Chapter TWENTY-SIX ~ Protection

The drive back to Drake’shouse went by in a blur. The route seemed unclear, the streets unnamed and the locations unrecognizable. Nothing seemed the way it once was and my body still trembled. The one thing that remains clear was Drake holding me the entire way there. He didn’t let me go or out of his sight as the limousine drove us away from the nightmare I just lived. Still unable to believe everything that happened, but it had, and Drake saved me. He saved me from a terrible fate that not every woman was so lucky to escape. His warm embrace felt more protective than ever as he held me tight and the limousine halted. Arriving at the destination as Drake thanks the driver and I hardly move.

“It’s okay, baby, I got you.” Drake whispered as he lifted me into his powerful arms and I let my head fall onto his chest.

I had no energy and my body felt weak. Tired from the shock of what happened and the fight for my life. Wanting to just forget everything, but knowing deep down I never could. I closed my eyes as Drake carried me forward and heard his footsteps. The keys jiggled as he entered his home, the silence of the night air and his steady breaths. Trying to let it all calm me and consume me. Reminding me I’m safe and have nothing to fear.

So, why did my mind fight with me?

My body felt stiff as I felt him carry me up the staircase and I opened my eyes. Blinking several times as they adjusted to the bright light, and he closed the door behind us. Realizing he brought me to his master bathroom and I ponder what’s next.

“Do you think you can stand, Gemma?” Drake asked, concerned, and I met his gaze.

“Y-yes...” I stammered as the word left me and I loved hearing him call my name. Reminding me of everything from before and that I’m still human. Everything I was before a violent, drunk man attacked me.

“Okay, I’m going to help you get undressed and let you have a shower.” Drake said as he placed me on my wobbly feet and slowly undressed me. “Goddamn bastard.”

Drake winced as he inspected the bruises and scratches left on my skin. The pain once inflicted was taken away as he ran his gentle caress over each and every one. Kissing my skin softly and reminding me of how a man should be. Respecting a woman’s body and treating her like the most precious being in the world.

“I’ll be right out here and I’m not going anywhere.” Drake reassured me as he turned on the water and pointed towards his bedroom. “If you need me, just say the word and I’ll come running.”

I nodded my head quickly and reached out for his arm as he turned away. “P-please leave the door open, I-I just would feel safer that way.”

Drake nods his head as he sweetly places his hand over mine briefly, letting go and leaving me alone. Alone with my thoughts as I walk into the warmth and the water beats down on my frozen body. Once feeling numb and chilled, but now heating. The warm water beads falling over me and running down my body. Grabbing the soap and lathering it over my flesh. Rubbing as hard as I could to take away his disgusting touch that still lingers on me. I remembered his violent touch as he groped, forced, and pinched. Feeling his fingers digging into my flesh and biting me. Reliving those evil memories of what that sick bastard did to me and what he would’ve done if Drake hadn’t gotten to me in time. Tears fell down and mixed with the water. My soft sobs echo with the running shower and I scrub until my skin turns red. Wanting to wash away everything he’d done to me and let the water carry it away. Falling down the drain, taking it all away and to never return. Knowing just how much I want this to all go away, but fearing the worst. Wanting to just feel Drake’s arms around me and make all the pain fade away.

I turned off the water and stepped out onto the cool tiled floor. I grabbed the nearest towel as I dried every inch of my warmed body and reached for the crisp white t-shirt Drake left out for me. Throwing it on quickly and avoiding my reflection in the mirror. Feeling afraid of what I may see and knowing I wasn’t ready for that step yet. I tousled my hands through my hair and exited the bathroom. Walking into his bedroom and seeing him leaning against the doorframe looking sexy as ever. Feeling that familiar heat burning inside me that was only for him. Unsure if I could ever feel this way again after what had happened, but I knew that normalcy was just around the corner.

“Does that feel better?” Drake asked as he uncrossed his arms and looked over my body.

“Yes, slightly better.” I admitted and held his stare.

“Sit down and I’ll brush your hair.” Drake commanded and pointed towards the edge of the bed with a long-bristled brush.

