“Top attitude?” I asked. “Nope. I like to take the dick, not give it.”

“Well, we could always suck each other a bit and tongue each other's assholes. I'll finger you too if you like.”

“I do like.” I grinned and started to strip.

With a laugh, Greven stripped as well, revealing a slim, tight body. His cock wasn't all that impressive but since he wasn't fucking me with it, what did I care? Less for me to gag on.

“Nice dick,” he said as we crawled onto the bed. “Bring it here.”

We laid on our sides, heads to cocks, and as I moved closer to his, an image of Taroc bloomed in my mind. His eyes were glowing, his magnificent body bare, and his cock hard. I jerked back.

“What's wrong?” Greven asked. “Oh, great Gods, do I smell bad?”

“No.” I chuckled. “Sorry, just a muscle spasm.”

“Oh, all right.” He grinned and moved toward my cock again.

I rolled away from him in a spasm, my body acting all on its own, almost as if I'd touched fire.

“What the fuck? Are you playing with me?”

“No, I—” Taroc's face filled my mind again, and I slammed my hands against my temples. “Fuck!”

Greven rose onto an elbow to look at me. “Damn it all! You just broke up with someone, didn't you?”

I lowered my hands, grimaced, and admitted, “Yeah. Today.”

“What the fuck? Really?”

“A few hours ago.”

“Shit.” He sat up, sighed, and smacked the bed beside him. “Sit down. Let's talk it out.”

“Talk it out?” I laughed.

“Yeah. You tried to fuck him away and that didn't work, did it?”


“So tell me what happened. Maybe you just need someone to listen.”

I sat down beside him heavily. “I don't fucking know what happened.”

“Tell me what you do know.”

“He's a really important man, and I'm, well, not.”

“That's a bunch of shit, but go on.”

“I went out this morning to see a friend. I told my lover that I wouldn't be that long, but he said to take all the time I needed.”

“Hold on, did he control where you went and who you saw?”

“Not in the way you think.” I waved my hand. “That's a long story, and I don't want to get into it.”

“All right. So, you went to see your friend.”

“Yeah, and we had a bottle of wine.”