“Don't be. This is still a lovely night for me.”
“Night?” I glanced at the window. “Shit. Now, I'm losing track of time.”
“Are you sure you don't have a head injury?”
“Yeah, I'm sure.”
“Any nausea, blurred vision, or dizziness?”
“No. Really, I'm fine. This Neraky doctor injected me with a magic healing potion the other day when I, uh, fell and hurt my back. I think maybe it's still having an effect on me. That would explain why there was no bump on my head.”
“A magic healing potion?” Greven laughed.
“Yeah, I had the same reaction, but an injury that should have taken weeks to heal was gone in less than a day.”
Greven went still. “First of all, I still find that hard to believe. I'm a doctor, Locrian, and I have never heard of a Neraky healing potion. Second, that is the second injury you've mentioned to me. How exactly did you fall?”
“It was just an accident.”
“Uh-huh. Was his fist involved in this accident?”
“No.” I held up my hands. “It's not like that. I don't do abusive relationships. Life is abusive enough as it is.”
Greven snorted. “Ain't that the truth.” Then he looked me over. “So, what are you going to do?”
“About whoever set me up?”
“Fuck if I know. Frankly, if it was so easy for him to believe them over me, I don't think I want him back.”
Greven nodded. “Still, doesn't he deserve to know that someone deliberately broke you up?”
“And with that, I'm going to leave so you can cry.” He got up and started getting dressed.
I burst out laughing. “You don't have to go.”
“I think I do. Why don't you take a bath and try to relax? The urge to scream will pass.”
“Holy fuck, you're good.”
“I've been there.” He put on his pants, tunic, and boots, then hung his jacket and belt over his arm. “If you want some company for breakfast, I'll be taking mine in the restaurant tomorrow around nine. But I won't hold it against you if you don't show.”
“Thank you. I don't know if I'll be up by nine, I'm planning to get really drunk tonight, but if I am, I'll be there.”
Greven chuckled. “Good luck, Locrian. If I were you, I wouldn't let some scumbag break up my relationship and get away with it, regardless of what I wanted from my ex. But you won't feel up to doing anything for a while, and that's all right. Just be kind to yourself right now. And if you do experience any kind of unusual symptoms like those I mentioned, I'm in room 203, just down the hall. Or see another doctor, but don't take chances with a head injury.”
“Yes, Dr. Greven.” I grinned. “It was nice to meet you.”
“You too, Locrian. Goodnight.” With one last glance at my dick and a disappointed shake of his head, he left.
After he left, I stared at the door. I wasn't the kind of man to let someone get away with fucking me over either, but Greven was right; I also wasn't up for dealing with that shit at the moment. Instead, I crawled under the covers and cried, just as the doctor predicted.