Page 78 of A Deviant Queen

“Boss, this isn’t your fault,” the unknown agent offers. I don’t know where he saw grievance in Liam, but I sure as shit didn’t.

“Oh, I fucking know it’s not,” Liam grumbles, the shock from having a gun to his head quickly replaced by annoyance. “She should have called for backup, and we could’ve finished what we came here to fucking do.”

“Agent Leger grabbed one of The Omen’s men. He wandered off to take a piss where Leger was staking out. Snatched him up and has him in the van,” Oren says.

“All the more reason to get a move on. Let’s go. I have shit to do that I shouldn’t have pushed off.” Liam says to his men with finality, stalking off into the woods toward the direction of their vehicles.

I hold back a groan, knowing exactly what Liam meant. I needed to get home and get this blood showered off before he tries to play take-backsies on his rain check. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out. My dad’s face flashes on the screen; clearly, he saw me on surveillance. Pressing the red decline button, I stuff it back in my pocket and stand up, throwing the rifle back over my shoulder so I can make my move home.

“That was my brother you killed,” a deep voice growls from behind me as my foot reaches the ground.

“You as dumb as him?” I smirk, facing the bald man stalking toward me, who bears a strong resemblance to the fucker who held a gun to Liam’s head.

“Fuck you, bitch,” Baldy spits. “I’ll snap that puny little neck of yours.”

Cackling, I reach down and pull one of my knives from my thigh sheath. Flipping it up and catching it by the blade, making a show of it. His steps falter a few feet in front of me.

“Your brother went against orders,” I say, catching the blade once more and meeting the man’s hard glare.

“The fuck are you?” He snorts.

“Not in the mood for pleasantries,” I say, observing my knife before sending it through the air.

I give myself a little clap when it buries into the bald man’s throat.

“Just as stupid,” I say after my small celebration.

I walk over and pull my knife from his throat, placing it back into my sheath. Blood spurts from the wound, and Baldy claws at his neck. I cock my head to the side, letting him get a good look at me.

“Ouch,” I pout.

Offering him a chuckle, I saunter off, beginning my trek back through the woods so I can get the fuck home. I’ll have to deal with the rest of these fuckers later.