With a movement so fast that I was left dazed, Taroc dropped me on the bed and spun. Claws sprouted from his hands as he snarled at the men.

“Forgive us, Your Majesty!” one of the knights said. “We thought you might be in danger.”

Taroc didn't say anything, only let out a rumbling sound that sent a shiver down my spine.

The men fled.

I sat up hesitantly, watching the furious rise and fall of the King's shoulders. “Taroc?”

He turned, and I got to see what had terrified the knights. The Dragon King's face had shifted, bones becoming more prominent and sharper, ridges lifting on his cheeks and brow, and eyes blazing as if a fire burned behind his irises. His nostrils flared, his stare met mine, and his shoulders finally lowered.

“Hey,” I said casually. “You want to put the dragon face away? It's not bad, kinda sexy actually, but it's also a little scary.”

Taroc took a few breaths and his face transformed back to normal. With a final sigh, he tucked his flaccid cock away, buttoned his pants, and walked out of the room.

Yep, he just left me there in torn, cum-stained pants, gaping at his retreating back.

“Da fuck?”

As if my words had summoned her, Ren ventured out of the dressing room, took a quick look around, then hurried after her master.

“Fucking Dragons and their fucking dogs.” I got up and headed back to my room with my ass hanging out. This time, I wasn't worried about being seen; the King had scared everyone away.