Page 113 of That Last Summer

“The bathroom, Adrián,” I insist.

“That was the limit,” he says. “I told him if he was really interested in Hugo he needed to stop with the bullshit.”

“That’s why Hugo was so pissed off when we were playing cards!” River recalls. “You two weren’t in tune and it showed from a mile away.”

“He thought we went to the bathroom to make out. It astonished me at the time, but I can see now it wasn’t just him. Seriously, guys, what were you thinking?”

“That you two were fooling around,” Marcos says.

“I wasn’t fooling around!” Adrián exclaims, defending himself.

“Well, you should have said so, dammit,” Marcos says.

“And have you talked to Hugo about it? Cleared things up?” River asks.

“Of course I have.”


“And he slept with Jaime mere hours after.”

“What?” Marcos exclaims, straightening up in his chair. “Did Hugo tell you?”

“It wasn’t necessary. They wouldn’t have reacted the way they did if nothing had happened. Fuck, where the hell is everybody’s head this summer?”

Exactly what I was thinking. That was totally my line. Anyway, I’m done here, I have something to do. Time for me to go.

“I’m off,” I tell everyone as I get up from my chair.

“Where are you going?” River asks.

I don’t answer. I just turn and head for the exit.

“Where do you think?” Adrián asks. “Where does she always go?”

“To the neighbor’s house,” Marcos says.

Well, yeah, exactly there.

On my way to Alex’s, I realize he has no right to be angry. On the one hand because when I slept with Jaime, he and I were no longer together, and on the other because he’s surely slept with hundreds of women over the years. Maybe even thousands! And I haven’t reproached him anything. I don’t feel like I have the right, even if just thinking about it kills me. How could it not if I love him?

I also realize the real reason why Hugo spent so much time at our parents’ house. Jaime. And there I was, thinking it was because of me!

When I get to the house, I find the gate open and storm towards the pool, where Alex is swimming. I stand at the edge, hands on my hips, waiting for him to come to me. He must have seen me because as soon as he touches the edge, he stops and looks at me.

“You have no right to be jealous, Alex,” I say, pointing my finger at him. “None.”

“Jealous? I’m not jealous.” He gets out of the pool in one graceful movement and faces me. “I’m pissed off because you lied to me again. This morning you were demanding exclusivity while we’re sleeping together, and it turns out you’re having sex with your best friend, who, by the way, you led me to believe was gay.”

“I didn’t make you believe any such thing; that was all on you. Jaime is bisexual. And I’m not sleeping with him; we slept together twice, and it was three years ago. And don’t try to convince me that you haven’t been with other women in all this time because I won’t believe you. Do you want to know how many guys I’ve been with?” I don’t let him answer. “Three, including him.”

“So, your friend is bisexual?” he asks, shaking his hair dry. He seems stuck on that bit of information alone. But at least he looks less angry now, more... cheerful.

“Yes, and after you slammed the pub door, we found out that he slept with my brother Hugo. With Hugo, Alex!”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Alex grabs a towel from a hammock and dries himself off with it.