Chapter TWENTY-THREE ~ Dinner’s Served

“Is dinner ready?” Hopeasked as she entered the kitchen and Drake passed her some plates.

“Yes, it is and you can set the table young lady.” Drake smiled as he nodded towards the dining room table and grabbed some utensils.

“Pass me those and I will help too.” I demanded and took the utensils from his grasp.

Hope and I set the table together as Drake prepared the meal. He moved around the kitchen easily and appeared to be at home. Knowing just where to go and what to do. Not struggling or becoming confused, and it leaves me quite impressed. I never would’ve taken Mr. Drake Lawson to be so good at not only his job, but at home.

I sat down at the table as I watched him bring the food to the table with ease and found his seat. “All right everyone, dig in!”

My mouth watered at the sight, and my stomach growled at the smell. It all looked absolutely delicious and I couldn’t wait to taste. Wondering if it will taste just as good as it looks and this will be the accurate test.

Is Drake not only drop dead gorgeous and a loving father, but a magnificent cook?

“Mm...” I moaned with delight as the tender chicken breast filled my tastebuds with wonder and I chewed my first bite. “This is so good...”

The spices smothered in the chicken gave it just the right kick, and the tenderness of it had me wanting more. The steam rose off the food as I took another bite, and Drake poured me a glass of wine. I shouldn’t drink, but today felt like the right occasion for it.

So, why the hell not?

“Yummy, daddy...” Hope said as she chewed her chicken and pointed her fork at Drake. “Gemma’s right, this is so good.”

“Well, I’m delighted you ladies love my cooking.” Drake smiled brightly, nodded towards me and raised his wine glass. “We’re very glad you could join us this evening. Cheers, Gemma.”

“Cheers.” I breathed as I rose my glass towards him and took a giant sip with the cool liquid hitting just the right spot.

We ate and fell into small talk, with Hope taking in every word. We shared stories of the past and reminisced about the present. Laughing, smiling, and spending time together. Becoming even more comfortable with one another than ever before, and it almost feels like home. Drake cleared the table, and that’s when I glanced at the clock. We’d been so lost in conversation that I’d lost track of time and realized how late it was.

“I should get going because it’s getting late.” I muttered in a displeased tone and frowned at Hope. “It’s probably your bedtime, young lady.”

“No, you can’t go yet, Gemma.” Hope frowned and turned to her dad. “Could Gemma stay and help tuck me in, daddy?”

Drake grinned towards me as he smiled at my shocked expression and pointed at me. “Well, that’s fine with me, but you have to ask Gemma if she’s okay with it.”

“Please, Gemma, will you stay?” Hope pleaded as her innocent eyes tugged at my heartstrings and her mouth formed a little pout.

It was the cutest sight.

How could I say no to that?

“I will have you arrive home safely.” Drake added as he referred to his phone, and I knew he’d call a limousine in a heartbeat.

“All right, I guess I can stay for a bit.” I smirked and pressed my lips together with approval.

“Oh, yay!” Hope exclaimed as she bounced up and down with excitement. “I’m going to go get dressed, be right back!”

We laughed as we watched Hope take off for her bedroom at top speed, and my heart swelled. That little girl could light up a room and she has lightened up my life. I never expected it, but she was everything I’ve ever needed. Hope was helping me see all the things that have been incomplete in my life. She made me become all that I was meant to be.

“She’s very excited to have you here and I’m thrilled you stayed, Gemma.” Drake admitted as he wiped down the table and his eyes locked with mine.

I swallowed hard and fumbled with my hair. “W-well, I’m glad I stayed. Anything to make Hope smile.”

“What can I do to make you smile?” Drake asked as he came around the table and rolled up his shirt sleeves.

Noticing his perfectly formed muscles with masculine veins that I could sink my teeth into. My eyes traveled up his arms to his top undone buttons and showed off the hair spread out on his chest. Traveling down his shirt towards his belt that holds his pants in place and I couldn’t help but think what a shame it would be if they fell. Falling towards the floor to expose his firm dick pressing against his briefs. Standing before me in just that as he unbuttons his shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted chest for me to run my hands over.

