Chapter SEVENTEEN ~ Unknown

I sat on Coffee Bloom’soutdoor patio with Mindy, picking away at my tossed garden salad. Quieter than normal on our lunch break, and Mindy keeps glancing towards me over top of her iced coffee. Looking out towards the bustling street with people hurrying by without a care in the world while I have many. My mother just died and I’m unsure where life would lead me. Then I went and let my insanely attractive boss kiss me.

I’m just a mess.

“All right, I can’t take this awkward silence anymore.” Mindy huffed as her iced coffee hit the table and her gaze locked with mine. “Out with it, dear.”

Exhaling, I let my fork fall into the salad, pushing it aside and placing my head between my hands. Scrunching up my face, frowning and laying it all on her. “Drake and I kissed.”

“Oh, I just knew it!” Mindy beamed brightly as she clapped her hands with excitement and halted immediately after. Dropping her face into a frown that matches mine and clearing her throat. “I-I mean, that just complicates matters.”

“Mindy, you can drop the act and it complicates things dramatically.” I sighed and dropped my forehead till it hit the table. “I just lost my mom and now this? What am I going to do, Mindy?”

“I know you’re feeling lost right now, and that is completely normal. You just lost your mom, Gemma and that takes time to accept.” Mindy responded as she reached out and took my hand in her own. “But I’ve noticed a change in Drake since you’ve started at Lawson’s Legal. At first, I thought I was going nuts because who would have such an effect on the cold and ruthless Drake Lawson, but then I see the way he looks at you. Not to mention how much Hope likes you and I just know that means something to Drake.”

I couldn’t help but take in Mindy’s words, and it makes my heart hopeful. Remembering Drake’s softened demeanor when his eyes meet mine. How his eyes brighten when he watches me with his beautiful daughter. His gentle touch when his lips met mine, and I didn’t want it to stop. I could see what Mindy’s talking about and feel it deep inside, but it’s something I shouldn’t accept because he’s, my boss.

“Oh, I don’t know, he could just be grateful for his daughter having a connection with someone after her mother passed away before she could even know her.” I said and shook my head with argument.

“That’s exactly it, Gemma. You’re the first female she’s connected with, and I just know Drake loves the thought of it. You can see it written all over his face.” Mindy smiled and tilted her head to the side. “Besides, I saw the way he stood up for you today with that awful, dreadful woman.”

“Oh my god, you saw that?” I groaned and blushed with embarrassment. “I hoped nobody saw that.”

“Why?” Mindy asked as she scrunched her face and looked at me, puzzled.

“Because Drake’s my boss and it’s inappropriate.” I said firmly as I gazed out to the street and peered towards a couple holding hands.

The man leaned in and kissed her lovingly on the lips. Pulling her close to him and lightly caressing the hair away from her face. Touching her so tenderly that it makes my heart hurt and I long to feel that connection. Jealous that I couldn’t have all that they have and groaned in defeat.

“You don’t think you and Drake could have that?” Mindy asked as my gaze shot her way and she watched the young couple embrace.

“No, I don’t.” I exhaled and refused to talk about this anymore. “Can we just drop it and talk about something else?”

Mindy frowned, pulled her hand back, and shook her head. “Yes, we can, but I want you to remember one thing.”

“Okay, what’s that?” I asked and felt mean for being so abrupt, but I needed space from the subject.

“Love works in mysterious ways, Gemma.” Mindy smirked as she raised her eyebrows and peered from me towards the couple.

Following her gaze and watching the couple as they hold hands. Crossing the busy street and swinging their arms. Feeling my heart swoon at the thought of myself getting to feel what they did. Getting to experience a love so strong that it consumes me whole. Having that one person who completes me and makes me feel whole. Wishing it could be Drake, but knowing it could never be because he’s just my boss. Love was completely out of the question. There’s no way I’m in love with Drake Lawson, and he’s certainly not in love with me.


DRAKE’S ARRIVAL THEnext morning had been anything other than usual. His business suit had been the only thing normal about him. His presence wasn’t there, and his mind appeared to be elsewhere. Half listening to me fill him in on his upcoming day and having to remind him every step of the way. His hazel hues seemed confused and distracted. Trying to look everywhere except for him and pondering if I had messed something up. It wouldn’t be the first time, and certainly wouldn’t be the last. I had to hurry to keep up with his rapid pace.

