Chapter ELEVEN ~ Getting to Know You

We’d been sitting inMr. Lawson’s office for fifteen minutes and I repeatedly checked the clock. Feeling like an eternity has passed as the seconds tick by and I have no idea what to do with this child. I wasn’t a kid person, and this was an unknown territory for me. I found a seat at Mr. Lawson’s office desk and sat back in its comfort. Swiveling around in the seat and gazing at his book collection. Remaining curious about them as I grasp one in my hand and flip through the pages. Trying to appear busy, even though I was nervous as fuck. Hope took a seat on her father’s black couch in his office and let her backpack drop to the floor. She sat quietly, glancing my way every couple of minutes and playing with her hands. I glanced at her from over the top of the book’s rim and pondered what spun around in her mind.

What could she be thinking?

Hope pressed her lips together and stood, walking towards her bag. “Can I draw?”

She grabbed my attention, and I dropped the book in my lap. “Do you have coloring supplies?”

“What does supplies mean?” Hope asked as her face scrunched up in a cute manner, and it made me smile.

“Oh, it means if you have that resource, but you wouldn’t even understand what that means...” I breathed with frustration because I had no idea what I was doing. “How old are you, Hope?”

“I’m eight with my ninth birthday coming in the summer.” Hope smiled, sweetly.

“Okay, what I meant to say was, do you have everything you need to draw?” I asked and patiently waited for her to answer.

She bent down at her bag, unzipped it and pulled out a bright colored pencil case. “Yep, I do.”

“Okay, perfect.” I smiled brightly and brought the book back up to appear busy.

Falling into the book and thinking this could be of use. Reading the first bit about the court of law and feeling intrigued to know more. Understanding it would be of benefit to me because Drake had me downright confused. From his personality, what made his brain tick and his physique. His body language left me perplexed, from his hot one minute to stone cold the next. Maybe something in all these law books could help me understand him.

Suddenly, there’s a slight tug on my dress that causes me to drop what I’m doing and gaze into sweet hazel eyes. Staring back at her wide eyes with confusion and pondering what she wants. “Sweetie, what’s the matter?”

“I don’t have any paper to draw with.” She frowned sadly, and I thought she would cry.

“Oh my gosh, well we can’t have that.” I announced in a silly tone and felt like shooting myself in the foot. “Silly, me forgetting to get your paper. You can’t draw very well without it.”

What the hell, Gemma?

Grabbing some blank pieces from Mr. Lawson’s desk and handing them to Hope with a frown. She giggled softly at my slight humor, which made me laugh and seemed to break the awkwardness slightly. She took the paper from my grasp and skipped towards the floor, where she’d neatly laid out her task. Lining up each colored pencil crayon on the floor that she was going to use and picking them up one by one to use. Hope Lawson's organized for her age and it impressed me. She’s only eight and appears to be on top of things more than me. I’m just distracted by my nerves and had to get over it somehow.

She’s only an eight-year-old child.

But why did I feel so intimidated?

“I’m not a lot of work you know and pretty easygoing.” Hope explained as I gazed towards her with shock and wondered how she knew what I was thinking.

I simply smiled slightly at her and knew my nerves must’ve shown. She saw right through me and sensed my weakness. Watching her as she colors and hums a soft tune that fills the air. Loving the sound of her sweet little voice as it calms my body and makes me smile. Her brunette hair fell to touch her knees as she moved her head from side to side and colored. Watching the pencil crayons move swiftly in her grasp and she knows very well the image she wants to create. Feeling curious, I stand up and wander over towards her. Watching on as I come closer and bright colors fill the paper. The image she’s creating was exquisite and bright. Feeling surprised by her skill for only eight years old as I watch from above and she creates her own masterpiece.

“I’m coloring a sunrise because it’s my daddy’s favorite.” She announced as her proud tone filled the stillness and her little hands worked.

“It’s very beautiful and fantastic, Hope.” I admired as I smiled and she never looked up at me. Totally lost in her masterpiece, with her pencil crayons creating each stroke.

“What’s your favorite color?” Hope asked and continued to work.

“Oh, um, that would have to be purple.” I answered with a smile on my face.

“What’s your favorite animal?” Hope pondered as she tilted her head and admired her work.

“That would have to be a bird because they can fly wherever they want.” I replied as I walked over towards Mr. Lawson’s fridge, opened the door, and found some chocolate chip cookies.

“What’s your favorite food?” Hope asked and I saw her eyeing up the cookies in my grasp.

“Well, that would have to be chocolate chip cookies.” I responded as I smiled, took a seat beside her on the floor, and fixed my dress.