I listened to him and followed his instructions. Narrowing my eyes at his request and unsure why he’d want to do it, but not fighting him. He came up behind me and I could feel his body weight hitting the bed. Causing me to fall back into his presence and he ran the brush gently through my hair. Going slowly and sweetly. Not tugging and violent like I’d experienced. Treating me like a precious piece of artwork as he ran the brush over it and his fingers slid through the strands. Pulling it together slowly and placing an elastic around it. Sitting a neatly kept bun right on top of my head.

Once he’d finished, I turned around to face him, and his hand caressed my face. “I’m so frightened to go back to work. What happens if he’s there? What happens if he shows up and...”

Drake silences me with his fingers, touching my trembling lips. “He’s not allowed anywhere near Lawson’s Legal ever again. I made sure of it.”

“H-how?” I asked, and his fingertip lightly caressed my lower lip.

“While you were in the shower, I called the police and they will be here to question you in the morning.” Drake explained as I went to speak, but he stopped me. “I will be right by your side and you never have to worry about that bastard again. I’m going to make sure his life and career are over.”

Drake wastes no time pulling me into his arms and laying me back against his soft sheets. My head hits the plump pillow as my back presses against his powerful and safe body. His protective arms wrapped around me and his fingertips glided up my arm. Kissing the back of my head as I slowly close my eyes and wish for this all to be a bad dream. One that I’d wake up from and everything would be okay, but I knew that just couldn’t be. Knowing the nightmare was still far from over and I had to face it head on with tomorrow morning’s light. But Drake would be there just like he was now. To help me through this and guide me back towards my life. Back towards the life I’d been living before it all came crashing down.


I BLINKED MY EYES REPEATEDLYagainst the morning light and felt his arms still wrapped around me. Protecting me from everything that happened and everything that’s coming. Feeling a smile slightly touching my face for the first time since this nightmare all began. A smile that Drake Lawson brings to me and one that I wasn’t expecting right along with my heart prying wide open. He made me feel safe, wanted, alive and the center of his world. He made me feel passion, lust and a craving that I never want to end. Making me feel whole with him in my life and I didn’t expect this to happen. I never dreamt I’d ever feel this way about him or any man. This man who I once thought to be cold and heartless. Never imagining him to care for anyone but himself and his business. Ruthless and hard towards everyone around him. Only to discover that it’s so far from the truth. A truth that he kept hidden within him and only displayed towards his beautiful daughter. Who brought light to his life and kept him away from the darkness that haunted him. The darkness that I once thought he was until I saw the light. The love that he had for his daughter and he also showed to me. I’ve fallen in love with my boss, Drake Lawson, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d shown me both sides to him and who he really is. I can’t deny my feelings anymore. As I lay here in his arms, I know just how I feel. I love him and his daughter more than myself. And this is how it was always meant to be.

“I love you.” I whispered into the still morning air and snuggled in closer to him. Closing my eyes and thinking about him. Hoping my dreams will be of only him, and I let the darkness settle in once again.


MY NOSE AWOKE FIRSTbefore my eyes even fluttered to the delicious aroma of breakfast. My lips formed a smile as my eyes opened and I gazed around at Drake’s empty bed. Clothing was all laid out for me as my hand fell on top of them and the price tags were still attached. Drake must have gotten up early and went shopping just for me. My heart warmed with sweet joy at the thought and tenderness of a man who blew my mind away every day. A soft giggle filled the air when my eyes landed on lacy white panties in just my size. Imagining Drake looking all big and buff holding women’s underwear in his grasp, pondering which one to choose. It made me smile even brighter as I got dressed and ripped the price tags off of each item. All the clothing he bought for me fit perfectly and it’s just my taste. Mr. Drake Lawson sure knew a lady, both inside and out. I quickly made the bed and left his bedroom to follow the smell that made my tummy rumble. Letting my nose lead me right towards the kitchen and the sweetest sight I never expected to see. A huge smile broke out over my face at the scene before me, with Hope in an oversized apron, helping her father prepare breakfast. It was the cutest thing. A laugh escaped my lips as I saw pancake mix smeared across Drake’s cheek and I went towards him. Reaching out to wipe the batter from his face with Drake wrapping his arms around me. Smiling at me with that gorgeous smile that made my heart beat faster and my cheeks blush. Realizing Hope was there and forgetting about her presence, unsure of what she would think. But my worry soon faded as I glanced over towards her, her sweet face beamed and shined brightly towards us. Watching us hold one another with a gigantic smile on her face that fills my heart with joy.

