“Son of a bitch,” I whispered. “I was so sure of his loyalty. Why? Why would he do this?”

“Now that, I don't know. But, Lock, isn't he the man in charge of the King's security? And if he's the one who turned you in for stealing the medicine, he did it to get you out of the way. He's probably the one who attacked you and dragged you into that alley. And now he's alone with the King.”

“Fuck!” I lurched to my feet.

All conversations stopped, and everyone stared at me as I went running out of the Ghost.

“Lock!” Teng ran after me. “You can't face him alone!”

“I just need to warn Taroc.” I clasped Teng's shoulder. “Thank you, brother!”

“How the fuck are you going to get past the knights? They're all under Vettan's command.”

“The same way I did it earlier tonight.” Then I remembered that Vettan had assigned men to the royal garden. With my luck, they'd remember to look up or those men in the towers would look down. “Shit. Vettan just upped the security.”

“You need a distraction.” Teng nodded at the shadows and several of his men stepped out of them. “We've got your back.”