Chapter TWELVE ~ Caregiver

Leaving Lawson’s Legalthat evening, I felt different. The day had been draining, confusing, but unexpected. It started off with worry for my mother and the heartbreaking situation that kept occurring. Feeling worried and fearful, if this was it. Unsure if she’d even be coming home, but hoping for the best. Knowing Grace had been with her today takes some of that worry away and her constant updates I’d been thankful for. The day ended with confusion by the unexpected encounter with Hope. Drake’s beautiful daughter who I never imagined meeting, let alone caring for. The entire time an experience I never had and one that ended up not being as bad as I expected. Meeting Hope had changed the way I viewed Mr. Lawson yet again, and I don’t know if I could ever look at him the same way again. Mindy had been right about seeing him with his daughter. It had changed the way I viewed him, and I’m unsure if that’s a good or bad thing. It’s definitely good to know he’s not just a cold-hearted, ruthless man, but a gentle and loving one underneath it all. My heart pounded at just the thought as I turned the wheel and pulled onto my street. Thinking about Drake nonstop and the way he’d been with his daughter. So, caring, loving and affectionate. The complete opposite from the cold, calculated and rough Mr. Lawson.

“Get a hold of yourself, Gemma.” I exhaled and pulled into my driveway, cutting the engine.

Grabbing my purse and exiting the car as my feet hit the pavement. Expecting my mom to be sound asleep at this point. I had to work late to catch-up because I had to babysit for half the day. Mindy could only take over so much of my job and tend to hers as well. Today has been an exhausting and challenging day. Draining and confusing, but I’m glad it’s over. Looking forward to wearing something comfortable and putting my feet up. Forgetting about the day and hopefully getting my mind off of Mr. Drake Lawson. Grabbing my keys from my purse and fumbling with the door lock as my cell phone rang loudly.

Who the hell could it be at this hour?

I gazed down at the screen and it read as an unknown caller. Frowning and feeling unsure if I should answer it. Walking through the door and pressing the talk button. “Hello?”

There’s no answer and a rustling sound in the background. “Hello, who is this?”

“Gemma, there you are. I could barely make out your voice.” Drake huffed with annoyance and his cool tone rang through my ear. “The reception must be bad here.”

“Drake?” I said with confusion, and my heart raced. “What’s going on? Why are you calling me?”

“Tomorrow you will look after Hope.” He demanded, and I heard a soft giggle in the background. “For some unknown reason to me she’s taken a liking to you.”

I couldn’t believe my ears and wasn’t sure if I’d heard him right. He got straight to the point and wanted me to care for his daughter. The nerve of this man to demand me to do something that wasn’t even in the job description. I should have told him where to shove it, but Hope’s little innocent face appeared in my mind. Her sweet voice played repeatedly, and I remembered that little time we shared. Then Drake’s words came through next, she’s taken a liking to me. She wanted me to take care of her over everyone else, and he trusted me to do it.

“Hello, Gemma? Are you still there?” Drake asked quietly as I brought the cell phone back to my ear.

“Yes, Drake I’m here.” I sighed and sat my purse on the table. Feeling like I should drive my head through a wall. This man got on my nerves, but his daughter needs me. I wanted to put up a fight and argue with him, but Hope wanted me to take care of her.

“Good, now...” Drake exhaled briefly, and he’s cut off.

“Who’s that, handsome?” Stacey purred in the background, and I heard a rustling sound.

Stacey was with him. And there’s no mistaking it. Her squeaky voice made my ears bleed, and I wished I could reach through the phone. I’d wrap my hands around her petite and perfect neck. Squeezing until she got the hint. But my mind had other plans. Imagining her running her long fingernails over his neatly kept suit, and it makes my blood boil at the thought.

“It’s no one, now be quiet.” Drake barked towards Stacey, and I knew she felt the sting.

