“Your assassin just confirmed that this is proof of Crushei's guilt.”
“I said, that's all!”
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Captain Vettan bowed and left.
I started to eat.
“You're excused as well, Madeline,” Taroc said to the servant.
She curtsied and left.
Ren went to sit beside the door, her stare on the hallway and ears perked.
I kept eating.
“Well?” the King demanded.
“The evidence is considerable.”
“I don't know. Something feels off to me.”
“Any suggestions?”
“Why don't you give it a week? Crushei isn't going anywhere. Leave him in a cell where you can be certain that he has no contact with anyone but your guards.”
“And what will that prove?”
“Well, if the murderer is still free, they're going to try again.”
“So soon?”
I shrugged. “Maybe not. Maybe they'll have a hard time finding someone to replace Yusef. Maybe they'll have to resort to looking for an assassin themselves. But I figured you wouldn't want to leave Lord Crushei down there for months.”
“No, I don't. But I do want to be certain he's guilty before I kill him.”
“It would be upsetting to execute him, then have his innocence proven by another assassination attempt.”
“Upsetting? It would weigh on me forever, and the Shanba Council would become set against me. Relations with that race would falter, and there could be protests and riots. The wrongful death of one man can topple a kingdom.”
“Not in my neighborhood,” I muttered.
“Yes, you're right. Many people die every day without anything happening, not even justice. But Crushei is a wealthy wine merchant, beloved by his people, and that makes his death important. It's a harsh truth, but a truth nonetheless. So I must be certain of his guilt.”
“Then wait.”
“What about your friend? Could he investigate Crushei?”
“I'm sure he could. And he'd probably do a better job than Vettan did with searching Crushei's house.”
“Then I want you to hire him for me.” He withdrew a gold coin from his pocket and slid it across the table. “Will that be enough?”
“What the fuck?” I picked up the coin. “You just walk around with gold in your pockets?”
“Doesn't everyone?”
“I can't tell if you're joking.”