Chapter THIRTEEN ~ Fluttering Message

The limousine rolledup in front of the busy park. People strolled by with their children, dogs, friends, and loved ones. People flew by on bikes, rollerblades and skateboards. Energy courses through me as I peer down into Hope’s twinkling eyes and know I made the right decision.

“We’re going to the park!” Hope cried out as she bounced in her seat and I giggled at her excitement. “This is my favorite park!”

“Yes, we are, Hope.” I chimed as I climbed out of the limousine and almost collided with a bicycle. “Oh, I’m sorry about that!”

Laughing as Hope giggles and we fall into step with each other. Hope’s shining eyes make my heart swoon at her joy and I’m happy to see it. Her excitement is magnetic and I’m drawn to it like a piece of metal. My hand connected with hers and isn’t chilled anymore, but warm with her magnificent touch. Hope giggled, and I smiled as we skipped on the path that led around the park. Feeling an unbreakable bond with this special little girl that’s undeniable and unexplainable. Staring down at her in wonder as her beautiful face lights up with the bright morning sun. Shining down on her with her eyes glistening in the light. Feeling a magical presence taking over that draws me closer to her with every moment that passes by.

“Gemma, look, it’s ice cream!” Hope shouted as her voice filled my ears and the excitement surrounded me. “Can we get some, please Gemma, pretty please?”

“Oh, yes, we sure can.” I giggled and let go of Hope’s hand as she ran towards the ice cream stand.

Watching on as she gazes at the menu, licking her lips and her eyes widening to the size of her hungry belly. She looked the menu up and down. I’m thankful for the pictures on the menu because I’m not sure if she could read. It’s early morning, but what child wouldn’t love an ice cream at the park?

“Can I get the rainbow sprinkled delight, Gemma?” Hope asked as she gazed up towards me and her sweet eyes pleaded.

How could I possibly say no to that?

“Well, it’s your pick. If a bright colored rainbow ice cream is what you want, then it’s yours, sweetie.” I said as I smiled down at her and she bounced with excitement. Squeezed my side and my heart skipped a beat.

“Thank you, Gemma.” Hope said, happily. “You’re so much cooler than that nanny could ever be!”

“We will take your rainbow sprinkled delight with some extra sprinkles on it for this little lady.” I asked and smiled towards the man behind the ice cream stand.

Gazing around at the park while we wait for Hope’s ice cream and birds fly by in the air. Swooping from one tree to the next as their chirps fill the surrounding air and feathers lay on the ground. A dog ran nearby as the owner threw a stick and the animal dashed to fetch it. Happily grabbing it between its teeth and running back towards the owner for more. Dropping the stick at their feet and repeating the process all over again. A young boy threw a baseball towards his father as he caught it in the center of his glove and smiled at his son. His son fixing his baseball cap and holding his glove up. A signal he’s ready and his dad throws it high into the air. The ball moved fast as the son got underneath it and opened his glove to catch it.

“Here you go, one rainbow sprinkled delight for the little lady.” The man said as he smiled and passed Hope her ice cream.

Her face lit up at the deliciousness before her and licked her lips with anticipation. The ice cream was huge, and I doubted she could eat the entire thing. The bright colors of purple, green, yellow and blue. Dashed with as many sprinkles as anyone could get on top of an ice cream cone. She took the first bite as I paid the man and turned towards Hope.

“I think you’re going to need a napkin.” I giggled as I grabbed a couple of napkins and passed one to Hope.

“Why do I need one when all I have to do is lick it?” Hope asked and looked up at me curiously with ice cream smeared across her face.

It’s the sweetest, but funniest, sight. Bright colors of ice cream spread across her beautiful face as she tried to lick up her mess, but made it worse. Sprinkles stuck to the ice cream, which made it a comical sight and one I knew I should get a picture of. Sneaking out my cell phone quickly and snapping a picture before she finds out. Laughing at the sight and dabbing at Hope’s face, trying to help her with the mess. She continued to eat like no tomorrow and loved every minute. Hope Lawson loved ice cream and definitely had a sweet touch. She got down to the last bit with some of the waffle still left, but couldn’t finish. Throwing the rest into the nearby trash and making our way along the path once again.

“Look, Gemma!” Hope shouted and ran towards something fluttering in the sky. “It’s a butterfly!”

“Hope, wait up!” I shouted as I ran after her and tried to keep up.

Her little legs sprinted across the grass, and closer towards the stream of water within the park. Hearing the water trickle as it flows and we run closer. Fearing the butterfly could fly over top of the water and away from the little girl who had her arms stretching out for it. Watching it flutter further and higher as Hope ran to keep right underneath it.

“Hope, please be careful! The water’s getting too close!” I shouted with fear as I sprinted faster and tried to catch up to her.

Suddenly, she stopped amongst radiant flowers and their colors shone with the sunlight. Red, yellow and orange colors filled my eyes as I halted. Creeping forwards as she inches closer towards the butterfly that lands on top of a bright red flower. Watching on as its wings open wide and shut. Resting as Hope moves for it with curiosity and bends down. Laying on the ground just beside the flowers with her eyes never leaving its beauty. I watched with wonder as Hope reached out her hand and I expected it to flee. Flying away into the sky above and over top of the stream. Instead, it walked into Hope’s hand as she smiled brightly at it, and I peered on with awe. I slowly crept down beside Hope and laid on my stomach in the grass beside her. Watching Hope as her eyes twinkle with delight and the butterfly walks over top of her soft skin. It moved its bright colored wings and spread them just for her. Hope’s beautiful nature captivated not only me, but this beautiful creature. Hope held her hand up towards the sky and, just like that, the butterfly took flight. Soaring high as we watch it fly out of sight and I gaze over at Hope.

“That was my mommy.” Hope whispered happily and smiled towards the sky above.

My eyes teared up at the sight, but I dared not let them fall. I couldn’t believe the words she’d just spoken. This little girl who lost her mom so long ago and never knew her believed a butterfly was her mother. Her mother dying giving birth to her, never seeing her and never feeling her arms surround her. Unsure if I could even believe it, but the way the butterfly captivates her speaks volumes. The way the butterfly had taken to Hope spoke even higher, and something unexplainable had occurred. Tingles creep over my body from the moment and I reach out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Why do you think that was your mommy?” I whispered with curiosity and wonder.

“Cause my mommy told me in my dream that I’d see her again and she’d be a beautiful butterfly.” Hope whispered as she peered into my soul, and I felt every word she spoke. “Do you believe in heaven?”

“I want to because that’s where we get to see our loved ones again.” I responded as my voice crackled and I barely recognized it.

“Well, you should because I do and I know my mommy’s waiting for me.” Hope whispered, and she smiled slightly.

I’m left in awe by this little girl and couldn’t believe how wise she was. How hopeful, understanding and intelligent. Hope’s been through more than anyone I know, and she’s blowing me away. The breeze blew through our hair and broke me from my thoughts as Hope’s eyes grew wide. Excitement lit up her face, and she sprang to her feet.

“Come on, Gemma, let’s go!” Hope shouted with joy and extended her hand out towards me.

Taking it into mine as we head straight for a splash pad with water streaming onto the children below. Laughter erupts with the cool water beads, hitting our bodies from the sprinkle overhead. Water falling upon us as we jump, run and walk. Feeling it hit everywhere and I couldn't care less about being wet. This little girl that I held onto made me see that life’s full of unexpected things and I’m so grateful to be a part of her world.