Page 50 of A Deviant Queen

“You really are something, Mila.” He trails his hand down my cheek. “Your confidence and your beauty. You intimidate the hell out of me, and I am sorry I didn’t show you a better time tonight.”

I smile, more at how easily I can wrap him around my corrupted little finger than his words. Grabbing onto his shirt, I pull him back to my lips and push his body backward until his back hits the pillar on the gazebo.

Our kisses become hungry. Collins removes my vest while I go to work on his pants. Panting, he pulls away once again.

“Are you sure?” He asks, holding my hand still at his belt buckle. “We don’t have to do this here.”

He is giving me an out, and, as much as I want to take it, I can’t ruin any progress I’ve made by bringing his doubt back to the forefront. Without responding, I trail my hands up and remove his shirt.

Collins isn’t ugly, and he certainly wasn’t out of shape. He might even be a catch if he had a sense of style. But even so, the six-pack abs hiding under his clothes are nothing to gawk at.

His unexpectedly fit body makes me wonder if he has a monster dick lying dormant between his thighs. Then I realize I haven’t noticed it poking me, so it’s broken, or I’m about to be really fucking disappointed.

Curious, I go back to work on his pants, pushing them down. Bending at my knees, I suck in a breath when greeted with a pair of spaceship boxers.

What in the actual fuck?

“Spaceships, huh?” I snicker.

Collins scrambles and pulls his pants back up, securing the button.

That’s fucking embarrassing.

Standing, I bite my lip to suppress the laughter, fighting to escape. Saved by the spaceships, I guess.

“I didn’t think this would happen,” Collins sputters. “Haven’t had a chance to do laundry.”

“You know I can arrest you both for indecent exposure?” The deep, familiar voice drawls behind me.

Collins’s head snaps up, and I turn to meet that handsome smug bastard’s stupid face.

“A little below your pay grade, am I right?” I volley, crossing my arms and popping out my hip.

I can hear Collins rushing to put his clothes back together behind me. I’m relieved that I don’t have to sit on anyone’s dick tonight between embarrassment and Brenner's impeccable timing. At least no one I don’t want to.

When he comes to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes narrow in on my chest. I feel a hand snake possessively around my waist as Collins comes to my side and pulls me close.

Brenner slowly trails his gaze to meet mine, his smile growing bigger. He thinks he ruined our moment.

“Problem?” I grind out.

He slowly licks his bottom lip and winks. “Not at all, love. Not. At. All.”

I watch the movement and remember the smell of wine and leather when he was mere inches from my face recently.

“Mila,” Collins says from beside me, pulling me from my thoughts. “I need to speak with Liam. Can I call you tomorrow? Set something up for a different day.”

Turning to him, I kiss his cheek, then bend down and grab my top from the ground. I unintentionally gave Brenner a view of my ass from the pained groan behind me. My spine snaps up, and I redress.

Pulling Collins down to my level, I kiss him slowly while the other man glares lasers into the back of my skull.

“Put your dog on a leash before I take a whip to him,” I speak just loud enough for Brenner to overhear me, kissing Collins on the cheek once more for good measure, then saunter down the steps.

“Hope to hear from you soon, Bastian.”

Brenner tries to catch my eyes as I pass, but the only attention I offer him is my shoulder to his chest. The big bastard barely moves, but I don’t need him to.

“Cock block,” I mutter without glancing back.