“Let me see your other face one more time.”
Taroc shifted in seconds, the scales, horns, and claws withdrawing as his body shrunk. The fullness returned to his lips, his teeth blunted, and then, at last, the wings vanished.
“You're beautiful either way, but I wanted to say goodbye to the you I fell in love with.”
“Lock, no. Don't go. Don't you leave me again.”
“It was worth it. You're worth it. I have no regrets.” Despite my brave words, a tear slipped down my cheek.
“He's a murderer!” Vettan hissed.
“I will fucking tear you apart if you don't shut the fuck up!” Taroc roared even as he held me tenderly.
“You killed my brother!”
The room went silent for three heartbeats.
Then Taroc asked, “Who the fuck is your brother?”
“Emellen Haden.”
Taroc blinked. “I fought Emellen for the throne. It was a fair, witnessed fight. Part of the crown tourney. I won, and he lost. That is not murder.”
“You cheated,” Vettan whimpered. “You cheated. I know you cheated. Emellen was unmatched. No one could beat him. He was the rightful king.”
“For fuck's sake, I did not cheat! You can't cheat in a crown tourney; there are no rules for the fights. And that was over a century ago.”
“I've been waiting for my chance at you. I came here and slowly put my plan into motion, and I nearly had you. If only I hadn't let that fucker Yusef talk me into—”
“Oh, fuck off and die, you gods-damned idiot,” Taroc said and refocused on me.
I made a huff of amusement, it was all I could manage without pain. Then, with the last of my strength, I lifted my hand to Taroc's cheek. “I love you.”
“Lock,” he whispered and bent his head to mine. Against my lips, he said, “I love you too, Assassin.”
I closed my eyes, fully expecting to never open them again, and kissed my lover goodbye. It was romantic and beautiful and bittersweet. Or at least it would have been if Vettan wasn't spouting hateful things at Taroc the entire time.
With a snarl of frustration, I sat up, pushing Taroc up with me, and snapped, “You heard your king, shut up and die, asshole!” Then I blinked and looked down at my chest. “What the fuck?”
Taroc tore the material of my tunic apart, wiped at the blood with a bit of the fabric, and revealed angry, red skin. Whole, angry, red skin. And that's when the King began to laugh.
“What the actual fuck is happening right now?!” I shrieked.
Taroc cupped my cheek and kissed me. “I told you, love, you're not dying.”
“But why aren't I dying? How am I not dying?”
“Because he mated you, you fucking moron,” Vettan said.
Taroc and I swung our heads toward him but before we could say anything, the Captain closed his eyes and finally did as ordered.
“What an asshole,” I said. “All of that because his brother is a sore loser?”
“Well, it was a fight to the death. Don't you remember? I told you about the men I killed to win my throne.”
“Oh, that's right. But you said it's an honorable tournament, all legal and shit.”
“Yes, it was all legal and shit,” he said with a grin.