I roll my eyes as I drop my mesh face covering into place and steady my position. “Let’s get this over with.”

I crouch into position, extending my épée. Parker mimics my stance, his presence alone radiating danger.


Parker lunges forward with a brutal stab that causes me to stumble back. I recover as best I can, catching each stab he delivers with a parry that draws a grunt of frustration from beneath his helmet.

“Come on, baby,” Tabitha calls out. “Kick her ass! You’re the best!”

Cheers erupt from the miniature crowd we’ve drawn. The other three boys linger close to the makeshift fencing strip, Soren much closer than the others with his critical gaze on me. I feel his stare, a thousand flames dancing from his incendiary eyes. Does he want me to win? Or is he just waiting for me to get knocked over?

Using my defensive knowledge, I manage to jab Parker twice. The way he responds alarms me, each movement dripping with menace and precision. These weapons are fake, yet he wields his with the intent to damage me—perhaps even with a desire to maim me. Though he’s the best, I know what stuns him the most.

And that’s his short temper.

“What’s wrong, Parker?” I tease, as I block another blow. “You seem to be having trouble landing a blow. Such an awful job you’re doing.”

Soren covers his mouth as he chuckles. “Oh shit, here come the fangs.”

Parker growls, “If you don’t zip it, I’ll rip off your helmet.”

“At least I don’t have to threaten people to win.” I lunge forward, landing another jab. More applause explodes from the crowd to the right, their faces blurring as I quickly trot back. “I use my skill instead.”

“I know what you’re trying to do.” His épée sweeps past my head. “It won’t work.”

I chuckle darkly. “And here I thought you didn’t use your brain.”

His fury crashes in waves over me. I know I’m going to pay for this later, but I just don’t care. I’m basking in the fact that I have power over Parker right now. Just by pissing him off.

And if I can do that, then I can do just about anything.

A few beats to the tip of his épée provoke his anger further. He lunges toward me with a furious growl, inspiring me to sidestep him. I lance his right side twice and his left side once, my smile full of victory as I take his original position.

“Thirty seconds!” Soren calls. “Make your move, Parker.”

Parker growls viciously. “I know what I’m doing, you fucking idiot.”

I shake my head while advancing a step. “Just admit you’re not a match for me.”

He whips his helmet off and spits on the ground, crouching into a defense position. “Never.”

Another sloppy lunge gives me an opening. I slap his back and laugh when he gripes, skipping past him to take my original position. Demetra looks like she’s having the time of her life. Tabitha is scowling so hard that she looks constipated, and everyone else is completely entranced by the match.

Soren counts down to one. Parker tosses his épée to the ground with a resounding roar and marches off as the crowd cheers. I’ve won.

I smile while watching Parker stomp away. Oh, how the mighty can fall.