chapter twelve


Monday came way too fucking fast.

I spent most of yesterday holed up in my room, hungover as all hell. I don’t even recall drinking that much, so I’m not sure why I was so hungover.

Probably my karma for partaking in that weird threesome the night before.

Walking into my sociology class, I have no idea how Knox is going to be toward me. He’s so wishy-washy with his moods and I never know which side of him I’m going to get. I’m only about five minutes early, but he’s already here.

As I take my seat beside him, he doesn’t look up from his phone. Looking like he rolled straight out of bed, his hair is slightly messy, dark circles color under his eyes, and he’s wearing gray sweatpants, black converse, and a black Led Zeppelin sweatshirt.

“’Sup, man,” I say, pulling my laptop out of my bag and powering it on.

A groan is all I get back from him.

“How was the rest of your weekend?”

Dragging his eyes from his phone up to meet mine, he spits out, “Just because we fucked the same bitch, JT, doesn’t make us friends. It certainly doesn’t entitle you to small talk, so do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up.”

Oooooookay, then.

I can’t even formulate thoughts, let alone a response, so I turn and face forward as the professor comes in and starts her lecture.

He’s nuts. Plain and simple.

Thank the damn sociology gods that our next assignment isn’t a group one. The thought of having to work with him one-on-one makes my skin crawl.

Luckily, the rest of the class goes by without any issue and the remainder of my day flies by pretty quickly.

After my last class, I decide to hit up the library for an assignment I need to work on for my psychology class. Classes for me on Mondays end at three-thirty, so the library shouldn’t be too busy this time of day.

Stopping at my dorm to drop off the rest of my shit, I decide to grab my weed and smoke a little on the walk over. It’s on the other side of campus, so the walk takes a decent amount of time.

The university library is massive. It’s three levels and more impressive than any library I’ve ever been in. I typically like to go up to level three, since it tends to be the quietest. Taking the stairs two at a time, I get up there and see that it’s empty, save for one person in the corner… Knox.

What are the fucking odds?

As if he can sense my presence all the way across the room, his head whips up, rolling his eyes when his eyes immediately connect with mine.

Because I feel like being a dick, I walk all the way over and sit down at a table that is directly in front of him. I’m still at least five tables away, but if he looks up, he has to look right at me, and it makes me chuckle internally.

Staring at me deadpan, he scoffs loudly, returning to whatever it is he’s working on.


I begin to focus on my studying, spending the next half hour or so researching for my paper. Looking up, I find him still there, paying me no mind. Deciding to up my level of annoying, I pull my phone out.

Me: Your dumbass is actually studying? WOW.

Since his phone is lying face down on the table, it audibly vibrates, snapping him out of his focus. He grabs it right away, unlocking it and reading the text. Looking up from under his lashes, he sends me a glare that I can feel from across the room before punching out a response.

Finny: HA FUCKING HA. You’re so fucking hilarious.

Me: Golly, thanks, Finny. ;)

Finny: Wasn’t a compliment.

Me: Sure it was, baby.

Finny: Don’t fucking call me that.

Me: But you’re so fun to rile up.

Me: The face you make when you’re pissed is almost as hot as the face you make when you come.

Practically steaming at the ears, he slams his phone down on the table, packing his bag up and storming away. I’m not sure if he has any idea where he’s going, because he isn’t heading toward any of the exits.

Since my momma always raised me to be a gentleman, I get up in search of him, to tell him he’s walking right into a dead end. Finding him toward the back of the room, down some aisle filled with history books, his back is to me and he must not hear me walk up. Once I’m basically at his back, I speak up.

“You lost, Finny?”

Almost jumping out of his skin, he turns slowly until he’s facing me. There’s about five inches between us right now; he’s so close I can smell his spearmint gum.

“What is your fucking problem, asshole?”

“I don’t have a problem, Knoxy boy. What’s your problem?”

“You! Isn’t it fucking obvious?” Yup, he’s pissed. I’ve really done it this time.

“But why, baby?” My voice is deep, gravelly, taunting him with my best puppy dog eyes.

He fists my shirt, shoving me until my back meets the shelf behind me. Seething, he leans down until his mouth is right beside my ear, his breath giving me goosebumps. “I thought I fucking told you to knock that shit off.”

