Chapter SIXTEEN ~ Sweet Surrender

His lips feel likesilk that I could get lost in forever and never leave. Sweetly caressing over mine as his tongue partially enters my mouth and I couldn’t stop him. His tenderness consumed me and made my heart swell. His silky lips fell over me like a soft blanket I could stay wrapped in for days. Feeling my body growing hot beneath his touch as his other hand ran down my neck and left goosebumps in its wake. His tongue slightly caresses mine as I moan and let him take me. Making me forget everything, even if it was just for a few brief moments in time. Minutes lost in his arms as his lips softly dance over mine and he lifts me into him. Carrying me over towards my couch and placing me gently on the cushions. Showing me tender care that I could never imagine this man possessing, but he did. Kissing me with such care that I thought my heart could shatter, and I’d never get back the missing pieces.

Suddenly, his lips parted from mine, and he pulled back. “I’m sorry, Gemma, but I shouldn’t have taken advantage of your fragile state.”

“N-no...” I exhaled and I’m left winded, with my world spinning out of control. “W-we just got caught up in the moment, but it won’t happen again.”

Drake’s forearms pressed upon either side of my body and his veins looked so sexy I could lick them. Wanting nothing more than to pull him back towards me and fall into his kiss once again. He stood and ran his hands through his hair, and that’s when I smelled his masculine scent. Filling my body as it hums for him and I couldn’t get enough. Leaving me feeling jittery and uncertain.

What the hell just happened?

Drake appeared at my doorstep unannounced, and I fell into his arms. I felt so comfortable with him and I wanted him to make me forget the grief that consumed me. Well, he did just that, but now I’m left confused and still very sad. I still had so much to address and now added more to the pile. I needed time to think and couldn’t get lost in his distraction again.

“Thank you for coming, Drake, but I think it’s best you go before...” I admitted as the reality of my words hit me full force and I peered into his eyes.

“I understand, Gemma.” Drake interrupted and nodded towards me. “I just needed to see you.”

I pressed my lips together and so badly wanted to respond, but knew deep down I shouldn’t. Now wasn’t the time to address the sexual tension that always laid between us since day one. No matter how much I tried to deny it, it was always there. It didn’t matter how much of an asshole he could be, how ruthless or cold. I still saw the good shine through and whatever was going on, we couldn’t deny much longer.

“I shall get going and take all the time you need from work, Gemma.” Drake said as he cleared his throat and headed for the door. “Annie was a beautiful woman, and she raised a beautiful daughter. She will always be missed.”

“Thank you, Drake.” I whispered at him as tears blurred my vision at his thoughtful words and felt the grief linger in the air.

Just like that, he’s gone and I’m left alone. Left with the sadness, grief and loss. Consuming me once again no matter what I did and wanting it all to go away. Wanting my mother back, but knowing it could never be. Wanting a man that I shouldn’t, but unable to help myself. Remembering my mother’s words that life’s too short and to never take it for granted. Wondering if she would understand my conflict and what she’d want me to do. Knowing it’s too late now because she’s gone and I’ll have to figure it out on my own.

“I wish you were here, mommy.” I whispered into the stillness of my empty home, held my hand over my heart and prayed she heard me.


MY MOTHER’S FUNERALwas a simple service because that’s what she wanted. Dressed in black to attend a day that I dreaded, but needed to do as one last thing for her. Knowing I need to be there and that thought helps push me through. Her body laid still in the casket and cold to the touch. Running my hand over her grey hair and trying not to smear her overdone makeup. Her sweet eyes closed and I wished so much to see them again. Having to hold those memories tight and never letting them go.

I sat at my desk as I tried to type in the words that needed to be displayed, but had a hard time. My thoughts were overshadowed with my mom and the last time I saw her. Having to take several days off work to function, but worrying, I’m still not ready. My hands trembled as I shook them and took a deep breath. Typing out the words and giving my head a shake. Knowing I still have my job to do here, but unsure why I’m still here.

Drake had found someone to care for Hope while I took the time I needed to get back to normal. He’d wanted me to take more time off to care for myself, but I’d refused. I didn’t want to be sitting around with just my thoughts. Memories of the last time I’d seen my mother or the last time she was alive. Thoughts of Drake consoling me and falling apart in his arms. His lips sweetly taking mine and making me forget everything happening around me. Becoming lost in him, but in an intoxicating way. What happened with Drake was something that was amazing, but never should’ve happened. Now, I’m left feeling unsure and lost. Unsure if I should keep my job at Lawson’s Legal because I had fallen into an earth-shattering kiss with my boss. Feeling lost because I’m not sure where life could go from here without my mom in it.

Suddenly, my head perked up at the usual footsteps that filled the hallway as Drake arrived, and I got up to greet him. Feeling my heart skip a beat as I head for the doorway of my office to see him arriving back from his lengthy court session. Fixing my brown dress as I hurry and stand by the door. Drake looked drool worthy in his neatly kept blue suit and his dark hair perfect on top of his head. His hazel hues met mine as they stared intensely at me and I smiled. Remembering our kiss as I blush lightly and quickly lose it when I see her. My smile turned into a frown when Stacey followed behind him like his unwanted lap dog. Her green eyes locked with mine as she tossed her red hair and halted in front of me.

“Why don’t you get back to work, Gemma?” Stacey stated as she shooed me with her hands back into my office, and her long fingernails clicked together.

Who the hell does this bitch think she is?

Glaring towards her, seeing red and raising my hands in front of me. I’m about to put Stacey in her place when his deep voice rings out through the hallway and he spins around to face her. “Don’t you dare talk to my assistant like that and you apologize to Gemma this instant, Stacey!”

Stacey blinked several times and her green eyes stared back at Drake with disbelief. Opening her mouth and waving her hand his way. “But Drake, it’s no big deal, she’s just hired help.”

Drake stalked up in front of her and loomed over top of Stacey. Showing his power over her and glaring down into her green stare. His jaw trembled with anger and he spoke through clenched teeth. “Get the fuck out and never come back.”

Stacey’s lower lip trembled with not a tear in sight and she peered straight towards me. Her red locks whipped Drake across his enraged face. “He’s all yours now, Gemma.”

Spinning on her heels, flinging her hair and strutting down the hallway of Lawson’s Legal to never return. I watched her departure and I’m left in disbelief that it even happened. Not expecting anything to play out the way it did, but left completely thankful. I’ve had enough of her disrespect towards me and was going to let her have it. After everything I’ve been through, I didn’t need Stacey ordering me around any longer.

Drake had stood up for me and dumped that bitch.

Drake exhaled and turned towards me. “Are you okay?”

He reached out and grazed my cheek. All I wanted to do was lean into him, but knew how inappropriate that would appear. Stepping back and nodding my head in response. Smiling up at his tender face and shimmering eyes. Seeing the shift in him and not just towards his daughter any longer. There’s been a change in Mr. Drake Lawson I didn’t see coming and I’m afraid it’s all because of me.

But I don’t know what to do about it.