“Wrong room.”

“Nah, you’ve got the right room, Ms. Alex.” My blood curdles in my veins when I recognize Soren’s voice. He appears from the en suite bathroom wearing stylish black slacks and a loose baseball-style black button-up shirt with the initials of the designer laid into the right breast pocket. A smirk quirks his lips up, eyes narrowing as he raises a bottle to his lips. After a sigh, he gestures with the bottle. “Why don’t you join us?”

My lower lip quivers as I spit, “Fat chance.”

When I flip around, the door swings open, nearly colliding with my nose. I stumble back a step as Parker towers over me, his broad shoulders taking up the slim entryway and blocking my exit. And it’s my only exit.

I have nowhere to run.

Eyes like green gemstones drift critically down my body, flitting back up to meet my gaze with a demanding look. He cocks his head slightly, the movement so subtle that I wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been standing so close to me. “I want to get a good look at my new bride-to-be.”

Tabitha snorts behind me. I take a few tentative steps back, realizing that I’ve walked right into the lion’s den. Nothing good will happen here.

And since there aren’t any teachers to intervene, I can’t imagine how bad things are going to get.

My throat works overtime to swallow the anxiety expanding in my throat. Parker follows after me with determination, revealing Lev and Tomas behind him. Great, that makes this way better. Animosity floods my vision as I glare at Lev. He could have stopped what was happening in that stairwell. He could have easily convinced his shitty friends that I’m not worth the trouble. His words carry weight. Doesn’t he realize that?

It was right on the tip of his tongue, the argument dancing on his lips just as Soren slipped his cock from my mouth. Everything could have been different. Everything could have been better.

But instead, Lev whipped out his dick.

Emotion wars in his eyes as I continue backing up, seeking to find something—a weapon, a way out, a fucking drink—that could possibly help balance the power scales in this situation. My hand swats to the right in a failed attempt to catch the edge of the table, or the bed that was just here, but all I feel is a strong chest.

A hum of interest vibrates from Soren. “Go on, Ms. Alex. Give us a show.”

Defiance courses through my veins. This can’t be my worth. I’m like a wild animal getting cornered by four—no, five predators. It’s maddening to think that the rest of my life might be like this. Can I reason my way out? Or will that just piss them off even more?

I hear Tabitha scoff. “Can’t be any better than what I have.”

Parker cuts a glare in her direction. “Shut the fuck up, Tabitha.”

Life isn’t so great for her either. She’s never been on top, but she’s always tried to act like the cream of the crop just because she’s with Parker.

“You can’t boss me around anymore,” she retorts. “You broke up with me, remember?”

My eyebrows rise. Well, that’s news. I never thought that would happen.

Parker’s eyes transform into lasers that sear into Tabitha. While he’s distracted, a warm hand snakes between my thighs and scrapes against my panties, causing me to shudder.

“I didn’t get to see what the queen of blue balls is hiding at school,” Soren whispers huskily into my ear. “What gives you the fucking right to deny us what we want?”

Maybe I could start with the fact that none of this is in the realm of consent. I glance between Lev and Tomas, wondering which of them might be more inclined to put an end to this circus. Between the hazel brown eyes of Tomas and the dark brown eyes of Lev, I’m getting nothing but predatory energy. They’re as invested in seeing my body as Parker and Soren.

Soren smooths his hand over my hip. “Don’t make me strip your clothes off.”

“He won’t be nice about it,” Tomas warns. “And that cute little dress would be torn to shreds.”

Soren sucks his teeth. “Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

“You would have to walk through the whole party—naked.”

Parker growls possessively, closing the space between us in two quick strides. Even if it was just him and Soren, I still wouldn’t be able to defend myself. It’s best to strip and get it over with. Better here than on deck. I bite the inside of my cheek, shaky fingers rising to grab the zipper at the base of my neck.

“That’s it,” Soren encourages. “You like showing off, don’t you?”

“Sluts faking innocence usually do,” Tomas reasons in a low voice. “Isn’t that right, Lev?”

Lev remains quiet, jaw flexing as he watches my hands slowly unravel my dress. The zipper is so loud, so threateningly shrill, with their eyes following my every move. Soren breathes hard behind me, the sound broken every so often by a quick slurp from his beer.