Page 73 of A Deviant Queen

“And now he has nearly bled out,” I say. “Finish him and have someone dispose of him, dick and all, then get this place cleaned up. He is no use to us an inch from death, anyway. I will keep working on the twins; I think they are breaking.”

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to look at the screen. Reading the display, I walk out of the room, securing the door behind me. Donovan will be busy for a few minutes, and he can’t hear me from inside the room.

“We have a problem,” Director Rene says, skipping all pleasantries.

“Hello, to you too, old friend. What is it now?” I know the only reason he would call me is something to do with Liam. I was trying to avoid this, but I wanted the director to be in the loop of what was going on if something needed to bypass my children and come to me directly.

Director Rene was involved in the incident all those years ago with Martinez.

“Liam is gathering a team tonight, and he plans on busting in on your boys. Denying his request would make him suspect me, Nate,” he says.

“Persistent boy, just like his father.”

The director snorts in agreement.

“I’ll make sure it’s only low-level men there to handle the shipment. The last thing I need is someone important getting taken in. Thanks, Rene.”

“There’s been some things going on between him and Bastian. Your plan was good until it wasn’t. I think it’s—”

“Malia,” I cut him off.

He hums his agreement. “Perhaps you should come clean.”

One thing I will not do is come clean. I made a promise to Joseph Brenner when he was dying in my arms. He didn’t want the darkness of this world to infect his son. It is a promise I intend to keep, so if keeping the truth from him is the only way to keep it, then so be it.

“You do not say a goddamn word to anyone. Joey did not want him involved in the business so he will stay in the dark about it for as long as possible. Let him think I killed Joey and Nadya.”

I pause, their names thick on my tongue. Taking a deep breath, I blow out hard before continuing.

“As long as he is gunning for my head, we can keep him safe. I owe them that much.”

“He’s a smart kid, Nate. He’s going to find out.”

“Then he finds out, but if he does, then it will be on his own. If Liam wants the truth, I will give it to him, but only if he asks me for it.”

“It’s not your fault what happened all those years ago.”

Rene stops talking for a moment, hoping I will concede and put a band-aid over the shit that happened so long ago.

“What about Malia and Donovan? Don’t you think they’ll find out? They should know—”

“With all due respect, Director, I know what is best for my children. I cannot risk them knowing, sparking their memories. Perhaps I have underestimated the bond Malia and Liam had as children, but they were so young then.”

I pause, lost in a memory of my two kids, Donovan, age four, and Malia, only five, causing havoc in my home with a then seven-year-old Liam.

Liam asked me if he could marry Malia when they were older, and she punched him in the face in response. I chuckle at the thought, forgetting I am on the phone.

“I understand, but this will blow up in our faces,” Rene sighs loudly on the other end. I hang up, not wanting to continue the conversation.

EVENING COMES AT A snail’s pace. I asked Donovan and Breckin to meet me in my office when the cleanup is finished, but it’s closing in on the time the boys would be getting ready to handle the shipment.

I already have men assigned to handle tonight. Loyal low-level criminals who know nothing more than necessary to make the business run smoothly. Liam wouldn’t have a thing should they catch any of the men tonight. On the other hand, him snatching Breckin or Donovan would bring attention that I do not want or need.

With Martinez running rampant and inching into my territory, I cannot afford to lose time or have either of my children distracted by legal problems.

Finally, Donovan and Breckin walk into my office dressed in tactical gear, prepared to handle tonight’s shipment. They must have waited to come to speak to me before heading out, thinking I would most likely reprimand them for something. If they are in a time crunch, they will not have to listen to me for long.

Once Donovan takes over, he will no longer have to be involved in our shipments physically. We have men for that, but with his training, I want him fully involved, so he knows the ins and outs of how things are supposed to work.