He glares at me. “Don’t.”

I swallow his cum.

“You dumb bitch,” he grumbles. “Did you seriously fucking swallow it?”

I squint defiantly up at him, daring him to do something. It’s not like he can get it to come back up. He can fill my mouth all he wants with cum, but I’m not giving him what little control I have left.

He shoves my face, knocking me onto my ass as he stands up to fix his pants.

“Whatever,” he scoffs. “I’m done with you right now.”

I watch him walk toward the open doorway, eyes widening when I spot Soren. That handsome grin quirks the right side of his mouth, humor glittering in his eyes as he stares at me. Did he watch us the whole time? When Parker shuffles past him, he doesn’t break his gaze away, but he cocks his head to say something to his buddy.

I look away, unable to look into Soren’s eyes. So, he can’t be trusted either. Hell, none of them can actually be trusted, but it hasn’t gone over my head that Lev and Tomas aren’t here. They were likely aware of the situation with Tabitha—those boys keep no secrets from each other—and yet they didn’t bother to make an appearance.

So much for Lev protecting me, I think as I shove past Soren. He lied. Tomas, too. They both lied. How the fuck could I be so stupid?

Because I’m desperate and I’ll believe anything.

Even when it’s complete bullshit.


The pier isn’t as busy Tuesday afternoon as I anticipate. While sitting on the dock next to my boat, I hear the floorboards creak and I lift my gaze with a defeated motion to see Evelyn approaching. I smile weakly when she sits next to me and takes off her shoes. The tips of her toes skid the top of the water like mine are doing. I notice her toenails are painted teal.

I point to her feet and then to mine. “Same.”

She glances at my feet. “Well, would you look at that? We could practically be sisters.”

“If only I had sisters.” I frown and then shake my head. “No, actually, I take that back. I wouldn’t want anyone suffering the kind of life I have right now.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I do. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

She gives me a reassuring grin. “I’m all ears, Alex.”

Everything that happened at the abandoned boathouse spills from my lips, much like the undigested pills and whatever food was in my stomach at the time of my overdose. Dirty details spatter the wooden pier, lying out in the open for Evelyn to judge. I’m just hoping the judgment isn’t too terrible.

When I’m done, she takes my hand softly. “Alex, that’s terrible.”

“I swear I’ll find a way out,” I tell her. “For us both. If it’s not Lev, then it’s got to be something else.” I glance at my boat. “We have to get out.”

“I can’t agree with you more.”

I fish a small bottle from my left pocket, the remnants of what Tomas took from me. I was smart enough to set a few pills aside. They help ease the pain.

I shake the bottle toward her. “Want one?”

She shakes her head slowly. “Be careful, Alex. Don’t become the people you hate.”

I hesitate while reaching for the cap. She has a point—and I sort of hate it. The relief these pills bring me is beyond that of an orgasm, far more helpful than what any boy could offer. Even Tomas’s arms don’t compare.

But I don’t want to become a monster.

My journey to the cap resumes and I pluck off the lid, tipping the bottle over the water. The little pills plunk into the lake and disappear into the murky depths below.

“I’m going after those alphas, Evelyn,” I state in a low voice as I flick the bottle away from me. I kick it with the tip of my toe, studying the way it bobs beneath the surface of the water. “I have to bring them down.”