sighed as she came out of my mom’s hospital room and grabbed me by the shoulders. “I’ve been here with her the entire time.”

“W-what happened to her, Grace?” I stammered and braced myself for her answer.

“Annie had a pretty bad, weak spell and she must have fallen out of bed. I found her on the floor in her bedroom, and she wasn’t responding. I called the ambulance immediately as soon as I knew she wouldn’t wake up and they were there right away because of your mother’s grave situation.” Grace explained as my mind reeled and she squeezed my shoulders. “She’s hooked up to intravenous now and will stay for the night until they observe her in the morning.”

“Is she awake?” I asked as I looked towards her door and expected to see her, but I couldn’t. The hospital door blocked my view, but all I wanted was to see my mother and see that she’s still with me for myself. “Can I see her?”

“She’s not awake and resting. Her body needs it right now, but you may see her.” Grace announced as she nodded her head and I squeezed her hand.

“Thank you so much for being with her, Grace.” I breathed as I walked towards her room and prepared myself for the sight I was about to see. Unsure if I’m ready for this, but knowing my mother needs me by her side.

“I’d do anything for your mother, Gemma.” Grace said as she smiled and watched me go. “She’s a beautiful soul who doesn’t deserve this.”

Letting go of Grace’s hand as she waves towards me and departs down the hallway. “Take it easy tonight and I will see you in the morning.”

Waving as I watch her go, but inch towards my mother’s room. Knowing I just need to suck it up and go in. My mother needs to know I’m going to be there with her no matter what and that’s just what I’m going to do. I entered her hospital room only to find my mom laying there weak, fragile and asleep. Covered under white hospital blankets with machines sounding all around her. Wires were connected to needles that were placed beneath her flesh. Helping to keep her going just a little while longer, but knowing the end wasn’t far away now. My mother grew weaker with each day that slipped by, and it made me sick for her. The worry eating away at me every day that she could slip away and I’d never see her again.

“Oh, mommy...” I breathed as tears fell from my eyes and I went to her bedside.

Slowly stroking her thin, grey hair back from her beautiful face. I remember the radiate beauty that streamed from there recently and now replaced with the blank face of death. Trickling my fingertips sweetly through her hair, and I’m careful not to wake her from a deep slumber. Knowing how much her body needs this rest through this transition of death and how much I still need her. Laying my head down beside hers as I listen to her steady breathing that I never want to end. Closing my eyes as I listen to it and the surrounding sounds that help me drift off into a deep sleep, dreaming of only her.