I felt it just like he’d slapped me through the phone line and remained silent. Slicing me like an icy blade stabbing into my skin. Opening me up and exposing the conflict I feel over this confusing man. He appeared to not want anything to do with Stacey, but still used her for sex. Still had her following him around at his every call while I lay in the shadows and he haunts me. His ruthless heart confuses me even more every day, and I still want to know more. Seeing those glimpses of care and an attraction towards me I can’t figure out. Leaving me longing for more, but hating his guts every step of the way. A continuous battle inside of me that feels like I could near the answer with Hope, but it remains unclear.

“Now, that is what’s happening tomorrow, and you will meet us at the office at the same time as usual. Do you understand?” Drake commanded as my blood boiled between rage and lust at his husky tone. His voice does something to me inside that made me crave him, but his demand made me furious.

“I understand, Drake and I will see you tomorrow.” I said through clenched teeth and tried my best to not show my battle as silence took over the phone line.

I wanted more than anything to tell him to go to hell, but I knew Hope needed me. I couldn’t disappoint her and I needed this job more than anything. I’d do anything I had to do to keep it.

“Come and play with me?” Stacey begged as her voice broke the silence and he hung up without a goodbye.

The ringing of the call ending fills my ear, and I toss the cell phone onto the couch. Slumping my body right down with it. I’m left angry but defeated all at the same time. Knowing why I’m doing this, but angry at his barking demands. Tired of being told what to do day in and out with no regards towards my feelings. Confused by the constant attraction, I feel sizzling through the air when he’s around and I have no control over it. Even though he gets on my very last nerve, the attraction I feel towards him is undeniable, and I know he feels it, too. With Hope thrown in the mix, I’m even more confused than ever. This war I feel within myself I know will come to an end. I just had no idea when or where I’d end up because of it.


MORNING CAME ON SOONERthan expected as I got everything ready for Drake’s morning arrival, but this time with his daughter in tow. I felt nervous and hoped it would wear off. Caring for a child all day would be an enormous responsibility and change for me, but I had a feeling Hope would make it easy. I just needed to get over myself and my insecurities with children. My hand trembled as I placed Mr. Lawson’s black coffee on his desk and spilled slightly onto the surface below.

“Ah, shit, Gemma, pull yourself together...” I grumbled as I quickly cleaned up my mess and opened his curtains.

Glancing down at my watch and knowing it’s time as I make my way towards the elevator for their arrival. I didn’t want to disappoint him because of my jumbling nerves. I needed to calm down because my job depended on it and I couldn’t lose it. Breathing deeply as my heels click against the floor and I straighten my dress. Fixing it just right as I ran my fingers through my hair, but still feeling my nerves running wild.

Why the hell am I such a mess?

Does it have something to do with caring for my boss’s child?

A man who I’m extremely attracted to?

Brushing my wild thoughts aside, I grab the schedule from Mindy’s desk that awaits me and throw her a slight smile. “Morning, Mindy.”

“Morning, Gemma...” Mindy said as she smiled brightly and nodded towards me. “Don’t worry about your work here, I’ve got you covered.”

“Thanks, Mindy, you’re the best.” I sighed as I continued forward and gazed ahead towards the elevator doors.

Any moment now they would open with Drake, looking insanely delicious in his business suit, and I’d try to ignore the attraction. His intense gaze will peer into mine and his hazel haze will consume me. His dark hair neatly kept making me want to run my fingers through it and destroy it. Making it a mess, just like he made my life feel. Completely tossed upside down and in disarray. My emotions are out of control, with me hating him one moment and wanting him the next.

Suddenly, the elevator dings and breaks me from my lingering thoughts. Exhaling as the doors open and my eyes land on his. Making my body grow hot, captivating me, and making me forget how angry I was with his growing demands. His demanding phone call yesterday that commands me to watch his child and feeling I couldn’t say no. Not only because I’d risk losing my job, but that sweet child who wants me to care for her. That same child who smiled brightly and ran straight for me. Feeling my heart open up wide as my arms open wide for her and my body knows what to do. Dropping to her level and swooping her into my arms.

“Gemma!” Hope cried as her tiny arms wrapped around me and squeezed tight. “I’m so excited for today.”