“Do you like what you see?” Drake teased as he smiled wickedly at me and leaned against the doorframe.

“O-oh, um... I’m just thinking about tomorrow and all the things I have to do.” I stammered with embarrassment and my cheeks flamed bright red.

“Sure, you were.” Drake chuckled as he grinned at my expense and nodded towards the staircase. “I think someone’s anxiously waiting for you?”

I turned my attention towards Hope, who could certainly give me a distraction from Drake. She was smiling brightly with her cute face hanging over top of the railing and a brush in her hand. She waved it in the air and I rose to the occasion.

“Would you brush my hair before bed, Gemma?” Hope asked, sweetly.

“It would be my pleasure.” I smiled as I walked towards Hope and glanced over my shoulder at Drake, who smiled our way. “Are you coming?”

“Absolutely, bedtime is the best part!” Drake exclaimed, and followed us up the stairs.

Feeling his eyes dancing upon my behind as my ass sways and I give him a show. Teasing him as I go and smirking at the thought. Hearing a slight groan escape his throat and he follows behind me up the stairs, lost in torture. Taking each step towards Hope’s bedroom at a slow pace and glancing back at him as I enter her bedroom.

“Daddy usually brushes my hair, but I want you to do it tonight.” Hope insisted and handed me the brush.

She sat on a pretty pink stool that faced a larger pink vanity. She had hair supplies all neatly laid out on top and a drawer full of even more. They painted her room purple with flowers all around. The perfect little girl’s room and one Drake would make sure she had. Supplying her with everything she ever needs or wants. Her bedroom was the perfect size just for her, with her bed positioned just underneath the window.

“So, does your daddy read you a bedtime story or sing you a song?” I asked curiously as I brushed the bristles through her long brunette hair and looked at Drake in the mirror's reflection.

“He usually reads me a bedtime story if he’s home in time from work.” Hope admitted and pointed towards her bookshelf packed with books. “Do you sing, Gemma?”

“I can if you want me to?” I pondered as my hand ran over her silky-smooth locks and the brush ran through again.

“I would love that, Gemma.” Hope smiled brightly back at me through the reflection of the mirror, and Drake’s eyes sparkled with brightness.

I finished up with her hair and laid her brush on the vanity. Hope hopped impatiently into bed and laid down. Whipping the bedspread over top of her and causing me to giggle at her eagerness. Smiling down at her as I kneel beside the bed and lean in close. Caressing her hair away from her face and licking my lips before I start. Starting off with a soft hum to the tune of a sweet melody that reminds me of her. Hope smiled sweetly up towards me and I down at her. Peering into her beautiful eyes as they dance with wonder upon my face and I sing to her. My heart swells with love for this innocent child that has been through way too much, and I just want to make the pain all go away. Her soft eyelashes flutter as her eyes grow heavier and slowly close, but I remain singing the melody. Softening my tune just enough for her to fall into a deep sleep full of wonderful dreams. Dreams where I hope she sees her mother and hugs her tight. Holding her close until the morning light rises once again and a new day begins.

“Goodnight sweet child...” I whispered as my lips touched her forehead and smiled down at her.

Standing and turning around, only to find Drake leaning against the doorframe, crossing his arms. Watching me so intensely with emotion that it takes my breath away. He stands there watching me put his daughter to sleep. Left with so many unspeakable emotions from the sight. Overwhelming him and turning into a feverish longing all for me. My body cried out for him and I felt myself glide across the bedroom floor. Breathing rapidly as I come closer and knowing full well what was about to happen. Not wanting to deny it any longer or stop it. The room remains silent as Drake steps out and I follow, with our eyes locking on each other. Never wavering and pulling one another in. Breaking the moment for a slight second as I reach for the door handle and pull it tightly closed. Turning around to face Drake just as his lips come crashing down onto my own and the entire world disappears into a greedy, lustful haze.