Page 25 of That Last Summer

“Where are you going?” my friend asks my neighbor.

“Home,” Alex answers without turning around, still walking to a car stopped on the road.

“Ours is on your way. Could you take us home?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Don’t you worry, Jaime, we don’t need Alex taking us. I’m calling Marcos.”

“He’s working,” Alex says with a know-it-all smile, now turning to look at me.

“But it’s Saturday,” Jaime replies.

“There’s no rest days when you’re a GEO and an emergency comes up.”

“See? GEO, no cop,” my friend tells me.

I roll my eyes before saying “I’ll call Adrián then.”

“He’s at the gallery. Something about a leak...” Alex explains.

“Darn. Well, surely River...”

“He had a call from work. They had a computer problem in the building, apparently the servers were down and they couldn’t wait until Monday.”

“I’m sure Hugo...”

“Veterinary emergency. And don’t waste your breath asking anymore questions, Queen of the Desert, I’ll just tell you. Your parents took their car and they’re looking for you around town.”

Okay. We’ve run out of options.

“You can’t leave us here to climb this hellish hill in our condition,” my friend says. “We’ve had eight martinis each. We will never get home.”

“I wasn’t aware that was my problem.”

“You can’t leave your wife helpless,” Jaime insists.

“She is not my wife.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” I murmur, but not low enough, because Alex hears it and walks up to me, pissed off.

“When the hell did I leave you helpless? While you were on a plane to Boston or while you learned to hold your alcohol by binge drinking? I’m fucking amazed that with your mere 110 pounds and eight martinis in your body you haven’t fainted already.”


“Excuse me?”

“You’re leaving me helpless now.”

“You’re not my responsibility anymore. Have a good climb, pair of two.”

Pair of two? What else would a pair be, if not two?

He turns his back on us again and gets into the car, slamming the door.

“He’s... he’s... a jerk!” That’s Jaime, yelling as Alex drives away from us.

I see Alex flipping us the bird through his open window before he disappears around a corner.