“What did you just say?”

“You’ll be put on display again if you don’t.”

The color melts from her face, red pooling in her exposed cleavage and arms. I struck the right nerve—good. That means she’ll stay in place.

“If you try to swipe Parker from me,” I add while walking past her, “you’ll have much worse to deal with than being put on display.”

And with that, I leave her by herself.


Coach Neill’s home is modest compared to the rest of the structures in town. It’s a modern two-story house with gaping windows, wide teal shutters, and a brightly painted green door. While hugging the gift box to my side, I wander up the steps, feeling welcomed by the seasonal winter plants on either side of the walkway.

Unlike my home, the internal vibrations are low and unobtrusive. Coach Neill grins cheerfully as she pulls me into what feels like a motherly hug. “Alex! What brings you here?”

“I thought I would drop this off,” I say while shifting the box in my arms. “Consider it a late Christmas gift.”

“You didn’t have to give me anything.”

I smile. “I know. But I wanted to show you my appreciation. You’ve been so patient with me.”

“Would you like some tea? I just made a batch of vanilla lavender.”

“I would love a cup with lemon. Thank you.”

After shutting the door, she beckons me to join her in the kitchen. She sets a white porcelain teapot on a silver tray and adds two saucers with teacups. While I help her gather some snacks, I tell her about the gifts that were presented at the New Year’s Eve luncheon.

She looks pensive as she carries the tray into the back of the house, where a sunroom hosts more plants than I can count. Green leaves crowd the windows but hardly block the winter sunlight, allowing plenty of the warm rays into the small den. Fluffy cushions catch me as I slump into them, watching as Coach Neill settles the tray on the coffee table.

I place the gift box between us and accept the cup she hands me. “It was alarming,” I admit as I squeeze a slice of lemon into my tea. “Seeing the way they were all so…scared.”

“Alexandra, your time is running out.”

“I can tell. I don’t know what else we could possibly do at this point.” Sipping the tea provides momentary relief. But it doesn’t last long. “The man who sent the gifts was the one who tried to rape me at my uncle’s party.”

She frowns hard. “Wretched pigs.”

“Lev was the one who dragged me away from that mess. He told me not to come back here.” I stare into the liquid, witnessing my drab reflection. “Maybe I should have listened to him.”

“Alexandra, this would have followed you wherever you went. It’s not something you can easily escape.”

I sigh. “I wish it was something I could escape.”

And maybe there’s still time for that, I consider as I set the teacup on the table. But I can’t tell anyone about those plans.

“Fate is fickle like that,” Coach Neill points out. “And at least she has the gall to send people for you to lean on.”

“Like you. And Demetra.”

She smiles warmly. “Yes, that’s right.”

“Here,” I say while nudging the box toward her. “I hope you like it.”

“You really didn’t have to do this.” She places the teacup on the table before turning to the box, smiling sheepishly while plucking at the pink ribbon. “The paper is perfect. I love green.”

I gesture around. “Couldn’t tell.”

As soon as the lid is off, she gasps and covers her mouth. “Oh, this is too much.”