Chapter SIX ~ Annie

The drive home wassilent. I’m lost in thought and thinking about my first day of work at Lawson’s Legal. I usually have the radio on, but felt too distracted for that. The first day had started off horribly to the point I feared he’d send me right out on my ass and by the end of the day left me confused. Uncertain of how the day truly went when Mr. Drake Lawson appeared to be a hot mess. One minute raging angrily and the next making my body sizzle on fire. Unable to think, let alone concentrate on the job I had to do and pondering his very existence. Knowing his full backstory and why he’s the way he is now makes everything make sense. I still find it hard to all take in when he’s barking orders down my back every chance he gets. Like I’m trapped in the middle, knowing he could charm, but seeing his anger. Dealing with two people existing all in one incredibly desirable body that makes me feel wild.

“Oh god, Gemma, you’ve really got yourself in a predicament.” I muttered to myself as I pulled into the driveway and placed all thoughts of Drake Lawson out of my mind.

Leaving them behind for the day because I have other things that need my attention. One of them was my terminally ill mother, who waited for me in this very house that I gazed up at. The brown brick structure was small and nothing amazing, but it did the trick. She’d raised me and helped keep a roof over my head growing up. Just the two of us, because I never knew my dad. Never even really gave him a thought because my mom didn’t even know who he was. I’d envision him growing up as the cashier, teacher, a stranger passing by or even a neighbor, but in reality, I’d never know. He was just a dream or a fragment of my imagination that I made up as a small child and wished to be real. Feeling sad, but as I grow older, realizing all I really need was this amazing woman by my side. My mother, who’d been there for me through everything in life. Holding my hand, tucking me in at night, helping me with homework and doing everything a father could. She’s my world, and I’d do anything for her. That’s why I’m doing anything I can just for her, including working for an angry asshole. I needed the money to help support her and be there for her the same way she’s always been there for me. Nothing could stop me, especially when all she had was me.

I pull my house key from my purse as I fumble to make it fit and turn the doorknob. I’m greeted home to the smell of medical equipment filling my nostrils and making me feel nauseous, but I push it aside. Pushing forward as I take off my shoes and place my belongings on a nearby table. Hearing voices coming from the bathroom and making my way towards it with curiosity. That’s when I heard the gagging sound and knew it wasn’t a good day. The nurse came out of the bathroom and left the door slightly ajar as she headed in my direction. She tied her hair up in a bun; she wore her white outfit and saw the stains that laid upon it. Not wanting to know what they may be as I could only imagine, and knew it all came from my mother. Grace, my mother’s nurse, had been here with her every day for weeks. Attending to her every need and even more now that I’m working to help pay for her service. Along with the extensive medical bills, house payments and regular bills. So much laid upon my shoulders, and I needed to make sure I did everything I could. If positions were reversed, I know my mom would do the same for me.

“It’s a bad day, isn’t it, Grace?” I asked as I frowned and crossed my arms, feeling a sudden chill in the air.

“It’s been a rough day.” Grace nodded sadly as she clamped her hands together and reached for her purse. “She’s been sick all day and can’t keep anything down.”

“Not what I wanted to hear, but it’s expected from what the doctors say at this stage.” I breathed and ran my hand over my face with exhaustion. “I’ll take it from here and see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Yes, that sounds good, and she should sleep most of the night. Give her the regular medication and she should have a peaceful sleep.” Grace said as she nodded her head and patted me gently on the shoulder. “Hang in there, okay?”

“I’m holding on just for her.” I whispered as tears stung my eyes at the thought of life without her, but knowing death was coming to take her away from me.

Brushing the tears away before they fall and pulling it together for my mother, who needs me more than anything. Nodding towards Grace as she half smiles and understands, heading for the door. Hearing the door softly click as I exhale and walk into the bathroom. Preparing myself for the sight before me as my mother sits slumped over the toilet and looking exhausted. Putting on the best smile I could just for her and brushing short grey hair out of her face as she throws up some more. Bile flows into the toilet as it hits the water and my mother spit out the rest.

“I heard it’s been a rough day.” I sighed as she glanced up at me and slumped back down.

“Rough is an understatement...” Annie grumbled as she peered down at her mess and reached up to flush the toilet, closing the seat along with it. “But you got here just in time because I think it’s over.”

“Come on, mom, let’s get you to bed.” I said as I helped her up, lifting her frail body with mine, and she leaned into me. Hardly feeling it because she’s lost so much weight because the cancer has stolen it away. Eating away at everything she was until there was nothing left.

“Thank you, sweetheart.” Annie sighed as she climbed into bed and laid back against the pillows. Letting her thin body fall into the mattress and covering her with the blankets. Tucking her in so she’s cozy and warm.

“I’ll be right back; I’m just getting your medication to help you sleep.” I announced as I left the room and entered the bathroom once more. Grabbing the many pill bottles my mother’s body now relies on to continue living. Grabbing the cup and filling it with cold water. “Here mom, have these, it will help.”

She sat up slowly, and I handed her the glass of water. Giving her one pill at a time to swallow until there wasn’t any more to give. She laid back, and I slowly stroked her hair. Freeing it from her exhausted face as wrinkles form there and her cheekbones stick out. Her skin sagging more and more every day. Watching her as her eyes closed and I could see sleep coming. Taking her away from all this pain for a little while until a new day starts all over again.

“Goodnight, mommy, I love you so much.” I whispered as her breathing steadied and sleep took hold.

Continuing to stroke her hair and not caring how long I stand there doing it. My mom’s dying and only had so much time left. Her short hair was growing back after the many rounds of chemotherapy that had it all falling out. Undergoing all that pain just to be told it’s spread and there’s nothing anyone could do. Everything needed to stop, because all we could do was watch her slip away. Taking care of her and keeping her comfortable was the major priority now that death was near. I couldn’t bear the thought, but I had to accept that it’s coming. Taking in each moment with my mom until I couldn’t anymore.

I pulled my hand away as I heard my stomach grumble and knew I needed to take care of myself, too. Not only would she want that, but I needed to be here for her. Needing the energy to do so as I slowly creep out of the room and shut the door behind me. Feeling afraid to leave her because I know this could be the night I lost her, but needing to continue living. I walked down the small hallway towards the kitchen that had the living room attached on the other side. Tiled floors in the kitchen led to soft carpet that tucked into my bare toes. The softness feels cozy and just like home. I wandered over to the fridge and the chinese takeout called my name. Grabbing it and tossing it into the microwave. Watching it spin until the machine beeps that my food is ready. Taking it out as steam fills the air and I grab a fork. Wandering into the living room and sitting on the couch. Turning on the television to watch anything to help me forget the day. I mix the rice and vegetables around to help them cool down. Gathering some upon my fork and blowing slowly on it, taking a big bite.

“Mm...” I moaned as the flavors mixed inside my mouth and loved every minute.

The crisp vegetables crunched as I chewed and the rice squished. Swallowing the boiling food as it travels downward and flipping through the channels. Frowning as I find nothing of interest and turn it off, tossing the remote aside. It’s no use and I couldn’t stop my wandering thoughts. The thoughts of my dying mother and the very confusing Mr. Drake Lawson. I had to move back home just to help support her, leaving my old life behind and not even looking back. Not that it was much of a life, but definitely something. I had little choice because she needed me and she couldn’t do this all on her own. She needs twenty-four-hour care and I need this job to help pay for that. There’s no way Mr. Drake Lawson’s edgy behavior could steer me away. He may be ruthless, but I’m a woman with a mission and he’s stuck with me even if he doesn’t realize it yet.