“Me too, they’re so delicious.” Hope smiled, and I handed her a cookie. She took a bite and licked the chocolate that got stuck to her lip. “See? They’re so good.”

I giggled, took a bite, and pointed at her backpack. “I would have to agree with you on that one. Do you have some lunch there?”

“Yes, my daddy always packs it for me and leaves a special note.” She replied as a bright smile lit up her face and it warmed my heart. “Let’s see what he wrote for me today!”

Her excitement filled the air and helped my body calm even more than before. Relaxing into her sweet excitement and easygoing presence. Taking away the nerves and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. This little angels like magic and has left me sweetly surprised. She reaches into her bag with her cookie hanging out of her mouth and makes me giggle softly at the sight. Pulling out a flower pattern lunch container with the name Hope Lawson sticking to it. She unzipped it and went straight for the sandwich container. Opening it quickly, with me watching on with curiosity.

What did the great Mr. Drake Lawson write for his daughter today?

Hope’s face lit up with such happiness it made my heart sing and I died to know what the note read. “Well, Hope, what did your daddy write for you today?”

She ate the rest of the cookie with an enormous smile spread across her face as she turned the note around for me to read, and my heart leapt into my throat. “I love you more and more each day. Have a fabulous day at school.”

A smile broke out across my face at the sight and my heart sang at the tiny heart placed at the end just for Hope. His daughter that he loved so much more than life itself, and I couldn’t believe it. The amount of love he had for his child and it showed throughout a note. Not just any note, but a new one each day just for her.

“That’s so beautiful and sweet of your daddy to do that all for you.” I said and couldn’t hold it back.

She ate her sandwich and flashed me another smile. “I love it when he plays with me. We play tag. He helps me with my homework and reads me a book every night. Even if I’m asleep, he will wake me up just to read to me after work.”

I listened to her stories of adventures with her dad and couldn’t believe my ears. In her eyes he’s the best man in the entire world and there’s no one like him. The complete opposite of what everyone else knows Drake to be, but Hope doesn’t have a clue. He’s protected her from that side of him, and I hoped she never saw it. The way she views her father was magical and a secret that he’s kept just for her. It’s a side of Drake that leaves me wanting more because I’m seeing there’s much more to Mr. Lawson than meets the eye.

Suddenly, the office door opens and Hope gazes towards it, her face lighting up. “Daddy!”

She jumps up from the floor, leaving everything behind, and ran into her father’s arms. Watching the sight as it tugs at my heartstrings, and he holds her close. Stroking her hair and cradling her head against his shoulder. His eyes remained closed until they opened and locked with my own. Seeing happiness shining inside them with a love that sears into my soul. He loved Hope so much, and it certainly showed.

His eyes knitted together with concern as he broke contact with me and pulled back to peer down towards his daughter. “Why did you take off like that?”

“I don’t like the new nanny and she’s mean to me.” Hope replied as she took her daddy’s hand and looked at me. “She doesn’t play with me or talk to me. She does nothing with me and she’s not like Gemma.”

Hope’s smile lights up her face as her beautiful hazel eyes peer into mine, and my heart swells at her innocent smile. Not understanding how in such a short period my heart could feel so full. Feeling attachment to this little girl who isn’t even mine and the daughter of a man who confuses me to no end.

Drake’s eyes locked with mine and stared at me intensely. It’s so intense that my heart pounded in my ears and I feared what he might say. “Thank you so much for doing this, Gemma. It meant a lot to me, more than you could ever know.”

I couldn’t speak as I stared at Drake and Hope. He expressed to his daughter that she wouldn’t have to see that nanny again and he would find her someone suitable just for her. The way he smiled, touched and held her hand, pulled at every fiber of warmth in my body. He’s so loving, pure and real with her. This is who Mr. Drake Lawson truly is, and I couldn’t believe it. He’s taken me completely by surprise, and I don’t know if I could ever look at him the same after today.

“Well, Gemma we should get going and I will see you first thing in the morning.” Drake announced as he cleared his throat and took his daughter’s hand in his.

“Goodbye Gemma and thank you for playing with me.” Hope said, smiling brightly, and she looked from her daddy towards me. “I hope to see you again soon.”

Before I could speak a word, Hope and Drake waltzed out of the office. I’m left stunned, still sitting on the floor. Packing up her belongings and wandering out towards the front desk to leave them with Mindy. My mind reeling at the day I’d just had, and I couldn’t believe it. Drake was a man of many mysteries, and after seeing him with his daughter today, I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d been like with his deceased wife.