“Then you can leave,” I snap. “My sister needs me.”

Soren’s head snaps up from the mattress. “Are you for real?”

“Beyond. Get out, dude.”

“Can’t fucking believe you, man.”

His jagged motions tell me he’s pissed, but I don’t care. Once the door whispers shut, it’s my little sister and me huddled on my bed. I wave the lingering pungent smoke away from her and wrap my arms around her tiny shoulders, holding her in my lap.

“Did she smell funny?” I ask, knowing that my mother was likely drinking. “Did she yell at you?”

“Y-Yeah,” she responds as her shoulders shake with a new round of sobs. Her voice pitches high and then she squeaks out, “She scared me…”

I tighten my arms around her. “You’re my little princess, you know that? No one else matters. That castle can be rebuilt over and over and over again. I won’t ever get sick of building it with you. We can even build it in here so Mom doesn’t mess it up.”

She nods into my chest, sharp chin digging into my skin, fingers clutching the fabric of my shirt. Silence settles around us as my words hang in the air. It’s true—she’s my princess, and I’ll do everything I can to protect her.

It’s not like anyone else will.