Page 114 of A Deviant Queen

I back away, putting enough distance between myself and both of my parents, observing as my dad glares at my mother while she sucks in desperate breaths.

Tawny straightens, rubbing at her already bruising neck. “I am your mother, Malia Alya Olin,” she rasps out.

Dad shoots her a long, leveled look at the way she puts mockery to my middle name. I know who Alya is to him, and I know why I carry that name. He might have stopped me from killing her a moment ago, but he looks like he might carry out the deed himself. Tawny’s eyes bounce between my father and me, assessing the danger.

“You may have helped bring me into this world, and some of your blood may run through my veins, but the only mother I know is Saria Castello,” I volley back.

Dad’s jaw has formed a knot from how tight it’s set, as his fists clench at his sides. She won’t earn any favors from him if she continues to speak ill of Alya Turner. It’s rare to see my dad lose control, and this woman is staring at two hungry wolves right now. Unlucky for me, the bitch is smart and snaps her mouth shut.

“Since we’re all gathered here, how about you answer some questions?” I say, looking between them. “Both of you.”

Dad forces his gaze to me, and I watch some of his tension melt away when he looks at me. Neither object, so I continue.

“Tawny has been fucking around with an agent, feeding him information, but I guess you know that, don’t you, Daddy?”

All the color drains from Tawny’s face when my dad looks at her again. I have never seen him look at someone with such disdain in my life. The man of masks, almost always impassive, now wears one with so much disgust, betrayal, and hurt.

He is not hurt by his wife's cheating. That’s not a shock to any of us.

He is hurt because he gave up someone he loved that wasn’t destined to be his, a woman not meant for this life. Hurt because the man is so faulted in his strict loyalty and word that he has never stepped out of their marriage. All the memories of everything he’s endured, what I’ve endured because of this woman.

“I knew she found a weak spot in security and got out,” he admits, focusing back on me. “I continued to allow it because it kept her away from me and kept her away from you. Tawny is too much of a coward to tuck her tail and run and too selfish to let go of her precious status.”

I shrug.

“But not cowardly enough not to plot against me in hopes of pitting Liam and me against each other. That, maybe, my betrayal would set him off enough to kill me for her.”

Dad’s eyes furrow as he puts the pieces together. Tawny lets out a choked laugh.

“Are you going to tell her about Liam, or should I?” she taunts, then turns to face me. “Or what about you, Malia? Were you going to tell your precious ‘daddy’ that Liam was falling in love with you as much as you were him?”

She waves a dismissive hand.

“You’re a fool for thinking things would be different, Nathaniel, and I can’t wait to watch it all blow up in your fucking face.”

I pull my gun, unlocking the safety and aiming it between her beady, blue eyes. Dad puts his palm up, signaling me to stop, but I press back the hammer, waiting for him to give me another order not to follow.

“She has information we need, Malia.”

Dad turns his attention to my mother, slowly circling her as my weapon remains steady and still aimed at the spot between her eyes.

“Remember Martinez, Tawny?” My hand falters at the revelation, and I lower my gun.

He stops behind her and jerks his chin. Oren and Breckin enter the room. I have been so focused on my parents I hadn’t noticed their lingering presence.

“No?” He leans into Tawny’s ear as the boys each grab an arm. “Enjoy your new room in the basement, darling.” Dad steps back, and we watch Breckin and Oren haul my mother out of the room, kicking and screaming.

He walks over to me and places his hands over my gun, releasing the hammer and clicking the safety back on. I secure it back into my waistline and meet the eyes that mirror mine. Pressing his forehead to mine, he wraps a hand around the back of my neck to keep me in place, demanding I listen.

“Things are happening bigger than us, baby girl,” Dad says. “Things that have been in motion for decades. I never have nor will I ever do anything that is not in your best interest.”

I pull away, refusing to look at him any longer. I focus on the hand that drops to his side when I reject his comfort.

“Your secrets could have gotten Liam killed.” I shake my head. “They could have gotten me hurt, Dad.”

Not allowing him to get another word in, I stalk off. Breckin is waiting outside, leaning against my car when I step into the frosty evening air. Snow is falling, a light dusting already covering the grass.

He pushes off my car when I reach the bottom step.