He began ministering to my back again, and I lowered my head to the cushions but as I did, I caught a strange look in his eyes. Shock, I think, though I wasn't sure. His hands hesitated several times, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Whatever he applied to my back worked like magic. Maybe it was magic. He slathered some ointment on me, then had me sit up so he could wrap the bandages, folding himself over me as he brought them around my chest. By the time he was done, I felt immensely better.
The Dragon King tossed the remaining bandage onto the tray and stood. He didn't look at me but at the mess he'd made of the room.
I stood up. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
He flinched.
Then my stomach rumbled.
The Dragon King snorted a laugh, shook his head, and looked at me at last. “You are stubborn, childish, and foolish. You wouldn't last a day in my army.”
“Then it's a good thing that I'm not one of your Horns, Your Majesty.” I stepped forward and took his hand, opening it to run my fingers over the healed palm. “I'm your assassin, but you've given me the duties of a bodyguard, so your safety is all that matters to me.”
I let go of his hand, and he lifted it to my face, cupping my cheek as he stared at me.
“You are also amusing, handsome, and very good at what you do, Lock. Both in and out of bed. I think I shall keep you for a while.” He looked down at my rumbling belly. “Which means I should feed you. Come along.” He dropped his hand, turned, and left the library without bothering to put his shirt back on.
I followed the King but before I reached the door, a glimmer caught my eye—a pile of metal barbs on one of the side tables.