Chapter TWENTY-NINE ~ Everlasting Love

Long, drawn out hourspassed with no word on Drake. I stayed with Hope at home, made supper, and tried to keep her mind preoccupied. But all she wanted was her daddy. She longed for him as much as I ached for the man I loved. To hold him in my arms and know that everything was going to be alright. Hope made a beautiful bright card for him when he woke up. It was littered with flowers, hearts, and a picture of her holding her daddy’s hand. The colors are radiant blue, green, red and yellow. All the colors she knew he’d just love. She needed her father, and I needed Drake.

That’s when the moment came and the phone rang. I answered it as fast as I could and held my breath. Waiting for the one answer that Hope and I had been waiting for. The one answer that we needed to move forward as she clung onto my hand and watched my reaction to the news.

“Drake pulled through, but he has a long recovery ahead of him.” Mindy beamed, happily. “He should wake up soon and I just know he would love to see your smiling faces.”

Relief spilled through my body as happy tears glazed over my eyes and I smiled down at Hope. “He made it, sweetheart, your daddy is going to be okay.”

We hugged one another and laughed happily at the overwhelming moment. Knowing he made it through and we could be by his side. Hope’s daddy will come home and Drake will be back in my life. The man I once hated turned out to be the one person I couldn’t live without.

And now as I sit beside his bedside, eagerly waiting for him to wake up, I vow to do everything in my power to help him through this. He was there for me when I needed him, and I sure as hell would be there for him. I clenched his masculine hand in mine and waited impatiently for those gorgeous eyes to open. I felt the twitch of his body first before his eyelids fluttered. Slowly trying to open them against the heaviness that presses against them. Blinking several times before his pupils adjust and find me. A slow, but steady smile gathered on his handsome face. His hand squeezed mine in response as he raised it towards his mouth and his soft lips grazed my flesh. Tears burned my eyes as I smiled in return and caressed his cheek with my fingertips. Brushing them over the light stubble that forms from a long day.

“Welcome back, handsome.” I whispered as I leaned in and brushed my lips softly over his. “We missed you here.”

“What happened, Gemma?” Drake asked as confusion fell upon his face and his eyes searched mine. “I remember arguing with you about coming into work, and I wanted to tell you something. But then I couldn’t catch my breath and my chest felt like it was crushing in...”

“You had a stroke, Drake.” I admitted firmly and didn’t hold back because I needed answers. “Why did you keep your health problems from everyone?”

Drake exhaled and pulled his hand away. Covering his face with his hands and letting them fall. He looked exhausted, and I worried I’d pushed him too much. I don’t want to push him too far when I just got him back.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t pry and let you...” I said as I stood and pointed to the door.

“No, Gemma, it’s not that at all.” Drake winced with pain as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. “I couldn’t afford others knowing the truth. My career and everything would be ruined. My career is just one of the three most important things I have left.”

“Okay...” I pondered as my eyes narrowed, a frown formed, and I thought about his words. “But why wouldn’t you have surgery?”

“I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my daughter. I’m all she has left.” Drake whispered as his forehead touched mine and my body shivered with his nearness. “She’s the first most important thing I have left.”

His eyes dig deep into my soul with his hazel hues wrapping around me. Sucking me into his intoxicating pull and never letting me go. His eyes left mine and fell upon my plump lips. I licked them with anticipation and he took my hands in his. Gently caressing my flesh with the soft pads of his thumbs and causing me to melt into him.

“And I couldn’t ever leave you, Gemma. You’ve grown to be one of the three most important things in my life and I love you.” Drake confessed and brought his lips down upon mine with an earth-shattering kiss.

“I love you too, Drake.” I breathed as our lips danced a feverish tune, and I felt whole for the first time.

“Daddy!” Hope shouted with excitement as the hospital room door flew open and she ran for her father’s arms. “I missed you so much, daddy.”

We broke apart as his loving arms wrapped around his daughter and he held her close. I pulled back just enough for them to share this loving and tender moment in time. One that I know Hope has been waiting for and praying would come true. Smiling and laughing with joy at the happiness and taking in the moment.

“I missed you too, sweetheart, but I’m here now.” Drake said firmly as he held back tears and gazed up at me.

“I was so worried about you.” Hope whispered as her tiny voice filled the room and tugged at my heart.

“There’s nothing to worry about anymore because I’m not going anywhere.” Drake announced as he brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead.

He extended his arm out towards me and wanted me to join in, but I shook my head. “No, I couldn’t possibly interfere with this beautiful moment.”

“Yes, you can and you will because we love you.” Drake replied as he smiled that gorgeous smile I loved so much and gazed down at his daughter. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

“Daddy’s right, we love you, Gemma.” Hope smiled brightly as she tugged on my shirt and brought me closer.

My heart swooned with undeniable love for them both as I giggled and fell into their everlasting embrace. “And I love you both so much.”

The End