chapter forty-nine


“What time are we supposed to be there?”

“Eight, which is in like ten minutes, so let’s go,” Aston grumbles, practically dragging me down the stairs and out the front door.

Heading toward his BMW, I grab onto his arm. “Ah-ah. We’re taking the Rover. I haven’t driven her in months.” Weston dropped her off to me yesterday, and I’ve been itching to drive again. Pulling the keys out of my pocket, I click the unlock button, hopping in with pep in my step. I can finally function like a real adult now that the fucking cast is gone, and I’m ecstatic. The Bluetooth connects. Look At Me Now by Brennan Savage is playing as I pull onto the main road.

Glancing over at Aston, I can’t help but admire him before turning my attention back to the road. He looks fucking good tonight. Not that he doesn’t always. He’s wearing a black Bring Me the Horizon hoodie, dark denim ripped skinny jeans, and clunky black combat boots. The hoop in his nose tonight is black, and he has a couple of silver rings adorning his fingers.

He’s fucking all mine. I still can’t believe it.

This year has been an absolute whirlwind. I couldn’t have predicted a single part of it, but despite all the hurt, I wouldn’t change a fucking thing.

Arriving at Weston’s, I park behind his car, and we get out, making our way to the front door. “Weston texted me to tell us we can just come in,” Aston says, turning the knob and entering the house.

The house is quiet as we make our way through it. Entering the kitchen, Weston’s mom is in there, reading a magazine and drinking a glass of wine. Her face lights up when she sees us, as she stands and walks over, hugging us both. “Happy birthday, Knox! Twenty-one, how exciting!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Delaney. Thanks for having us over tonight.”

She shares a smile with Aston before looking back at me. “Of course, honey. We’re happy to. Weston is out in the barn helping his dad with something if you want to go out there.”

What could he possibly be helping his dad with out there? Weird.

Aston takes my hand, and we head out the back door. Their yard is massive, so it takes us a few minutes to walk across it. This barn is one of the nicest ones I’ve ever seen, not your typical red farmhouse barn. It’s two stories, cream colored, and has enormous wooden sliding doors leading inside. They occasionally host weddings here in the spring and summer.

Pulling open the doors, we step inside, and I nearly jump out of my skin when people hop out of every corner of the barn.

“SURPRISE!” is yelled in unison by at least twenty people.

My eyes fly to Aston to find him already looking at me with a huge grin on his face. “You did all this?” I ask.

“Weston and I, yeah. Are you surprised?”

“Very. C’mere.” I pull him into me, crashing my lips down on his. Everyone around us hoots and hollers at the kiss, which makes us both laugh. “Thank you,” I mumble against his lips.

Looking over at everyone, I’m shocked to see Katie standing among them. She smiles, running up to me, jumping into my arms. “Happy birthday, Knox!”

Wrapping my arms tightly around her, I ask against her ear, “How are you here? Weren’t you in Georgia for the rest of the summer?”

Setting her on the ground, she looks at me with a mischievous grin. “Your boy flew me out here for the weekend. First class, too.”



“Wow. Well, I’m fucking happy you’re here, dude. Wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

“Go say hi to everyone. I’ll be here when you’re done. Love you, Knoxy.”

I pin her with a glare. “Love you too, but no. You don’t get to start that Knoxy bullshit too.”

“Sure I do. Bye!” she says, waving and prancing away.

Walking over to Aston, I whisper into his ear, “Thank you for the party and for flying Katie out. It means more than you know.”

Turning his head, his eyes glint, and he smiles. “You’re welcome. You deserve it.”

“I love you, Aston Walker.”

“I love you, Knox Finnegan.”


Hours later, I’m feeling pretty toasty. Katie made Jell-O shots with Weston’s mom this afternoon—strawberry and blue raspberry—and they’re fucking tasty. I’ve had at least fifteen. When I R.I.P by Labrinth is playing quietly, and we’re all seated around the firepit in the backyard, drinking and talking.

Most of the guests went home already, so now it’s just Anderson, Crew, Weston, Katie, Branson, Luca, and Aston here with me. The ones that matter the most. I’m still floored that Aston flew Katie out here. It’s such a sweet, thoughtful gesture.

Looking around at everyone by the fire, an overwhelming wave of gratitude and love flows through me. If this year has taught me one thing, it’s that blood doesn’t make family. I lived my whole life hiding who I really was out of fear, not wanting to disappoint my so-called family. But the people surrounding me now? They love and accept me for who I am, care about my wellbeing and happiness. The best found family I could’ve ever imagined.

And Aston? Fuck. Who would’ve thought we would be here after that drug-induced kiss all those years ago? Sure as fuck not me, but I’ll forever be thankful for his insane pushiness, sheer cockiness, and the way he unabashedly went after me all those months ago, despite my hatred for him.

“When do you guys head back to campus?” Branson asks from across the fire.

“In like two weeks. We’re heading back early so Anderson and Aston can move into their new place. What about you two?”

“Not until the beginning of September. We’re heading to Hawaii for our parents’ anniversary next week. Where’s the new house?”

“Right across from your house,” Anderson answers, a giant grin on his face. They’re both beyond thrilled to not have to live in the dorms anymore. “What about you, Katie?”

“Well, I go back to Georgia Monday morning. Then I’ll fly back to Pullman from there the last weekend of August, I believe.”

“Be right back, getting another beer,” I say, standing and heading toward the barn. Footsteps crunch behind me, and I already know it’s Aston. Once inside, I turn and come face to face with him. His eyes are bloodshot from the alcohol and weed we smoked earlier, a goofy grin pulling on his lips.

“Hi,” he whispers, less than a foot away from me.


“Having fun?”

“Yes, thank you again.”

He bites his lip, in that sexy as fuck way that he does, and I’m not sure who moves first. Our lips collide, hands flying around each other. He walks me back until my legs bump up against the table, picking me up and setting me down on top.

We’re out of view from the firepit, but barely. If anyone were to walk in, they’d easily see us, but somehow that ignites the flames in my blood even more.

“I fucking love you, you know that?” he mumbles against my lips, hands cupping my face, his thumbs gently rubbing the sides of my face.

“Mmhm. I love you.”

We sit there like that for several minutes, making out and holding on to each other. After pulling apart and adjusting ourselves, we both grab some drinks, making our way back outside. The night air is warm, fire blazing, and for the first time in years, I’m genuinely excited for what’s to come.

Life will always be hard, with rough bumps and challenges, but somehow, I know it’ll be okay.

The End