“That's because you're freshly dead,” Daha said. “I reanimated you mere minutes after I killed you.”

“You killed me?!” He lunged toward the necro.

I slapped him again. “Yes, he killed you, and he's the one who will either release your soul or tether it to your rotting corpse. So you may want to be respectful to him.” I turned to Daha and asked, “I thought you could control the dead you raised?”

“Now, that would have taken a lot more time.”

“Ah. All right then.” I looked back at the not-corpse. “What's it gonna be?”

“I'll go with you.”

“Good decision.” I helped him up, and we started walking.

Luckily, we weren't too far from Bracken Road and as soon as we crossed it, we spotted a few carriages parked on the Bracken side of the road, waiting for customers. Although the drivers refused to enter the Broken at night, they knew there would be people emerging from it, people who needed rapid transportation.

“Where to?” the driver asked us as we stepped up to his carriage.

“The Royal Palace,” I said as I opened the door.

The Argaiv drew back.

Daha said, “The only thing you have to fear now, is me.”

The Argaiv got in the carriage.