Page 23 of A Deviant Queen

I scoff at him, knowing damn well his silent message means he will lay into me when he has Dad at his back. That’s fine, I’ll just push his buttons a bit. Daddy won’t do shit but play referee if I try to kill his precious heir.

“Tell me why I couldn’t seduce Brenner? He seems like much more fun to play with.” I smirk as Donovan whips around to face me, nearly dropping his phone out of his hands.

“We won’t discuss anything on the streets, Malia. You already risked enough tonight with your impulsive, bullshit attitude. Get the fuck in the car.”

As I reel my fist back, my brother’s eyes widen; he knows he fucked up. The power’s going to his head. I won’t be bossed around by my little brother, even if he’s higher on the hierarchy chain than I am. Fuck that. He tries to duck, but my fist flies too quickly, smashing hard into his nose.

Blood rushes down his face while he throws curses at me, narrowing his gaze and ending with an irritated groan.

“Serves you right. Now, get the fuck in the car, little brother. I’ll drive while you doctor your broken nose.”

I bat my eyes at him and giggle before I saunter away in amusement. I slip into the driver’s side, waiting for Donovan to gather his bearings before he can settle himself. I make a show of adjusting my lipstick while waiting.

“Let’s just go home,” Donovan grinds out.

“Buckle up, buttercup. Hate to watch my precious little brother fly out of the window.” I cackle, hitting the gas, peeling out of the parking lot as Donovan scrambles to buckle himself in.

The drive is quiet aside from the roaring motor of the Ferrari encasing us. The Omen Mansion is located on the outskirts of DC, tucked away on the border of Virginia. This gives us the ability to be away from people, with high security and plenty of acreage to stay hidden.

Daddy keeps a lot of stock at home for in-home business deals. They’re rare, but it allows me the opportunity to play with all the pretty weapons, too.

“We chose Collins because it will be easier to pull you if shit goes south. Getting into bed with Brenner is more trouble than it’s worth. You’ll be close enough to do what you need to do, then slip away like the little ghost you’re good at being. Based on our research, Brenner would be harder to pursue a relationship with, and Collins is more likely to look for something long-term. We won’t get anywhere if Brenner only looks at you as a hit-it and quit-it. One and done won’t be enough to get all or any of the information we need from him.”

“Sounds like you’re doubting my abilities again, little brother.”

“You’re fucking impossible.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

With a snort, then a grunt of pain, Donovan shifts his focus outside his window. We pull up to the gate that secures our property from the outside world, and I let the window roll down as the security guard scrambles out of his post to saunter our way.

“Miss Olin, out causing trouble?” He purrs, straightening his stance, attempting to look like a four-course meal instead of a happy meal.

“Christ,” Donovan groans next to me. “We can’t even come to our own house without someone trying to fuck you.”

This guard has been working for my Dad for years. I’ve never taken the time to get his name, and he certainly isn’t up to my standards in the fuck department. Just add shallow to my list of charming qualities. He doesn’t seem like the type of man to have the balls for this type of work.

His endless subtle attempts of dicking me down, added to his staying in his position as a front-gate security guard, tells me he’s only here for a chance to fuck me into oblivion. The things men will do for pussy—it’s sad, really. Who knows, maybe the fucker is getting down with my mother.

“You know it,” I say with a wink. He smiles and enters the code with hearts in his eyes to open the gate. I giggle and slam my foot down, sending Donovan back into his seat with an audible thud.

“Fucking hell, you’re going to fuck my engine up.”

“Oh, boo,” I tease. “Let’s see what you say if I take it out racing.”

“I’ll burn everything you fucking own,” he says horrifically.

I burst into a fit of laughter while Donovan shoots me an arrogant smirk with a glint in his eye.

We pull up to the front of the mansion, and I step out of the car, letting Donovan take his treasure to the garage and whisper sweet nothings to it after my abuse. I make a beeline to the control room, bypassing the questions and looks from wanderers in the halls.

I’m not about to gloat over the success of tonight’s mission. Shit was done so fucking recklessly on tech’s end. I’m out for blood. Breckin and Hazel stand by the table, still shooting the shit, waiting on my return. Breckin’s eyes snap to me as I storm into the room and step into them, ready to roll heads.

“Have you two lost your fucking minds?” I yell.

Hazel whips around like I just manifested myself from thin air, having been completely unaware of my presence and consumed in her conversation.

“I wanted you in this, but if you’re going to be a fucking distraction, you can fuck right off, Breckin.”