“And I thought I told you, I don’t follow your orders. Looks like we both can’t listen.”

He lets go of me, taking a step back. With the distance between us, the erection he’s sporting is extremely obvious. A thrill shoots through me as my own dick thickens in my pants. When we kissed that first time back in high school, I always wondered if it was the drugs that got me hot, or if it was actually him. Same with the party last month. I wanted him to kiss me… but I chalked it up to being under the influence that time too.

Except I’m stone cold sober now and want this—want him. I don’t have the drugs or the alcohol to blame.

“Someone’s feeling excited, Finny.” I chuckle, eying his crotch and biting my lip. I’m fucking elated to see his cock betraying him, tenting in his pants for me. He can lie all he wants, but his body can’t.

Looking down, then back up at me, he scoffs, attempting to walk away.

Fisting his shirt this time, I slam him against the shelf behind him. “Ah-ah. I don’t think so, Finny. Can’t run away from this.”

He bares his teeth at me, eyes narrowing. “I don’t fucking know what you’re talking about.”

My leg slides between his, my knee rubbing against his crotch. He hisses through gritted teeth, fighting to keep his eyes open.

“Oh, but I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Fuck. Off.”

I’m walking a very dangerous line here. I know that… I really do. But I can’t help messing with him. Reaching down, I cup him over his pants, my lips hovering over his ear. “You don’t actually want that, do you? Let’s be honest… Your body speaks for itself.” I rub his erection softly. “And I think it wants me to stay right here.”

Dropping his head to rest on the books behind him, his breathing picks up, but he doesn’t respond.

I flick my tongue over his ear, and his body trembles. “You can deny it all you want, baby, but your body will give you away every time.”

He opens his eyes at that, gaze colliding with mine, and, fuck, they’re filled with fire and venom. Shoving me hard once again until my back hits the shelf—this back and forth is cracking me up—he shocks the hell out of me when he places his hands on my shoulders, shoving me onto my knees.

My heart hammers behind my ribs and warmth spreads through my body as realization hits me. We’re doing this, right here in the library. Okay. Both excitement and nerves flood my system, and there’s no denying what my body wants anymore, even if my mind is confused.

Unable to keep the shit-eating grin off my face, this only seems to fuel his anger further. Lowering his pants enough to allow his hard cock to spring free, he palms himself at the base. My mouth waters at the sight of him.

This is going to fucking happen.I’m going to suck a dick for the first time. Knox’s dick.

He uses his other hand to fist my hair painfully, forcefully shoving his entire length past my lips, into my mouth, and down my throat in one go.

My lips stretch to fit him, and I gag around his girth. He’s silky smooth and heavy as he glides along my tongue, and he tastes clean, slightly salty. Delicious. My hands fly up to his thighs as I work on relaxing my jaw to adjust to his size. He gives me no time to brace myself as he starts brutally fucking my throat, using both hands now to hold my head in place.

“You can’t fucking help yourself, can you? Always pushing and fucking pushing. Is this what you want, JT? Hmm? A cock shoved so far down your throat you can’t think or breathe? Is this the only way to get that pretty little mouth of yours to shut the fuck up?” He grits out the last part as he continues to thrust into my mouth ruthlessly.

Eyes watering, tears streaming down my face, and spit dribbling out the side of my mouth around his cock, I peer up at him, seeing a mixture of fury and bliss painting his face. If I could laugh, I would.

He hates how much he loves this. He hates what I do to him, and fuck if that doesn’t egg me on.

Palming my aching cock through my pants and moaning around his length, he picks up his punishing pace. The salty flavor of his pre-cum is leaking onto my tongue heavily, and I know he’s not going to last long.

Thrusts becoming erratic, breathing ragged, I never take my gaze off him as his eyes roll back. He lets out a deep, throaty groan that goes straight to my cock, spilling his release down my throat.

As soon as he’s done coming, he pulls out of my mouth, tucking himself back into his sweats in a matter of seconds. Without so much as a backward glance, he leaves. Storms out of the aisle and presumably out of the library.

Not giving a single fuck that I’m left blue ballin’ it in the middle of the history section, I stand up, adjust my boner, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I made Knox motherfucking Finnegan lose all control.