Page 110 of That Last Summer

So here we are, the six of us, as uncomfortable as if we were sitting on spikes and barely uttering a word. We drink and look at each other from time to time. I have the feeling there are more storms raging in my brothers’ heads than in mine, and it’s confusing me. Is there something going on with them too? Something I don’t know?

In one of the many unconcealed glances between us, a familiar voice—too familiar—greets us from the left.

“Well, well, look what we have here, the whole Cabana family on a bright Sunday day drinking beer. It’s been a long time since I’ve witnessed such a sight.”

“You were the only one missing,” Hugo says, standing up to get a chair. He makes room for Alex to sit between him and River.

I take a quick glance at Adrián, just enough to see the disgust on his face. He doesn’t hide it either. He can’t stand Alex. Even less now probably, after my confession. Then I look at Alex, who doesn’t miss the tension surrounding us and touches his foot to mine under the table.

Oh, jeez. This situation is surreal. And the tension is getting stronger by the minute. I think the only way to end this is to get up and break away from each other. Or at least split up into groups.

I’m hurt, by Adrián and the shitty circumstances that surround us; Adrián is hurt because I won’t accept his girlfriend. With Alex, I’m confused, and Adrián is angry with him; Alex is angry with the world in general—and with me in particular, although he also wants no strings attached sex; River is more taciturn than usual, and Marcos is very quiet. Very quiet. Marcos is never quiet. Hugo and Jaime are exchanging weird looks. So weird.

“And where’s Catalina?” Alex asks River.

Hmm, true. I hardly see my sister-in-law lately. And that’s weird too.

“Who cares?” my brother says with disdain. Feigned disdain. That’s quite obvious. And I realize then that his problem is precisely that: his wife.

“Are you two all right?” Alex insists.

“Fucking fantastic. Can we talk about something else? How’s the wedding going, Marcos?” River asks.

“Fucking fantastic. Can we talk about something else? How’s work, Hugo? Is there a problem? You look distracted.”

Distracted? Hugo? I didn’t notice. Since when? Hugo is the most focused person in the universe. More focused than the imaginary axis around which the Earth revolves.

“Eh, no, work’s fine. No problem.”

“Really? What is it then?” Marcos insists.

“What is... what?”

“Why are you so unfocused?

“I’m not. Don’t try to cover up your odd behavior with me.”

“I’m not behaving oddly.”

“Yes, you are.”

Like in Game of the Goose, Marcos jumps from Hugo to Adrián. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Don’t you have anything to tell us?”


“That’s funny since I think you’re the one with the most to say.”

“Bite me.”

And just when I think things can’t get any worse, Alex says, “Hey, have you heard the latest town gossip?” I think the poor guy is just trying to avoid the apocalypse his innocent question about Catalina has provoked.

My first thought is that he’s going to drop the bomb about us and for a moment I stiffen, but I quickly dismiss the idea.

“What gossip?” River asks, happy to finally find a topic that will get us out of the black hole we’re in.