The worry and nerves I once felt rushed away as soon as her arms wrapped around me. Circling me in her sure embrace and something about her makes me feel at home. Smiling brightly as I hug her back and my gaze meets him once again with a look I’d never seen before in his edgy eyes. The look of happiness as he smiled towards me and nodded his head. His smile was absolutely radiant and gorgeous that a girl could get used to.

“What are we going to do today?” Hope chimed as her curious voice broke through, and I pulled away from her.

“Well, I have a surprise planned, but I need to fill your daddy in on his busy day first.” I said as I smiled brightly at her and stood up.

Drake exits the elevator with the gorgeous smile fading from his face. And I’d do anything to get it back. Something about it made my heart sing, and I tried to stuff that deep down. I had a job to do and didn’t need this kind of distraction. It’s time to put on my business face.

“You have a conference call first thing with a meeting soon after and lunch with a fresh case. Followed by court at two in the afternoon and depending on those results maybe dinner with Stacey.” I said as I hated speaking that last word and she made me see red, but I pushed it aside. There’s never a good time for that, and she didn’t deserve an ounce of my time.

We make our way down the hallway with Hope skipping at Drake’s side and her hand links in his. My gaze couldn’t help but wander towards them as I answered all of Drake’s questions and admired his love for her. His body language completely changed with her around, and his smile was contagious when he peered down at her. Her sweet smiling face looking from her father towards me and my heart melting at the sight.

“I will follow you both outside and make sure you get into the limousine safely.” Drake announced as we walked past Mindy’s desk and she watched on, smiling brightly.

“You ladies have a fun time!” Mindy called out as she waved and we headed towards the front entrance of Lawson’s Legal.

“We will!” Hope said with excitement as she took to my side and took my hand in hers. “Won’t we, Gemma?”

“You betcha, kiddo.” I said as I smiled brightly down at her and squeezed her tiny hand.

We walked outside, and into the morning as the sun rose and I looked over at Drake. “You’re missing your beloved sunrise this morning.”

“Well, it’s definitely worth it, seeing two beautiful ladies start their day.” Drake breathed as his gaze peered into mine, and he opened the limousine door for us.

“T-thank you, sir.” I stammered as my face turned crimson and he caught me off guard.

Hope broke contact with me and climbed excitedly into the limousine with me in tow. Time slowed down as my gaze never wavered from his, and I moved closer towards Drake. His hazel gaze trapped me, and I felt lost in him. His face inching closer towards mine as I place my hand on the door and his hand slides over top of mine. My breath catches, my eyes widen, and I feel it. The attraction sizzled from his body into mine. Making me shiver with feverish lust from his touch and coursing throughout my body.

“You’re welcome, Gemma, but remember...” Drake breathed closely on my cheek, and I felt his warm breath fan it. “Please call me, Drake.”

I blinked several times as reality set back in and I pulled my hand out from under his. My body still left heated as my breath hitched and I cleared my throat. “Right, sorry about that, Drake.”

I got into the limousine, with Hope seated beside me, and slid into the leather seat. The smooth black leather felt calming upon my heated flesh as I sat back and tried to ease my fast-paced heart. These moments I felt with my boss needed to end and I had to be the one to put a stop to it. He probably didn’t even feel it, it's all in my head. I couldn’t risk a minor attraction towards my sexy but maddening boss when I had bills to pay. I had to keep in mind why I got this job in the first place and it’s all for my mom. Whether or not Mr. Drake Lawson knew it. Drake closed the door and Hope reached across my lap to roll down the window. The automatic window rolled down to reveal his gorgeous features as his face came into view, and Hope leaned in to peck his cheek. He smiled that contagious smile, and my heart skipped a beat.

“I love you, sweetie, and have a great day.” Drake breathed as he pecked her back and her body happily bounced back into her seat. “You as well, Gemma.”

I simply nodded and couldn’t form words. Smiling slightly as I’m afraid to use my voice and feeling my face flush. Drake stood and taped the roof of the limousine with us, headed off inside. Driving away from Drake, heading towards a fun day with his daughter. The beautiful ray of sunshine that beamed beside me, just as bright as the sun that shone in the morning sky. Beaming just like my feverish body that still sizzles, and we drive away to start our day.