“Don’t forget you have an appointment at ten o’clock and...” I reminded him and pointed down at his schedule.

“Gemma, I heard you.” Drake snapped as he reached out for the door handle to enter his office, and his hand trembled. “I don’t need you reminding me three times.”

“Drake, are you okay?” I asked as I reached out for his hand with a concerned look on my face. “Your hand is...”

“It’s nothing, Gemma.” Drake snapped as he pulled his hand out of my reach and entered the office. “You should get back to work.”

Ignoring his demand and entering his office with the door clicking closed behind me. Looking at him as his shoulders slump and his body shakes. Wondering what could happen as I close the distance between us and place my hand on his shoulder, only to have him refuse my touch.

“Why don’t I close the blinds.” I said as I wandered over towards them and reached out to close them. “It might help.”

“No, Gemma, leave the damn blinds alone.” Drake demanded as he took a seat in his office chair and laid his head between his hands.

“I’m just worried that the glare from the morning sun will make it worse.” I sighed with frustration and pulled the handle.

“Leave the damn blinds open for christ’s sake!” Darker shouted as he peered at me and his hazel eyes glared.

Dropping my hands as my body trembles with anger at his outburst and my mind reels. Angry that he’d raise his voice at me like that after everything I thought we’d been through. I’m confused by what could be wrong with him physically. His entire body trembled as he tried to gain control of it and I watched on. Trying to calm my anger and realize he wasn’t acting like himself. His old defensive self, but not the new person I’ve grown to know.

What the hell is wrong with him?

“Well, I guess if you’re done barking demands at me, I should just get back to work.” I mumbled as I headed for the door and tried not to look at him.

“Gemma, wait...” Drake sighed as he held up his hand and stood. Unsure if I wanted to hear what he had to say after snapping at me, I kept going. Reaching out for the door handle and pulling. “Beth loved to watch the sunrise from my office every morning.”

Suddenly, my hand stopped and dropped to my side. My eyes grew wide, processing his words, and my mind was in overdrive. Unable to believe that Drake was opening up to me about a personal memory from his past, but not just any past. The past he shared with the one person he loved so much, his deceased wife.

“She’d stand by the window, leaning against it with the blinds wide open and watch the morning sunrise.” Drake sighed as he walked towards me, but peered towards the window, lost in his memory. “Her hair would shine brightly with the sunlight and I’d always watch her with my morning coffee.”

I turned around and walked towards him slowly. Trying to register this all happening before me as his body steadies and the shaking stops. Reaching out to touch him just to be sure he’s okay and feeling relief fall over me when I could feel it. Touching his buff chest as his steady breaths rise and fall. His head turning towards me with his hazel gaze landing on me and his eyes softening. Feeling lost in his trance and unable to look away. Unable to stop the heat that rose inside of me and unable to stop the air that sizzled around us. My gaze landed on his lips. They were so soft that I couldn’t help but reach up and touch. Drake’s hands found my waist and pulled me closer as a groan escaped his mouth.

“Why did you tell me that, Drake?” I asked curiously as my eyes peered from his delicious lips to his gorgeous eyes that glowed with the sunrise.

“I-I don’t know, Gemma, there’s just something about you...” Drake sighed as he licked his lips and cleared his throat. “And I want you to understand me.”

“Well, I understand that you’re one confusing son of a bitch.” I breathed and smiled slightly.

“Oh, is that right?” Drake teased as he chuckled and pushed me backwards. Feeling his desk bump into my behind and I gasp slightly. “Well, I intend for things to become much clearer.”

His hands travel down and grab my trembling thighs. My skirt inching higher in his grasp as my eyes meet his and his hard length presses against me. My breath hitched, and I licked my lips. His lustful gaze dropped to my lips as his body pressed into mine and he squeezed my thighs.

“W-what are you doing, Drake?” I breathed when I found my voice and it came out unrecognizable.

“What does it look like, Gemma?” Drake growled as he lifted me up and my ass cheeks touched the cool desktop. “I want to taste you.”

I peered at him, shocked, but lost in the moment. Unable to form words or a decent thought as he reached around behind me and cleared his desk of all his belongings. Hearing them crash to the floor and his hungry lips crashing down upon mine.