Chapter TEN ~ Hope

“Sweetie, how did youget here?” I asked as my eyebrows knitted together with concern and my hands rested on her shoulders. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“I was with my new nanny, but I don’t like her.” She glared, and her lips pressed together.

“Okay, well, let’s get you inside and get a hold of your daddy.” I said as I stood and extended my hand. “I’m your daddy’s assistant and my name is Gemma.”

“Can I trust you?” She asked as her innocent hazel eyes pierced into mine and sought the answer.

I sighed, brought myself back down to her level, and smiled. “You’re a very smart girl, and I know your daddy would be proud of you for being careful, but it will also terrify him. I promise you can trust me and I will help you find your daddy.”

She searched my face, and I could see her little mind reel behind her stare as she watched me intently. Trying to figure me out and come to a conclusion about the new woman she’d just ran into. She extended her hand and took mine. “Okay, I believe you, Gemma and my name is Hope.”

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Hope.” I smiled and my heart burst when her tiny hand clasped over mine.

Feeling impressed by her for standing her ground and questioning me the way she did. I’m not even her parent and I’m proud of her. Hope smiled shyly back at me and we made our way towards Mindy’s desk. Her tiny footsteps moved faster than mine and she kept up pace. Gazing down at her beautiful blue and white dress she wore with blue dress shoes. She’s perfectly dressed and very well taken care of. Except for her incompetent nanny, who should be fired on the spot. Losing a child like this is unacceptable and if I were Drake, I’d be looking for someone else. I gazed ahead as we drew closer towards the front desk and I saw Mindy’s gaze meet mine from over top of her desk.

“Back so soon I see...” Mindy said as her words cut off, she rose from her desk and her eyes fell on Hope. “Oh, my child. What on earth are you doing here?”

“I was on my way to school with my new nanny, but she’s really mean, Mindy.” Hope explained as her lower lip trembled and her eyes glistened with tears. “She’s always on her phone, doesn’t talk to me and ignores me. So, I ran away when she wasn’t looking and walked all the way here.”

“I found her right near the entrance with no adult in sight.” I frowned as I squeezed her hand and felt the need to stroke her soft brunette locks to comfort her. “Can you call Drake immediately and let him know what’s going on?”

“Absolutely and thank you Gemma for finding her.” Mindy breathed as she held a hand over her heart, and her gaze peered at me with gratitude. “It will relieve Mr. Lawson to know she’s in excellent hands.”

Smiling and gazing down towards Hope as she peers up at me. Her innocent eyes shone as I wiped the tears that fell and looked towards Mindy, who broke the news to Drake. Watching as her face appears serious, concerned and uncertain.

Mindy held the phone out towards me with her hand over top of the mouthpiece and she half smiled. “Mr. Lawson wants to speak with you, Gemma.”

“Why would he want to do that?” I asked as I let go of Hope’s hand and gave her a reassuring smile, even though my mind reeled.

Grabbing the phone from Mindy’s grasp as she heads over towards Hope and hugs her close. I held the phone up to my ear and awaited his barking command. “H-hello?”

“Gemma, thank you for finding my daughter and I can’t believe she’d do such a thing.” Drake breathed over the phone line, and I could hear the concern in his voice. “This isn’t like her and I’m not sure what to do?”

Drake sounded lost, confused, and my heart went out to him. He’d just had his day turned upside down with this news, and I knew how busy his schedule was for the day. I knew he couldn’t just leave and had many responsibilities to take care of. I had to ease his mind.

“Well, your daughter impressed me with her reluctance in accepting my help, but once she felt she could trust me, it all worked out.” I assured him as I looked over towards Hope and her hazel eyes glanced my way.

“That’s good because I always try to teach her to be safe, but then she runs off...” Drake said as his voice trailed off and I pondered what he’d speak next. “The nanny’s not fit to be looking after a child and I’d like you to take care of my daughter for the day, Gemma.”

Did I just hear him right?

I froze on the spot as my heart leapt into my throat and I’m left speechless. Laughing nervously as my mind reels and I gaze over towards Hope. Watching her laugh as her face lights up brightly at something Mindy spoke, and I blink several times. I’m not good with children and I don’t know how to care for them. I hadn’t even planned on having my own, for christ’s sake, let alone care for someone else’s.

My palms grew sweaty as I adjusted the phone and tore my gaze away from the happy child. “I-I don’t think that’s the best idea.”

“Why the hell not, Gemma?” Drake demanded as his voice grew impatient and I couldn’t have that. “You work for me, remember?”

“Y-yes, I do, Drake, but...” I stammered anxiously, and my body swayed from side to side with uneasiness.

“But nothing, Gemma.” Drake glared as I imagined his deep hazel gaze bore into my own with annoyance. “You will do this or else.”

I couldn’t lose this job.

“Okay, Drake, I will do it. But I’m warning you, I have zero experience with children.” I said firmly as I tapped my fingers on the desktop nervously and bit my upper lip.

“Good, that sounds more like it. But Hope isn’t like most children.” Drake said with his voice humming in my eardrum. “You will grow to love her.”

What the hell does that mean?

“Drake, I...” I said as the phone call ended, the sound stung my ears and I pulled the phone back to glare at it. “Oh, that stubborn asshole.”

“Who’s an asshole?” Hope asked as she stood in front of me and peered up at me curiously.

“O-oh, no you didn’t hear me correctly, sweetie.” I stuttered, startled by her ninja-like reflex, and blinked several times. “J-just a stubborn loophole I had to deal with. Unexpected adult business.”

“Okay, when’s my daddy coming?” Hope asked as her beautiful eyes stared up at me with happiness at just the thought, and I hated to have to shatter it for her.

“Well, you see...” I breathed as I knelt down in front of her and frowned. “Your daddy has a lot of things to do today and he wanted us to spend some time together.”

Hope doesn’t speak and eyes me curiously. Feeling my heart beat faster, my nerves taking hold and pressing my lips together. Unsure of what to speak next and never feeling this anxious in my life. This child was intense, and definitely more than I’d bargained for. This was a new feeling for me and would be an interesting experience, but one I didn’t even want to be having.

“I will take over your job for the day while you care for Hope.” Mindy said as she smiled and broke me from my lost thoughts. “You could take her to Drake’s office. I’m sure there’s school work in that backpack somewhere.”

“Yes, there is and I love to color.” Hope smiled shyly as she looked down at her feet nervously, and my heart melted. She’s just as unsure as me, and we’re both feeling the same. Hopefully that could help with this uncertain situation.

Smiling up at Mindy with appreciation and reaching my hand out towards Hope. “Should we head to your daddy’s office?”

Hope looked at my hand and then at my eyes. Repeating this step before deciding to take my hand and clasping it in her grasp. Afraid to let go because I didn’t want to screw this up. I needed this job more than anything and now I had to care for this child. Not just any child, but Mr. Drake Lawson’s. His beautiful, precious daughter and she’s his entire world. Knowing I need to learn quickly how to care for this precious child because everything depends on it. Pondering why Drake didn’t ask Mindy to help when she appears to know much more about her. She’s known her far longer than me and trusted her.

So why the hell did he pick me?