Teng's face softened. “You didn't have to tell me about it.”
“I may have stolen some coins from Yusef's safe when the King wasn't looking.” I grinned. “I don't need the gold, Teng. I negotiated it for you.”
Tengven laughed uproariously. “Always thinking ahead, brother.” He hugged me, slapping my back. “Well done. So, you've got a plan for when he's done with you, eh?”
“As if I'd rely on the kindness of Dragons.” I snorted.
Teng chuckled. “My offer still stands. You can sail with us the next time we take the Lu-Ken out.”
“I may just take you up on that, but I'm hoping it won't be anytime soon.”
“Enjoying yourself, eh?”
“He's got a big dick, and he knows how to use it.” I grinned. “Yeah, I'm enjoying myself.”
Teng laughed again. “I wish you the best with him, brother.” He slipped the coin into a pocket. “In the meantime, I'll find out everything there is to know about Crushei Venlebar.”
“Thank you.”
“Fuck, you've already paid me ten times what I would have asked a stranger for. I should be thanking you. How about a drink before you go? I've got some Hesian wine.”
“That's twenty times what you would have asked,” I shot back with a smirk. “And the King gave me leave to take all the time I need. Pour the wine, brother.”