“This looks absolutely, amazingly delicious!” I announced as I moved away from Drake and turned my attention towards his gorgeous daughter. “And you guys did this all for me?”

“Well, yes, silly because you’re our special guest.” Hope beamed as she pointed towards the dining room and picked up a plate. “Now go find a seat and breakfast will be served in just a moment.”

I giggled and headed for the dining room. Finding a seat with my plate, utensils, cup and napkin all ready for me. The table's neatly set as Hope and Drake brought in the food. Fresh eggs, bacon and pancakes with strawberries on the side. Everything looked perfect, and I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

“Breakfast is served, Gemma.” Hope smiled proudly as she found her seat and reached for the pancakes. Pouring lots of syrup on them and biting into one as fast as she could. Her little cheeks swollen with food stuffed inside and made her look just like a chipmunk.

“You should slow down there, sweetie.” Drake chuckled softly as he took a sip of his coffee and almost choked on it with laughter.

We all laughed and enjoyed the morning's breakfast. Basking in one another’s company and making a sweet memory. That is, until the doorbell rang and brought me back to reality. With all the pleasant surprises Hope and Drake had in store for me this morning, it almost made me forget about the nightmare I’d just lived. Forgetting about the police’s arrival this morning to question me about my assault and what would happen next. I just wanted this all to be over so I could get back to my normal life. I rose from the table and followed Drake towards the living room, where he asked me to take a seat. He answered the door, and I peeked towards it to see two police officers in their uniforms.

“Please, come in, officers.” Drake said politely as he ushered them inside and guided them towards me. “Please have a seat, gentlemen.”

The officers kindly smiled and took a seat across from me as my hands became clammy and my heartbeat picked up pace. I gazed from one towards the other nervously and questions filled my mind. Wondering what they would ask me and what they want to know. Feeling unsure I could even do this and if I even want to relive the nightmare all over again. Drake motioned with his finger that he’d be right back, and I nodded with understanding. Assuming he was probably going to check on Hope, who remains innocent in all this, and I wish very much I could be, too. Drake wasn’t here to babysit me in his own home, and I’m a big girl.

I could handle this.

Or could I?

“We have some questions to ask you if you’re up for them?” The balding police officer asked as he took out a notepad and pen.

I nodded my head quickly and gazed down at my hands. The knuckles were turning white because I was squeezing them together so tightly. Fidgeting in my seat and feeling hesitate if I was even ready for this. My palms were sweaty, my forehead was sweating and I’m sure I was as pale as a ghost.

“Okay, I’m back, just had to check on my daughter.” Drake announced as he came back into the room and narrowed his eyes with concern when he looked at me. “Are you okay, Gemma?”

He sat beside me and as he did, the breath I’d been holding escaped my body. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding it until he came back into the room and broke me from this nervous funk I’m in. He took my hand in his, met my gaze, and his tender eyes dug into my soul. “It’s okay, don't be afraid, baby.”

His voice was that calm and soothing tone, but I needed to continue. His touch lightly caresses my cheek with the back of his hand and I lean into him. Knowing with him here I could do this and with him by my side, I could do anything.

“Okay, I’m ready to tell you everything.” I breathed as I turned my attention towards the officers and everything began.

It started off simple, with just my name, age, and date of birth. Then it got more detailed with the time, date and place. That’s when the real questions took place. The deep ones and the nightmare I wanted to hide from. Digging a deep hole to bury myself in and never come out, but I know that can’t be. I had to speak the truth and justice had to take place. I didn’t deserve any of it and I couldn’t bear the thought of him getting away with this. I couldn’t imagine him doing this to another woman and he had to be stopped.

“All right, that’s about all we need and we will be in touch.” The officer said as he closed his notepad and rose from the couch.

“Thank you so much for your time, gentlemen.” Drake said as he rose, took my hand in his and nodded towards the officers. “We will walk you out.”

Together, we followed behind them, and Drake held the door open in his grasp. Holding me close beside him as we watch the officers leave his home and get into their vehicle. Many questions ran through my mind of what’s coming and my head spins wondering if justice would come through.

The police car drove away, and I peered up at Drake. He looked down at me and I closed my eyes as he gently kissed my forehead. His warm embrace protects me from all harm, and his powerful words linger in the air. “I will let no one hurt you ever again.”