“It's all right. This was very amusing,” King Tarocvar said. Then he cocked his head at the dog-breeder. “Why did you think I have gray eyes?”
Brac grimaced. “I made that up to get you to admit that you were an impostor.”
“I'm relieved to hear it. I thought perhaps there really was someone impersonating me.”
“Not that I'm aware of, Your Majesty. And may I just say how grateful all of us are that you allowed us to stay after the riots.”
“You had a valid complaint.” The King glanced at me. “And, at the time of my ruling, I was not aware of the loss of life.”
“Loss of life?”
The King looked back and forth between Brac and me. I subtly shook my head at him. The last thing I wanted was for Bracaro to feel indebted to me for something other Ricarri had done or, even worse, pity me.
“People were living above that factory,” the King said. “I've only recently learned of their deaths.”
“Fuck,” Brac whispered. “Aw, fuck me. I had no idea. Do you know who they were? The Ricarri who were involved will want to make amends.”
“I have handled it. The survivor wishes to remain anonymous.”
“I see.” Brac glanced at me. “I shall inform my people. This will never happen again.”
“That promise has already been made to me by your council member.”
“Yes, Sire, I know. But now it means more, and I shall ensure that all of my people know it.”
“Very good.”
There was an odd silence, so I cleared my throat and filled it. “Hey, Fire. How you doing, girl?”
Brac's dog yipped and flashed her metal-capped canines at me—a gift from her master.
“May I offer you . . . aw, fuck.” Bracaro grimaced. “I don't know how to entertain a king.”
“I'm not here to be entertained. I'd like to purchase one of your dogs,” the King said.
“You . . . you want one of my dogs?”
“He needs an elite. Your best female,” I said. “One that will look after him as if he were her mate or even her pup. A fierce protector.”
Bracaro nodded. “That's a wise decision, Your Majesty. My dogs can sense things even your Dragon knights can't, and they can see in utter darkness. A caverns breed, they are.”
“I've heard good things.” The King glanced my way again.
Bracaro looked at me with wide eyes, but I shook my head at him this time. I didn't want to explain how I'd come to be in the King's employ. It would mean exposing my profession. Not that it would remain a secret for much longer, what with the King telling everyone I was his assassin. Shit. I hadn't thought of that. If the kingdom found out who I was, I'd never work again, as an assassin or otherwise.
“Well, I've got my best bitches separated from the others,” Brac said. “Please, come this way, Your Majesty. We'll see which of them takes a liking to you.”
“Takes a liking to me?”
“You can choose whichever dog you wish, but it's always best if you let the dog choose you. Then you'll know that she'll bond with you.”
“So, it's good that I've joined Lock today?” the King shot a smug look my way.
“Oh, yes.”
“I didn't think it was an option,” I grumbled. “Frankly, I'm still surprised you're here.”
“Here we are.” Brac unlocked a door and took us into a courtyard garden.