

The double doors squeal as a group of teenagers wander into the homecoming dance. Faded teal green coats the metal doors, their school-like appearance making me think I’m at Macedon High instead of at Thasos. Streamers guard the entrance and balloons bounce along the path leading to it, held tight by colorful string. Pop music blares all around me, the bass booming in my chest as I cross my arms over my breasts.

It’s all so charmingly bright compared to how I feel inside. The thin straps of my gown cut into my flesh as I bow toward the table. All the while, my eyes are hooked on the doors as if Lev is going to make a last-minute appearance in a cute Armani tux with a purple corsage in his hands.

I roll my eyes. As if.

“You keep frowning like that, it’ll get stuck,” Soren teases from my left. I tilt my ear in his direction. “You haven’t even touched your drink. I put something nice in it.”

Vodka—like I want to drink anything he gave me. He might seem like a huge sweetheart to everyone else, but I know him. He’s a fucking snake, and he’s absolutely going to poison me if I let his fangs get under my skin.

“Ms. Alex,” he says. The softened tone prompts me to turn. “I know you’re bored, so why don’t we dance? Demetra has been waving for you to join her for the past like five minutes.”

“Figured you would want to check me first before I go onto the dance floor.”

His pale eyebrows rise with interest. “You offering?”

“Fuck off, Soren.”

He grins, that dazzling movie star smile brightening his oceanic eyes. “One dance.”

“Why would I dance with you?”

“Because I have great moves, sugar.” He winks as he takes my elbow. I’m surprised by his light touch and encouraging grin. He’s usually such a goddamn jerk. Why’s he being nice right now? “Maybe it’ll shake you out of that sour mood.”

Before I can protest, I’m in the middle of the dance floor with Demetra on my right and Soren on my left. Demetra bumps my hip with hers, a playful gesture that causes me to smile bashfully. Soon, the music invades my muscles and draws me into a blissful world of multicolored laser lights, thick fog, and glittering confetti.

But even with the laughter, the dancing, the way Soren rests his hands on my hips as if I’m a person and not an object, my eyes keep floating toward the door.

Abandoned. Like always.

No one can save me from my future. Even if they wanted to do it, they couldn’t.

And that includes Lev.


“Great!” Coach Neill encourages, while holding up her gloved hands. “Again.”

Rearing back my fist and pivoting forward produces a smacking punch that sends her right hand flying back. She nods and shouts for me to punch again, stepping back every so often to reposition us on the glossy gym floor. The bleachers are empty, making the place feel like a ghost town even though the room is stuffy with frustration.

The ghosts of my damn past watching me fail, I think as I land a few more punches. What does Daddy think of me right now?

I shake my head as I land another punch. “How’s punching supposed to help me?”

“It keeps you in shape,” Coach Neill explains. “And it makes it easier to do damage when you need to get away.”

“I still don’t understand how boxing is necessary.”

“The Moretti family isn’t at the center of the criminal enterprise anymore, Alex,” she points out while nodding for me to keep punching. “And if it’s not your family providing for the criminal underworld, then who is it?”

“I don’t know.” Punch. “I guess Lev’s family took over the money laundering.” Smack. “Which leaves Tomas’s family doing all the clean-up stuff.”

She hums in agreement. “Felipe was a charismatic man who pissed off a lot of people. He got a little too cocky with his ability to control the puppets in the underworld. But that’s what happens when you’re Hades, right?”

“I wish it hadn’t happened.” Slam. I drop my hands to my sides, the gloves feeling heavier than they did when she first helped me slip them on. “I hate thinking about it.”