Page 172 of That Last Summer

“Yeah. Be happy forever,” he says, kissing me and making me forget about breakfast and the rest of the world.

And I’m sure we will. Alex makes me happy. Not his love for me. Not our romance. Him. Because it’s not about the concept of love, it’s not the feeling itself that makes us more or less happy. It’s the person; finding that person who makes your life beautiful. And Alex is my person.

We go out to the porch with our coffee and stand leaning against the doorframe, one on each side, our feet touching.

It’s raining. Raining buckets. They said it was raining the day I came into the world too; the sky was cloudy, and that’s not normal for this town. Usually it’s sunny and hot, even in winter, but the day I was born, it rained, just like when my four brothers were born. My mother always says that the five days on which it’s rained the most in the entire history of our town were the days her five children were born.

Today must be the sixth day.

Today, I’ve been reborn.

I love when things go well.

Pristy the Squirrel: With Alex and Priscila.